Expanding Chilean and Japanese knowledge and experiences on DRR to Latin America, the Caribbean, and...more Hiromi Nai Japan International Cooperation Agency(JICA) South America Division, Latin America and the Caribbean Department
1. What is happening in LAC LAC is a region frequently affected by natural disasters as well as Asia. Many countries in LAC face similar situations; create new institution for national coordination, need for updating technologies, capacity development for all levels.
2. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: PERU (Photo: Kosuke Okahara/JICA)
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: COLOMBIA (Photo: Kosuke Okahara/JICA)
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: HAITI
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: COSTA RICA
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: HONDURAS
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: BRAZIL Photo: Atsushi Shibuya/JICA
3. JICA’s support for DRR in LAC: CHILE
Joint cooperation under Partnership program since Chile and Japan for Human Resource Development Chilean International Cooperation Agency (AGCI) and JICA have determined to collaborate in the DRR Training Program based in Chile. Photo: Presidencia de Chile
12 Objetive: Human Resource Develoment on DRR for LAC (2,000 people for 5 years) Pillar1: Specialized Professional Training Pillar2: Strengthening the Capacity of Public Agencies Pillar 3: Creation of Knowledge Sharing Network 8. Capacity Development Program
13 Pillar1: Specialized Professional Training 9. Capacity Development Program ● Master of engineering (earthquake) ● Tsunami mitigation technology ● Diploma for aseismic construction,etc. AGCI’s Scholarship URL:
14 Pillar2: Strengthening the Capacity of Public Agencies 10. Capacity Development Program ● Public infrastructures technology ● Urban rescue ● Forest fire protection management ● Seismic risk management of building,etc
Practical networks for; ● Joint Rescue and Relief operation for emergency ● Protocol of emergency response, Regional on- line desk top simulation exercises ● Standardization of building code considering DRR ● Seminars of DRM efforts and experiences Pillar 3: Creation of Knowledge Sharing Network 11. Creation of Knowledge Sharing Network
● Strengthening the collaboration among Asian and LAC institutions ● Joint research activities for inter- regional risk management 12. Inter -Regional Knowledge Sharing Network
THANK YOU THANK YOU ご清聴ありがとうございました 17 For further information, please contact with JICA office in your country or Department of LAC, JICA HDQ