U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service – Office of External Affairs Keeping Conservation Visible in the Interconnected Age Keeping Conservation Visible in the Interconnected Age
Action Item #4 – Evaluating Climate Change Communications Adaptive management (as with SHC model) provides framework for evaluating effectiveness of communications. OSA providing $60K for development of study plan- design and evaluation of climate change communications.
In FY2011, the programs will support an agency-wide evaluation of FWS communication effectiveness at all levels of the organization. Effort will draw on results achieved through Action Item #4 -- Evaluating Climate Change Communications Action Item #7 – Assuring Communication Effectiveness
FWS Climate Change Communications Evaluation Team Roxanne Bogart, Migratory Birds Donna Brewer, NCTC David Eisenhauer, External Affairs Sarah Gannon Nagle, NCTC Brian Hayum, International Affairs Kurt Johnson, Office of the Science Advisor Seth Mott, Office of the Science Advisor Matt Muir, International Affairs Martha Nudel, Refuges Laury Parramore, External Affairs, Team Lead Rachel Penrod, International Affairs Lilibeth Serrano, Ecological Services Edie Thompson, Congressional Affairs Rachel Weisel, External Affairs
Foundations of Success Nick Salafsky Marcia Brown
CMP The Conservation Measures Partnership The Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation A Common Performance Management System for Funders and Agencies TM
CMP The Conservation Measures Partnership: Leading Conservation Organizations
CMP Conservation Measures Partnership’s Open Standards Developed by leading orgs & agencies Draws on many fields Open source & common language Used around the world Lakes Ontario & Huron State Wildlife Agencies Swedish National Parks Donor Funding Programs Academic Training
CMP The Open Standards for the Practice of Conservation CMP Open Standards v 2.0
CMP Open Standards & Strategic Habitat Conservation ≈ Both are Adaptive Management processes
FWS CCC “Theory of Change”
FWS CC Communication Pathways
Results of Scoring of Pathways
Key Focus Areas Key focus areas Campaign Congressional Communications Existing Climate Change communications tools and materials
LCC Coordinators Project Leaders National Climate Team External Affairs Staff Directorate Refuge Managers Governmental and Nongovernmental Partners Key Audiences
Methodologies Survey Monkey Surveys -- LCC Coordinators, Project Leaders, Refuge Managers, Climate Team, External Affairs Staff, Refuge Managers, Federal Government Partners Meltwater/Vocus/Web Analytics – Campaign Document Review -- Congressional Interviews – Congressional, Nongovernmental Partners
Congressional Communications Edie Thompson - Lead Review of communications with/by members of Congress and staff Interviews with EA staff who work with Congress Interviews with current and former Hill staff
Meltwater/Vocus/Web analytics Working to define parameters for Meltwater/Vocus/Web analytics focusing on campaign
Climate Change Communications Forum NGO Member Interviews Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies Children and Nature Network The Conservation Fund Defenders of Wildlife Izaak Walton League of America National Wildlife Federation National Wildlife Refuge Association Season's End Sierra Club The Nature Conservancy Trust for Public Land
Bureau of Land Management National Park Service NOAA U.S. Dept. of Agriculture U.S. Dept. of Interior U.S. Geological Survey U.S. Global Change Research Program Climate Change Communications Forum Federal Government Member Survey
Next Steps Combine results, discuss and analyze findings Draft report Develop training module