1 6th FP Coordination Action SPREEX Spill Response Experience Project Conclusions 1 EU-MOP Workshop ETSIN Madrid January 25, 2008 SPREEX Technical Coordinator: Juan B. Pérez Prat, CIT S.L:
2 The 6FP Post-Prestige call On March , ERASTAR-ROBMAR TN organised, a 2nd FP6 call for proposals preparation meeting in Brussels, titled “ROBOTICS and POLLUTION” STREPS RTD projects 1.OSR ships (OS HARVESTER) 2.Wreck interventions (DIFIS) 3.Coastal protection (EU-MOP) Coordination Actions OSR Coordination Action (SPREEX)
3 SPREEX main objectives I The first SPREEX main objective has been to identify R&D gaps on European Oil Spill Response research and synergies This implies to start by the identification and prioritization of the main OSR issues impairing an effective OSR and building the updated State of the Art reports on the main affecting issues.
4 SPREEX main objectives II The second main objective was to provide State of the Art reports and R&D basis on support of the organisations with OSR responsibilities Project Officer kick-off address : –The main customers of SPREEX shall be the OSR related organisations that may find on SPREEX a value for contingency plans, training programs, preparedness and R&D.
5 SPREEX DEPLOYMENT 1 Define 4 pillars or groups of issues influencing OSR performance 2 Draw a list of 6/10 issues on each pillar 3 Appoint 4 WP/pillar leaders at the kick-off meeting 4 Select at the kick-off 4/6 issues per pillar 5 Extend collaborations and 6 Discussion outside the partnership by consultations and workshop
6 The four SPREEX pillars (WP) WP 1 Lead by SASEMAR-Jovellanos: The organisation of the OSR, includes organisative schemes and information tools and flow, training for all personnel levels (skills and simulation), the legal aspects and identification of responsibilities, and the option of refuge places WP 2 Lead by Le Cedre OSR operations action means, ships, equipment and their combinations as systems, including pre-outfitting of occasional OSR vessels, the use of robotics and lately we added the use of dispersants, and aerial support means. WP 3 Lead by SINTEF: ICT detection, tracking and communication technologies, meteorological and oceanographic data acquisition and transmission, aiming at real time tracking and modelling trajectories, providing the data to alert and emergency systems and to decision support systems and operations control. WP 4 Lead by HDI The fourth pillar covers the socio-economic aspects, the methodologies for the assessment of socio-economic impact, operational risk assessment tools and decision support, biodegradation and remedial actions, clean-up methodologies, and completeness of legislation and liability aspects. Including those of places of refugee.
7 The rapporteur role The rapporteur is expected to produce in due time (initially three months) the State of the Art report The WG leader has previously consensuated within his WP the scope of the subject covered, and guides and support the rapporteur work.
8 Contributors and followers roles The contributors are expected to identify at the beginning the subject and extent of their intended contributions, that may be chapters of the report The followers will receive the drafts for information and they can send comments and participate actively in the WG meetings and discussions.
9 Pillar/WP 1 Organisation and Communications Partner short name PdELCHICOCTIMMPMSRSACX 1 A Spill response information and communication tools; Protocols; Information flow; Relevant information; Record and reporting; Communication procedures FRCFC 1 B Spill response crisis management and command. Contribution VTMIS. C CRCFC 1 C Places of refuge in crisis situations. C F C F R 5 OSR crisis management training, and use of simulators C CF CR 8 Legal aspects of waste management. Legal aspects of use of dispersants. OSR Contract (Bonn agreement) Completness of liability legislation (lsee also WP 4 4b) RCCCF
10 Pillar /WP 2 Spill Response systems and use of Dispersants Partner short name CEDR E SSP A KEA B CETMA R MARINTE K CSI C ANA M STC/MS R SINTE F 1 VESSELS OPTIMISATION (ORV/VO; compatibility with other activities; operations in adverse conditions; innovations; assistance to OR operations (guidance, night op., …) RCC C C 2 EQUIPMENT OPTIMISATION (booms, skimmers, pumps, settling; evaluation of performances and limitations; innovations) RCF FCC 3 ROBOTICS OPTIMISATION (spill detection and guidance of operations, in wrecks, for sunken spills; innovation) RCC FCC 6 OS Dispersants. Product types. Criteria for application. OS Experiences. Long term effects R C CC
11 Pillar /WP 3 Technologies for Real time detection, tracking Partner short name PdEHIDTMA, SLDHIAURENSISCETMARCSICSTC/MSRSINTEFTHABINTA 1 Real time OS detection and tracking based on airborn & satelite remote sensing technologies CRFC CC 2 Real time metrological and oceanographic data acquisition and transfer - Relevant for oil spill contingency operations CCCC R FC 3 Real time tracking of vessels and OS equipment C C FCCRF 4 Real time Oil Spill modelling of marine oil spills CCRCFF C F 5 Real time computer aided decision support tools and alert/emergency call systems RCCCC F F
12 Pillar /WP 4 Partner short name PdEDHICOCTCSIMCX 1 Methodologies for the integrated assessment of environmental and socio-economic impact RFCCF 2 Knowledge and current research on biodegradation of oil spills and bioremediation technologies C R 3 Clean up and regeneration methodologies of affected areas C R 4 A Places of refuge risk and acceptance criteria plus socio- economic impact. DSS for asignment of a place of refuge CFCC CR 4 B Completness of liability legislation (Who pollutes pays) Places of refuge compensation, liability, insurance issues and OSR funding. FFRC CF
13 Partner participation overview Leader Issues/ reports Contributi ons Active partners WP 1 OSR Organisation and managment SASEMAR Jovellanos WP2 Technical resourcesCEDRE413 8 WP 3 OS Real time InformationSINTEF WP 4 Socio-economic aspectsDHI514 8