It is the condition that hinders good health, caused by inadequate or unbalanced food intake or from poor absorption of food consumed. It refers to under nutrition and over nutrition.
The result of prolonged low levels of food consumed. It’s related to energy deficiency, but may also relate to vitamin and mineral deficiencies due to the lack of nutrients in the body.
1 in 10 Infants die within the first 12 months of life 1 in 5 children suffer from chronic malnutrition 1 in 10 children suffers from severe malnutrition 50% of children have a calcium, iron and zinc deficiency 75% of South Africans, have inadequate access to food More than 1 in 5 children are physically stunted due to malnutrition.
Undernourished mother Undernourished baby Undernourished baby Undernourished child Undernourished adult Infant mortality Undernutrition Cycle
Result of excessive food intake in relation to energy requirements. T h e r e a r e d i f f e r e n t t y p e s o f o v e r n u t r i t i o n
NormalOverweightMorbid Severe Obese
There are many TV shows for this problem, in which they make the life of this people change and making them understand they had a problem, so they do exercise, eat healthy, etc.But sometimes they fell like all the others are making fun of them and also because they are too exposed so sometimes it more difficult for them
Every child should have a balanced diet to prevent infection and disease. It ‘important that the child’s diet should be of good quality and sufficient quantity. If your diet is deficient in nutrients and energy, may adversely affect his weight gain and body growth. Child’s diet should provide protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in sufficient quantities.