9. Experiencing God in Daily Life Psalm 16 (p 505)
Joy... Living in JOY 1 Pet 1:8... you are filled with an inexpressible and glorious joy... Isa 35: everlasting joy will crown their heads... Rom 14:17Kingdom of God... righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit Gal 5:22... fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,... The importance of the power of God (1 Cor 2:4-5; 1 Ths 1:4-5) A form of godliness without power (2 Tim 3:5) Joy that supersedes our circumstances (2 Cor 6:4-10)
1. Joy & Righteousness Righteousness – right living, making right choices. A consequence of being citizens of the Kingdom of God (Rom 14:17) Making our Joy complete (John 15:9-11) Psalm 16 – a psalm of confidence A firm assurance for all who “take refuge” in God (v 1) What is your refuge? Where do you put your trust? What does your lifestyle say? (v 2) When we try to hedge our bets we will find joy elusive!
1. Joy & Righteousness... You assign my portion and cup; you show me the path of life (v 5, 11) When God is our refuge When we realize we have no good thing apart from Him When we walk in the path of life He has laid out for us THEN we will be filled with JOY Some Practicalities: It starts with making God our refuge (v 1)
1. Joy & Righteousness... Some Practicalities: It starts with making God our refuge (v 1) Being smart about who we associate with (v 3, 4) Be careful which way influence is flowing – to God or away from God? Living in Thankfulness (v 5, 6) David’s inheritance in the Promised Land – it is “pleasant”, “delightful”, “secure” Media today tries to make us discontent - We need to recapture our thankfulness. Keeping our eyes always on the Lord (v 7, 8) “When your words came I ate them, they were my joy...” (Jer 15:16) There is no other soul food!
2. Joy & Peace What happens when we put our trust in God? (v 8-11) In the Shalom [peace, wellbeing] of God we have peace in our souls We are unshakable, glad, rejoicing, secure, filled with joy. Fullness of the promises here applied to Jesus – By Peter (Acts 2:25-28) and Paul (Acts 13:35) He is “the firstborn from among the dead” (Col 1:18) Our ultimate end – eternal pleasures at God’s right hand (v 11)
Righteousness, Peace & Joy You cannot pursue Joy But if you pursue God and his ways with all your heart Joy will pursue you