Group Members: Pamela Johnson Sarah Bronstein Chengxin Dai Daniel Nguyen SE 82 nd & Francis Rapid Flash Beacon
Zoning: Commercial Portland Maps SE 82 nd Ave & SE Francis St.- Foster- Powell- Portland. PortlandMaps © 2011
Wal-Mart Marshall H.S. Century 16 Theater Bank of America
Rapid Flash Beacon User Activated Voice Recording Irregular Flashing LED’s 30 Second Phase Signal Length
Video Data: Methodology PBOT Video data from Feb 2, 2011, 4-6pm Pedestrian and Bicyclist Counts Violations and Behavior Counts
Pedestrian Violations: Listening to iPod/talking on phone Jaywalking Not pushing the beacon button Partial Compliance: cutting straight across the refuge Bicyclist Violations: Not wearing a helmet Not pushing the beacon button Partial Compliance: cutting straight across the refuge
Motorist Violations Didn't yield to RFB users Intruded into crosswalk Blocked crosswalk when stopped
100% cyclists cross at RFB 72% pedestrians cross at RFB
Pedestrians: 10% didn’t activate flashing signal 62% partial compliance Jaywalking 2% at RFB vs 70% at Francis Bicyclists: 32% didn’t activate flashing signal 17% partial compliance 89% ride on 9-foot sidewalk. 68% no helmet.
Less than 46% beacon users have to yield to at least one car Assume: 1 user cross 82 nd Ave per time Yielding%= unstopped vehicle / user counts Sometimes motorists didn’t yield due to traveling speed. A subsequent motorist might yield. Car queue blocks zebra crossing and forces beacon users to cut straight across the refuge.
Delay = starting delay + median delay median delay: the pedestrian island increases the crossing distance but also the median delay. starting delay: average delay time 5s at RFB < average delay time 10s at un-signalized intersection with stop control on minor streets.
Recommendations: Align crossing facilities with transit stops
Recommendations: Add railing or flexible posts to encourage pedestrians to follow the path in the median