The Divine Revelation of God’s Reign & Rule.. The Parable of the Lamp  Jesus said a lamp is not brought in for the purpose of being covered.  Jesus.


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Presentation transcript:

The Divine Revelation of God’s Reign & Rule.

The Parable of the Lamp  Jesus said a lamp is not brought in for the purpose of being covered.  Jesus said the things that are hidden will eventually be revealed

Meaning of the Parable of the Lamp 1.Jesus has not come to hide his identity. 2.The hidden truths of Jesus will be made known. 3.The key to knowing the divine truths of Jesus are ‘ears of faith’.

What Jesus Said About Responding to His Word 1.The extent to which you listen in faith, is the same extent to which you will be able to understand truth. 2.Those who respond in faith to Jesus and his Word will receive even more revelation of truth.

What Jesus Said About Responding to His Word 3. Those who hear and do not respond in faith to Jesus and his Word will lose the truth they have already received.

The Kingdom of God The divine authority, rule and reign of God given by God the Father to God the Son, the incarnate Jesus.

Kingdom of God  Jesus coming to earth as God in the flesh was a new revelation of this kingdom rule.  The authority of Jesus to rule this kingdom was given to him by God, it is not earthly authority.  The object of this kingdom rule is the redemption of a specific people and their deliverance from the power of evil.

Kingdom of God  This kingdom of God is expressly known through the reign of Jesus alone – there is no kingdom reign of God apart from Jesus.  This kingdom will culminate in: a ) Jesus defeating Satan, evil and all of the effects of sin, including death. b ) the eternal glorious reign of Jesus and his church.

The Parable of the Growing Seed  The kingdom of God is likened to a seed on the ground.  The farmer does not cause the seed to grow, nor does he understand how it grows.

Meaning of the Parable of the Growing Seed 1.God is the source of all revelation and spiritual growth in the advancing kingdom of God. 2.God is the source of the timing of spiritual growth and spiritual harvest in his advancing kingdom

The Parable of the Mustard Seed  The kingdom is likened to a mustard seed.  The mustard seed is one of the smallest seeds the Palestinians would have known.  The mustard seed starts small and insignificant but grows large and significant.  At its culmination the mustard seed becomes a tree that provides refuge.

Meaning of the Parable of the Mustard Seed 1.In the eyes of many, Jesus and his kingdom message seems small and insignificant. 2.Just as the mustard seed grows unnoticed by many, so Jesus and his kingdom advances although completely unnoticed by so many.

Meaning of the Parable of the Mustard Seed 3. Just as the tiny mustard seed culminates in a tree of refuge so the culmination of God’s kingdom through Jesus will give eternal refuge to those that receive his message in true faith.

Those with Ears to Hear!  Are you missing Jesus and his kingdom reign because your eyes are focused on the world around you?  Are you awaiting with faith and joy the culmination of Christ’s rule and reign?