San Joaquin River NWR Proposed Expansion Planning Process Summer 2011 Fall 2011 Spring 2012 Summer 2012 Public Input Public Input Prepare Draft Environmental Assessment Prepare Final Environmental Assessment Implement Project Develop Alternatives Public Scoping & Identify Issues Public Input Public Input
What is Scoping? the key purpose of scoping is to involve stakeholders in the identification of issues and alternatives for consideration. Involves the public, government, agencies, NGO’s, and interest groups (stakeholders). is intended to ensure that problems are identified early and properly studied, that issues of little significance do not consume time and effort, that the draft document is thorough and balanced.
Mission The mission of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is working with others to conserve, protect and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing benefit of the American people. The Service is the primary Federal agency responsible for migratory birds, endangered plants and animals, certain marine mammals, and anadromous fish.
Types of Acquisition Fee title Conservation easements Leases Life–use reservations Donations (including partial donations) Cooperative agreements Transfers and exchanges
Funding for Acquisition Three accounts established by law: The Migratory Bird Conservation Fund; The Land and Water Conservation Fund; and The North American Wetlands Conservation Fund.
Land Acquisition Funding Sources Federal duck stamp sales, refuge entrance fees, Fish and Wildlife fines, import taxes on arms and ammunition, offshore oil and gas leases, and Congressional appropriations.
How can you comment? Via (put “San Joaquin River” in the subject line) Via fax: (916) Via mail: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Richard Smith, Refuge Planning 2800 Cottage Way, Rm W-1832 Sacramento, CA 95825