9. Experiencing God in Daily Life Psalm 16 (p 505)


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Presentation transcript:

9. Experiencing God in Daily Life Psalm 16 (p 505)

Joy... Living in JOY 1 Pet 1:8... you are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy... Isa 35: everlasting joy will crown their heads... Rom 14:17Kingdom of God... righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit Gal 5:22... fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,... The importance of the power of God (1 Cor 2:4-5; 1 Ths 1:4-5)  A form of godliness without power (2 Tim 3:5)  Joy that supersedes our circumstances (2 Cor 6:4-10)

1. Joy & Righteousness Righteousness – right living, making right choices.  A consequence of being citizens of the Kingdom of God (Rom 14:17)  Making our Joy complete (John 15:9-11) Psalm 16 – a psalm of confidence  A firm assurance for all who “take refuge” in God (v 1)  What is your refuge? Where do you put your trust?  What does your lifestyle say? (v 2)  When we try to hedge our bets we will find joy elusive!

1. Joy & Righteousness... You assign my portion and cup; you show me the path of life (v 5, 11)  When God is our refuge  When we realize we have no good thing apart from Him  When we walk in the path of life He has laid out for us THEN we will be filled with JOY Some Practicalities:  It starts with making God our refuge (v 1)

1. Joy & Righteousness... Some Practicalities:  It starts with making God our refuge (v 1)  Being smart about who we associate with (v 3, 4)  Be careful which way influence is flowing – to God or away from God?  Living in Thankfulness (v 5, 6)  David’s inheritance in the Promised Land – it is “pleasant”, “delightful”, “secure”  Media today tries to make us discontent - We need to recapture our thankfulness.  Keeping our eyes always on the Lord (v 7, 8)  “When your words came I ate them, they were my joy...” (Jer 15:16)  There is no other soul food!

2. Joy & Peace What happens when we put our trust in God? (v 8-11)  In the Shalom [peace, wellbeing] of God we have peace in our souls  We are unshakable, glad, rejoicing, secure, filled with joy. Fullness of the promises here applied to Jesus –  By Peter (Acts 2:25-28) and Paul (Acts 13:35)  He is “the firstborn from among the dead” (Col 1:18) Our ultimate end – eternal pleasures at God’s right hand (v 11)

Righteousness, Peace & Joy You cannot pursue Joy But if you pursue God and his ways with all your heart Joy will pursue you