Stopping Domestic Violence: What Works? 28 th to 30 th May 2008, Waterford Institute of Technology DV MARAC’s A multi-agency response to Domestic Abuse
Public protection agenda Injury to animals Child Protection Domestic Abuse Sexual Violence Kidnap/siege taking Homicide
Cardiff model Fastracking Advocacy Shared understanding of Risk assessment Information Sharing –M.A.R.A.C. Specialist Courts
Risk factors Assailants criminal record Use of weapons Injuries inflicted Financial problems Assailants problems with alcohol, drugs, or mental health Victim is pregnant Assailant expressing/behaving in a jealous or controlling way Has been/going to be a separation between victim and assailant Conflict over child contact Threats made to kill Attempts made to strangle/choke Abuse becoming worse/happening more often Assailant threatens/attempts suicide Sexual abuse i.e. rape, indecent assault Stalking Victims own assessment
Individual Child Perpetrator Friends Community Family Neighbours Immediate Network Primary Agency Contact Safety Planning Process Police CPS Courts Probation Probation Perpetrator Programme Substance Misuse Services Community Programme Family Support Employer Housing Prisons Health PPO Police CPS Courts Civil Solicitor Independent DV Advisor/Advocate Specialist DV Support Services Women’s Safety Worker Substance Misuse Services Social Care Services Health/Mental Health Benefits Agency Victim Support Employer Housing Refuge SARC CAFCASS Schools Voluntary Sector Youth Offending Nursery/Child Care Educational Welfare Child Protection Agencies Educational Psychology Children’s Mental Health Connexions Faith Groups Youth Groups Health Individual Agency Risk Assessments Colleagues CDRPLCJB CYSP CDRP
Tier 4 Acute/ restorative Risk of death or serious harm Tier 3 Complex Adults and children whose lives are seriously disrupted by DV. Co-existing substance misuse and/or mental health issues. Pregnancy Victim has no recourse to public funds. Tier 2 Vulnerable Adults and children who are vulnerable as a result of Violence Violent incidents occurring, but not at a “serious” level of risk / not defined as such by the victim / victim not actively seeking help / wants relationship to continue. Victim from diverse community or has additional needs with limited access to services Tier 1 All families Universal services – promote awareness Primary prevention campaigns / media Public Information directories/ websites etc Health – screening / identification Education – PSHE Children’s services – identification DV forums, media awareness and training etc Housing services & tenancy agreements Information about services / options Advocacy Service – information, safety planning, support Police response to 999 calls Assessment of needs Identified within universal services – health, education, early years, housing management Support & advice from Specialist DV voluntary sector MARAC & MAPPA Housing options – Refuge, Homelessness, transfer Sanctuary project Sexual Assault and rape crisis service Police intervention – arrest, investigate, charge / perpetrator – Specialist DV Court/criminal court. Legal advice / protection (Family law / Civil Court injunction immigration) Child & Adult Protection assessment & services Probation – perpetrator programmes / supervision, Voluntary Perpetrator Programmes Drug & Alcohol services. Counselling & psychology services, Mental Health service Forced Marriage, FGM, Prostitution MARAC/MAPPA arrangements Police intervention – arrest, investigate, charge perpetrator Legal protection – SDVC/criminal and family courts Child & /adult protection intervention Refuge / emergency accommodation R i s k A s s e s s m e n t
Threshold Clinical Judgement 10 Ticks Starting Perpetrators Programme Repeat call outs 3 incidents in 3 months
M.A.R.A.C. who is attending… Police Probation Midwife Health Visitor Child Protection Nurse Women’s Aid NSPCC Child and Adolescent Mental Health Team Housing B.A.W.S.O. Social Services-Child Protection Social Services-Intake and Assessment Social Services-Adult Services Education Cardiff Women’s Safety Unit Mental Health Services Substance abuse workers Any other relevant agency
Intention of MARAC Share information Draw up a multi-agency action plan Reduce risks to victim/children Manage perpetrator Monitor and review
Outcomes Repeat Victimisation down 38% to 8% Withdrawls from C.J. system down 54% to 14% 42%victims interviewed had not experienced further violence or abuse at 12 month point. The other 58% call police earlier, they have confidence the C.J. system can deliver.
The MARAC Process Emergency Callout/referral from victim Risk assessment checklist completed Risk assessment reviewed and risk level assessed Established as VHR Case referred to MARAC
Before the MARAC Risk checklist faxed to Social Services, NHS Trust, IDVA service Immediate actions taken: target hardening, occurrence markers, police watch, actions re Child/Adult Protection procedures implemented, IDVA contact
Preparation for the MARAC Lead agency collects referrals with name, DOB and address of victim, children and perpetrator and name of referring agency Circulates list 8 working days before MARAC to all attending agencies Relevant professionals research cases MARAC meeting held, information shared Actions agreed Outstanding actions from last meeting highlighted
MARAC Actions ActionAgency Clarify risks All Prioritize/Flag/Open the case Housing, Police, Social Services, A&E, Midwives, Education Joint Visits or Separate Visits e.g. Health Visitor and IDVA, or Police Criminal/civil options Police, Probation, IDVA, SSD, Housing, CAFCASS Perpetrator management Police, Probation, Mental Health, Housing
Caada Co-ordinated Action Against Domestic Abuse - a charity set up December 2005 Commissioned by Home Office to train and support Specialist Domestic Violence Court areas on MARAC over 100 areas Established an accredited training programme for Idva by Dec 08 over 700 will be qualified
Outputs Year 1 (2007) 9,700 Very High Risk cases Marac’d (on 80 Maracs running) As Marac matures (2008) this will double to 16,000 cases 150,000 cases to MARAC by 2011 Year 1 90% of cases referred by Police As Marac matures other agencies refer in about 30% of cases These are the ones we ‘didn’t know about ‘
Outcomes The first 20 Maracs running in the UK over 6 months have halved their repeats Cardiff data showed at the 6 month point post Marac 63% of victims felt safe and did not need services By the year point 42% of victims felt safe Savings of at least £70 million in 2007
To Develop Maracs SDVC programme funding Marac co- ordinators in SDVC areas, 15k Collect data,take minutes,organise agenda’s and ensure efficient turnaround so agencies get agenda’s in time to do the research for next Marac Most Maracs start monthly then go to fortnightly, so a pressured process
So called HBV, Forced Marriage and Marac Many MARAC’s have difficulty engaging small Black Minority Ethnic services Has been 2 models of risk assessment finally we are working at integrated guidance on managing HBV risk into Marac information and action planning 24 questions
Cost outcome 23 billion Direct costs 6 billion Each case 10k and up Make 40% of 8,000 cases safe Make 40% of 16,000 cases safe Huge savings to be made
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