Assessment of Unionid Refuges Procedures (draft)
Research questions 1.What environmental parameters are specific to unionid refuges in the lower Great Lakes? 2.What are the diversity and densities of unionid populations in these refuges?
Methods The 23 known refuges in Lake St. Clair and Lake Erie will be surveyed. Need to divide by state groups, and have a leader (or leaders) for each group
PA – 2 - Presque Isle, and Conneaut Cr?? NY – 2+ - Cattaraugus Cr, Tonawanda Cr, + Ontario refuges site refuge! Michigan – 4 - Lake St. Clair, Monroe PP, Luna Pier, Indian Creek Bay Ohio – 15 – (start – Bayshore, finish - Grand R Mouth)
Organization 2-3 leaders (PI) per each state – MI – Dave, Matt (DTE), Don – OH – Ferenc, Mike, Bob – PA – Mary, Beth – NY – Lyuba, Sasha the leaders & PI will be responsible for developing methods and sampling protocols, permissions the leaders (and their students) will participate in surveys in other states
Organization Draft protocols will be sent to all participants for discussion in March – sampling protocol – sheet for biological data collection – sheet for abiotic data collection – sheet for genetic tissue collection All protocols/sheets will be developed by June Additional meeting by smaller group to finalize the methods (May) Training joint sampling on 2-3 different coastal and river sites (Maumee, Monroe PP, Ottawa, Sandusky?) in mid to late June
Organization The join sampling will finalize the methods/protocols/data collection sheets Each team should make sampling schedule and send to everyone Sampling – July-August (June-September)? Additional sampling will be done in summer 2012 (on predicted sites in Lake Erie & Ontario)
Coastal refuges surveys: Methods 1.T imed-search will be conducted at each site to determine the presence of unionids. – Time search will be proportional to the area of the site (same TS per site (hectare ?) – Every team will make maps and determine the sites, and provide the number of sampling sites – If a live mussel found, mark with the stake for future transect – if no mussels found the time search, the site will be ab. 2.Q uantitative search of the substrate either visually or by touch or by touch everywhere? – transects run parallel to the shore (following depths lines?) – snorkeling in shallow water (using rakes?), and SCUBA etc in deeper water – need to cooperate on diving procedures and policies
Coastal refuges surveys: Methods – A metal rebar stake will then mark the position of a unionid and a 4.55 m line will be attached to the stake. – Using the 4.55 m line as a guide, a search for unionids will be conducted by swimming in concentric circles around the stake in an inward direction until the entire area (65 m 2 ) has been covered – 1 diver, 1 recorder 4.55 m
Coastal Refuges Surveys: Transects 200 m long first started at the point where the first mussel was found next 2 – at regular intervals? 5-10 “stake and rope” sampling plots on each transect. number of plots will depend on mussel density – less if no mussels found later? 200 m
Divers?? CMU – 4 BSC – 3 Kent – 1 PA Cons – 5 DTE – 3 Total – 15? Diving policies
Coastal Refuges Surveys: To reveal successful reproduction and recruitment, we will excavate and sift through a sieve at least m 2 quadrats only in areas where a sufficient density of mussels is found (>0.1 m -2 ). sieve size 6.4 mm (1/4 inch) and ½ inch (will check) need to buy similar sifts for each crew
Refuge Assessment Surveys: Seiche method (Todd) We will use time-searches and, if possible, area-searches during the time-restricted seiche events As soon as the event happens (or be predicted), a group of available participants will collect for sampling Sampling Protocol is needed - Todd Need to buy/rent snowshoes?
Refuge Assessment Surveys: coastal rivers In rivers, we will do targeted surveys and collections for species in common with those collected in nearby coastal refuges. Timed-search Will do join sampling on 1-2 rivers to establish common protocol Need to record timed-search effort Need to decide if we collect only common or all species Need to develop methods for unified full surveys where needed (on un- or under-surveyed unionid populations)
Refuge Assessment Surveys: biological data Unionids: all live mussels found will be identified to species sexed where possible shell lengths and weight will be measured in the field. females will be checked to determine if they are gravid (brooding larvae) evidence of past dreissenid infestation (byssal threat cover) will be documented animals will be returned to the water alive (with any infesting dreissenid mussel removed), and placed carefully into the substrate from which they were taken. Dreissenid mussels infesting the unionid shells: will be removed from the shell and weighed, labeled (with unio species and length, transect & plot #) and send (in alcohol) to Buffalo State (Lyuba & Sasha) should we record Dreissena densities?? categorical??
Refuge Assessment Surveys: genetic analysis David will develop methods and protocol his students will be at each sampling event to collect the data
Refuge Assessment Surveys: Abiotic data Abiotic parameters that we will record from all sites: – location (GPS, name of the bay, road, etc) – dominant substrate type (at each plot, in %) (Bedrock; Large Boulders >45 cm; Boulders > cm; Cobble > cm; Gravel > mm; Sand mm; Mud/Silt <0.06 mm) – depths (at each plot), – water temperature, pH, conductivity, turbidity (at 3 points at each site) – depth of soft sediments (measure with a stick, device? - at 3 points at each site or at each point, depending on complexity of measurement ) – % macrophyte overgrowth (visual) submerged and emergent (species)
Coastal Refuge Surveys: current threats record anything visible sediment disturbance (filling, grading, removal of vegetation, building construction etc), pollution, watershed development
Refuge Assessment Surveys: Abiotic data At each site: make and install Jessica’s device to measure water levels and variation in water levels, PVC settlement plates (6 per each refuge) installed in May or June until September-October