The gothic subculture is a contemporary subculture found in many countries. It began in United kingdom during the early 1980s in the rock gothic scene. The gothic subculture has survived much longer than others of the same era. The gothic subculture has associated tastes in music, aesthetics, and fashion, whether or not all individuals who share those tastes are in fact members of the gothic subculture. Gothic music encompasses a number of different styles: death rock, punk, androgynous...
By the late 1970s there were a few post-punk bands called “gothic”. However, it was not until the early 1980s that gothics rock became its own subgenre within post-punk, and that followers of these bands started to come together as a distinctly recognizable movement. Independent for the British scene, the late 1970s and early1980s saw death rock branch off from American Punk.
The bands that began the gothic rock and deathrock scene were limited in number. Some bands: Bauhaus, Specimen, 45Grave, The cure, Dead Can Dance,Evanescence,… (you can try in youtube)
Defining an explicit ideas for the gothic subculture is difficult for several reasons. First, it is the overwhelming importance of mood and aesthetic for those involved. This is, in part, inspired by romanticism and neoromanticism. During the late 18th and 19th century, feelings of horror, and supernatural dread were widespread motifs in popular literature.
Goth Fashion is stereotyped as a dark, sometimes morbid eroticized fashion and styles of dress. Typical gothic fashion includes dyed black hair, dark eyeliner, black finger nails, black period-styled clothing; gothics may or not may have piercings.
The Goth subculture has influenced different artist - not only musicians – but also painters and photographers. In particular their work is based on mystic, morbid and romantic motives.In photography and painting the spectrum varies from erotic artwork to romantic images of vampires or ghosts. To the present is a marked preference for dark colours and sentiments,similar to Gothic fiction, or Art Nouveau. In the Fine Art field, Anne Sudworth is a well known gothic artist with her dark, nocturnal works and strongs Gothic imagery. Some of the graphic artist closed to Goth are: Gerald Brom, Nene Thomas, Luis Royo, Dave Mckean, Victoria Francés...
In particular aesthetic elements from Catholicism play a major role in the Gothic culture. The reasons for dressing with this imagery vary between individuals, and includes an expression of religious affiliation, satire, or simply decorative effect. Gothics are often stereotyped as Satanists. However, this is misleading, the true Gothic Satanists rarely have trends.
Aesthetics: edertasuna widespread motifs: zabaldutako gaiak, ezaugarriak, apaingariak satire. Branch: mota,… Marked preference: ezaugarri edo joera nagusia Tasted: frogatuta. Trends: joerak Dyed: tintatua Distinctly recognizable: ezagungarri neoromanticism: neoromantizismoa
Mood:humor misleading:engañoso explicit: explicito levelled:nivelado encompasses :abarca death rock:musica sobre la muerte finger nails:uñas followers:partidario,seguidor.. whether:sinonimo de si androgynous Dressing:vendaje Overwhelming:abrumador,aplastante morbid affiliation:afiliación mórbida satire