Www.unido.org Programa ONUDI - LAC Reunión de Expertos ONUDI/GRULAC Programa Estratégico Regional 15-17 Noviembre 2006 Sala de Conferencias II, 7 piso,


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Presentation transcript:

Programa ONUDI - LAC Reunión de Expertos ONUDI/GRULAC Programa Estratégico Regional Noviembre 2006 Sala de Conferencias II, 7 piso, Edificio C, VIC, Viena Reunión de Expertos ONUDI/GRULAC Programa Estratégico Regional Noviembre 2006 Sala de Conferencias II, 7 piso, Edificio C, VIC, Viena UNIDO Strategic Partnerships and Resource Mobilization Group OSL/SPR

Mobilizing financial resources for Latin America and the Caribbean Christophe Yvetot, PCF/QPA Latin American Expert Group Meeting Vienna, 16 November :45 – 17:00

UNIDO funding General presentation UNIDO Technical cooperation: - voluntary contributions ($128 million net approvals in 2005) - regular budget (max. 6% according to Constitution)

UNIDO funding Funding performance

UNIDO TC activities Funds sources in 2005

UNIDO TC activities in LAC Actual funding In 2005, TC programme for LAC was UNIDO largest programme with USD$30,875 million Ongoing programme highly concentrated on Environment (Montreal protocol) and in a few countries Concentration trend has continued in 2005 LAC Programme should be reviewed (EGM) to reflect actual MS needs in UNIDO thematic areas: Poverty reduction through productive capacity, Trade capacity building, Energy and Environment

UNIDO TC Programme Net approvals by region

UNIDO TC for LAC Funds sources

UNIDO TC for LAC by themes, ongoing programme

UNIDO TC for LAC by themes, in 2005

UNIDO TC in LAC by country, in 2004 and 2005

UNIDO TC in LAC NEW IMPULSE UNIDO Director General, Mr. Yumkella’s commitment to develop a regional programme in LAC countries (11 th GC) Ministerial Meeting on “Energy Security In Latin America”, 26 September 2006, in Montevideo, Uruguay Creation of an operational mechanism for periodical consultations with LAC countries: EGM, Vienna

Mobilizing resources for LAC Roles and responsibilities Joint responsibility of national and regional parties and UNIDO National/regional parties: sustainable industrial development should be included in national and regional strategies (PRSPs, CCA/UNDAF; Country/Regional Strategy Papers, MDGs…) UNIDO will work jointly with national/regional parties to prepare resource mobilization strategies

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Proposal for a strategy : 6 steps for joint resource mobilization

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Step 1: Establish priorities at national and regional level (LAC EGM) EGM should lead to clear definition of priorities through dialogue with LAC countries on UNIDO priority themes and expertise National and regional priorities should be complementary ODA should be aligned with country needs (Paris Declaration on Aid effectiveness 2005): Ownership

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Step 2 : Identify potential donors based on thematic and geographical priorities and initiate consultations LAC donors reflect the diversity of the region (US, Japan, European countries, European Commission, regional development banks) Donors’ development cooperation is focused on specific countries and specific areas (education, trade, human rights, environment…). Decentralization/centralization, sector/project funding, bilateral/multilateral funding, co-financing… Early identification of donors is key to successful resource mobilization (strategizing)

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Step 3 : Invite donor(s) to participate in joint programming Programmes should not be prepared in isolation (programmes never funded) Donors should be considered as partners with a common objective (MDGs) on which they have to report (government, parliament, board…) Joint programming ensures that both country needs and donor requirements are taken into account

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Step 4 : Organize validation of programme by both recipient country/region and donor(s) Validation ensures that all parties’ requirements have been taken into account in the programme Programmes should reflect an agreement between recipient country and donor UNIDO ensures the technical integrity of the programme and plays the role of a facilitator, honest broker, best practices, global approach…

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Step 5 : Submit programme to donor(s) and finalize funding agreement The programme is formally approved by all parties according to their respective procedures UNIDO and the donor agree on the funding mechanism (IDF or Trust fund agreement) The programme/project document is signed by UNIDO and the country

Mobilizing resources for LAC Joint strategy Step 6 : Implement the programme and report UNIDO and the country implement the programme according to the programme/project document The programme/project is implemented according to UNIDO rules and procedures (standard, transparent, sustainability...) Substantive and financial reporting to the donor are provided by UNIDO Good reporting: confidence building and potential future funding

Potential donors for LAC A general overview LAC donors: funding opportunities within the region should be explored (Governments, regional organizations and banks like IDB, carDB; OAS…) External funding: multilateral (Montreal Protocol; GEF; EC…) and bilateral (Governments)

Potential donors for LAC UNIDO major donors

Potential donors for LAC UNIDO donors for LAC

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

Potential donors for LAC Country review

UNIDO expertise in RM Donor relations UNIDO has more than 40 years experience in mobilizing resources UNIDO Technical Cooperation Programme is mainly funded through voluntary contributions Refocus on three thematic areas: poverty reduction, TCB and Energy and Environment is highly appreciated by donors UNIDO funding performance has regularly been improved during the last years ($77 million in 2000, $128 million in 2005)

UNIDO and LAC Region Towards an effective partnership Clear identification of priorities Elaboration of high quality programmes Joint resource mobilization strategies Should lead to an effective partnership

Thank you very much for your attention