Dow AgroSciences New Product Developments Rod Nothwehr Dow AgroSciences/Mycogen Seeds October 29, 2009
SPINETORAM Dow AgroSciences Wins Michigan Green Chemistry Governor’s Award for Spinetoram - “ Promotion of Green Chemistry for Sustainable Economic Development and Protection of Public Health” – Marketed under DELEGATE WG and RADIANT. In some countries marketed under EXALT and ENDURE insecticides New breakthrough insecticide derived through the fermentation of a natural soil organism followed by chemical modification. So it has the favorable environmental profile of a biological product combined with the efficacy of synthetic technologies. Controls a broad spectrum of insect pests in a wide variety of crops and is applied at lower rates than many conventional insecticides Has very favorable toxicological profile as it relates to mammals, birds and aquatic organisms Has low impact to most beneficial insects, providing an excellent fit with Integrated Pest Management(IPM) programs Unique mode of action makes it an ideal fit for resistance management programs
NEW TRAIT DISCOVERY Water Utilization – improved pollination and grain fill Nitrogen Utilization – less nitrogen required Flood Tolerance – survival in anaerobic soils Next-generation insect control – new modes of action, agreements with other companies and Large Protein Library
® The Mycogen Logo is a trademark of Mycogen Corporation. ™” Science. Yield. Success.” is a trademark of Dow AgroSciences LLC ™ SmartStax is a trademark of Monsanto Company. SmartStax is not yet registered for sale or use. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registration of SmartStax is anticipated by This is not an offer for sale. Patent pending. ©2008 Mycogen Seeds. Mycogen Seeds is an affiliate of Dow AgroSciences LLC. ROBUST TRAITS
EXZACT ™ Precision Traits Zinc finger technology — recognizes and binds to specific DNA sequences Targeted gene insertion in plants Control of gene expression in plants Potential applications include –Healthier cooking oils –Resistance to insect pests and diseases –Enhanced yields –Plants engineered for the biofuels industry ™EXZACT and “ Science. Yield. Success.” are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC ©2008 Dow AgroSciences LLC
DOW RESTRICTED - For internal use only Mycogen ® SmartStax™ Hybrids Reduce the refuge requirement from 20% to 5%* to maximize yields Deliver multiple modes of action for the broadest spectrum of insect control ever available Mycogen makes SmartStax available in the latest genetics Biotechnology Endorsement (BE) will lower crop insurance premium rates *A larger refuge is required in certain cotton-growing areas of the U.S. Refer to the applicable Product Use Guide for additional details. SmartStax™ multi-event technology developed by Dow AgroSciences and Monsanto. ®™ SmartStax and the SmartStax Logo are trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC
®™The HERCULEX Logo and “ Science. Yield. Success.” are trademarks of Dow AgroSciences LLC ®IGNITE and the LibertyLink Logo are registered trademarks of Bayer CropScience. ®™The Roundup Ready Logo, the YieldGard VT PRO Logo and the YieldGard VT Rootworm/RR2 Logo are registered trademarks of Monsanto Company. SmartStax is not yet registered for sale or use. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registration of SmartStax is anticipated by This is not an offer for sale. Always read and follow label directions. ©2008 Dow AgroSciences LLC HERCULEX Insect Protection technology by Dow AgroSciences and Pioneer Hi-Bred. Dow AgroSciences Herbicide Tolerant Trait (DHT) UntransformedTransformed Transformed No DHT-2 Trait Provides tolerance to 2,4D & ‘fop’ herbicides (like Assure and Fusillade) Improves the performance of glyphosate on “hard to kill” and glyphosate resistant weeds Enable broadcasting of 2,4-D from burndown with no plant-back restrictions through post emergence glyphosate application window Projected availability: Corn (2012), soybeans (2013) and cotton (2014)