Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan, Rajasthan
Rajasthan Council of Elementary Education, Jaipur You are welcome in 32 nd Quarterly Review Meeting of Finance Controllers At Jaipur, Rajasthan
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Population Statistics of the State Total Population ( as per census 2011) 6.86 Crores Male 3.56 Crores Female 3.30 Crores SC Population 17.16 % ST population 12.56 % Liteacy Rate 67.06 % 80.51 % 52.66 % Sex Ratio 926 Density (Per square Kilometer) 201
Rajasthan-At a glance Total Area 342239 Sq.kms. Division 7 District 33 Block 244 Panchayat Samiti 249 Tehsil Gram Panchayat 9177 Village 44672 Distance, East to West 869 Kms. Distance, North to South 826 Kms.
Rajasthan Council of Elememntary Education, Jaipur A registered body under Rajasthan Societies Registration Act, 1958 Established on 3-11- 1998 Registered office of RCEE is located at Dr. Radha Krishnan Shiksha Sankul , J.L.N. Marg, Jaipur
Educational Administrative Structure Directorate of Secondary Education 1 Directorate of Elementary Education Office of Dy. Director, Secondary Education 7 Office of Dy. Director, Elementary Education Office of District Education Officer, (Secondary) 41 Office of District Education Officer, (Elementary) 33 Office of Block Elementary Education Officer 249 Clusters 9206 Schools 105190
School Education System S.No Indicators Unit Status in the year 2001-02 2010-11 1 2 3 Schools Nos Primary 51,289 49,210 Upper Primary 21,217 55,980 Teachers in Schools 1,15,510 2,24,818 1,44,080 2,35,396 Enrollment lacs 83.51 lac. 84.33 lac. 23.82 lac. 35.71 lac.
Important Indicators Total Enrolled 124.87 lac Pre Primary 4.83 lac Upper Primary 35.71 lac PTR 27 PS 31 UPS 18 % of SC Enrollment in PS 20.66% % of SC Enrollment in UPS 19.22% % of ST Enrollment in PS 16.40% % of ST Enrollment in UPS 13.42%
Comparative Position S.N Indicator 2001-02 2010-11 1 Literacy Rate Persons 60.40% 67.06% 2 Literacy Rate Female 43.90% 52.66% 3 Gender Gap (All) 16.97 % 8.22 % 4 Gender Gap (SC) 20.08% 8.38% 5 Gender Gap (ST) 22.08% 9.59%
Financial Management Structure State District Block/CRC/Village
Status of Accounts and Finance Staff At S.P.O. Level Name of Post Sanctioned Filled Vacant Controller Finance 1 Senior Accounts Officer Accountant 5 Name of Post Sanctioned Filled Vacant Assistant Accounts Officer 33 30 3 Accountnt 20 13 At Block Level Junior Accountant 244 175 69 Total 317 232 85 At DPO Level
Finance Staff Structure at SPO Controller Finance Senior Accounts Officer-1 Procurement and Funds Management Payment and Disbursement Internal Audit Accountant-2 Accountant-1 Cashier-2 Accountant-2 Auditors- 6 (Retired Person)
Task of Accounts Wing at SPO Level Procurement Planning. Fund Management. FM Action Plan. Internal and Statutory Audit. Training to Accounts Staff. Up Keeping and Maintenance of Accounts. Bid Proceess Management. Reporting of Financial Progress to GoI. Compliance of Audit Paras and PAC Recommandations. Payments and disbursement of grants from SPO to DPO.
Administration and Finance Staff Structure at DPO District Project Co-Ordinator Additional District Project Co-ordinator-1 Assistant Accounts Officer-1 Supervision of general wing Supervision of Accounts wing
Task of Accounts Wing at District Level Planning Process. Fund release to BRC/CRC/SMC. Up keeping and maintenance of accounts. Bid Process Management Process. Training to BRC/CRC/SMC members. Reporting Financial Progress. Compliance of audit paras. Monitoring of Accounts. Submission of annual accounts. Supervision of Physical Progress.
Mode of Transfer of Funds Through R.T.G.S. Through E-Transfer SPO DPO BRC/SMC
Funds Inflow and Expenditure Since Inception (Rs. In Crores) Year AWP&B Funds from GoR Funds from GoI Total Funds Received Total Expenditure 2001-02 55.3837 21.05 39.08 60.13 20.48 2002-03 174.34 13.16 64.07 77.23 36.84 2003-04 450.31 63.80 156.27 220.07 222.98 2004-05 651.51 107.09 238.51 345.60 396.29 2005-06 864.83 171.65 603.62 775.27 761.85 2006-07 1253.37 295.01 787.71 1082.72 1126.39 2007-08 1599.99 405.77 1013.07 1418.84 1391.23 2008-09 1798.04 620.58 1083.27 1703.85 1628.87 2009-10 2240.62 670.00 1271.24 1941.24 1993.73 2010-11 3099.79 1148.13 1461.82 2609.95 2657.94 2011-12 Upto Dec-11 3675.47 1335.68 1298.38 2634.06 2563.60 Total Rs. 15863.65 4851.93 8017.04 12868.97 12800.20
Annual Work Plan & Expenditure 2011-12 Annual Work Plan & Budget 3675.46 cr. Release by GoI 1298.38 cr. Release by GoR 1249.10 cr. Total 2547.48 cr. Expenditure upto December, 2011 2564.77 cr. % of Expenditure against AWP&B 69.78% % of Expenditure against Release 100.67%
13 th Finnance Commisssion Funds release position (Rs. In Lacs) Year Amount Release 2009-10 28700 2011-12 32000
Internal Audit Machnism There is in-house internal audit machnism having three internal audit teams consisting of two auditors in each. Auditors are retired accounts officers/ assistant accounts officers having large experience in auditing. Audit teams of SPO cover all the districts . Blocks are covered by DPO level team. SMCs are covered by C.A. Firms on hiring basis.
Training of staff Training cum Review meetings are held every month at SPO and Bi-monthly meetings at DPO. 5 Days mandatory training to accounts and finance staff posted in DPOs had been imparted during 19.12.2011 to 23.12.2011. Major focus areas of training are- Maintenance of accounts and Registers. Procurements of materials and goods. Bank Reconciliation . Financial Reports/Adjustment of advances. Compliance of various audit paras. Planning and Budgeting. Computerised accounting through Tally Software.
Status of Statutory Audit Report/ Annual Report 2010-11, Bank Reconciliation Statutory Audit Report for the year 2010-11 had been submitted to MHRD. Annual Report for the year 2010-11 is under printing and the same will be sent to MHRD very soon. Bank Reconciliation completed upto December,2011.
Best Practices Adopted Computerised Accounting System. Accounting Software Tally 9.2 is being used for accounting at SPO and DPO. Funds are transferred through RTGS/E- Transfer to DPO/BRC/SMCs. Monthly training cum review meetings at SPO. Pre- Checking of salary bills at DPO level every month before payment made by BRCs. Amounts will be transferred with naration of activity . At DPO Alwar, it has been done successfully .