East Boulevard Pedscape – Scott Avenue to Kings Drive April 6, 2005
Issues to Discuss Tonight 1.Introduction 2.East Blvd. Pedscape Background & Status Update 3.Why consider a 3-lane option? 4.Review 3-lane traffic model 5.Project Budget & Schedule (Proposed) 6.Project Implementation 7.Breakout Session and Questions
1) Introduction City of Charlotte staff: CDOT – Dan Gallagher, Debbie Self, Josh Saak CMPC – Kent Main Engineering – Eric Bilsky
2) East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background Tree-lined avenue Pedestrians activity sidewalks Sidewalk cafés and public art Comfortable for bikes, peds, transit users and motorists Pedestrian-oriented new development mixed with historic fabric
East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background and Implementation Segment
3 crashes: ped (2) bike (1) 11 crashes: ped (4) bike (7) East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background
What we know about this area… Current corridor is not consistent with vision Not pedestrian-friendly but lots of pedestrians High travel speeds – wide range of speeds (44 mph) 21,400 vpd….lots of slaloming Difficult to cross street High level of bike/pedestrian accidents Minimal congestion (few traffic signals)
Will occur over time… East Boulevard Pedscape Plan Vision & Background
Are the “original” Pedestrian Islands with 4- lane East Boulevard the best that we can do? Only 2 islands (Floral/Fountain View and at Cumberland/Garden Terrace) Requires costly ROW because 4-lanes Eliminates planting strip (exchanges one ped element for another) Will block some driveways Will not reduce high travel speeds Cannot include ped-refuge islands east of Cumberland Avenue - (Freedom Park)
3) How can we accommodate your vision….with a 3-lane option for this segment? More consistent with corridor vision Better utilization of roadway space, is more compatible with adjacent land uses and can include better/more pedestrian islands. Will accommodate East Boulevard traffic and maintain “Dilworth friendly” travel speeds Should reduce accidents and severity of accidents Video description
Why consider a 3-lane option for this segment cont’d? Eliminates higher speed, aggressive travel and “slaloming” down the street. Will provide more locations for pedestrian refuge islands (up to 5) Will reduce impacts on adjacent properties (no ROW, no driveways blocked) Can be implemented more quickly than original proposal because 3-laning can be done within the existing curbs.
Why consider a 3-lane section now? Provides a near-term opportunity to “re-think” the 4-lane section. Proposed 4-lane section with ped refuge islands will not fully accomplish the desired vision. Moderate travel speeds in near-term…most prudent driver….and on Dilworth’s terms. Bike lanes in the near term provides benefits to motorists, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Can the 3-lane section include ped-refuge islands? Yes, and they can be wider, landscaped and create a more desirable pedestrian treatment….and more of them. Note: Landscaping will not include annuals
Conversion with ped-refuge island