Haryana State Annual Programme Implementation Plan of ICDS (APIP : ) Department of Women and Child Development Haryana Haryana State Annual Programme Implementation Plan of ICDS (APIP : ) Department of Women and Child Development Haryana 1
Situational Analysis Demographic & Health profile IndicatorsHaryanaIndia Population in million (Census 2011) % Decadal Growth (Census 2011) % Schedule Caste population (2001 census) % Literacy Rate (Census 2011) Crude Birth Rate (SRS 2008) Crude Death Rate (SRS 2008) Total Fertility Rate (SRS 2008) Infant Mortality Rate (SRS 2008)5453 Maternal Mortality Rate (SRS ) Sex Ratio (Census 2011)
Situational Analysis Situational Analysis Status of Operationalization Status of Vacancies 3 BlocksAWCsMini AWCs SanctionedOperationalSanctionedOperationalSanctionedOperational 148 (100 %) (98 %) (98 %) Sr. No. FunctionariesSanctionedIn positionRemarks 1Programme Officers 2423 (96 %)Requisition has been sent to HPSC 2CDPOs (80 %)-Do- 3Supervisors (54%)Requisition has been sent to HSSC 4AWWs (97%)Court cases on the post of 215 AWWs. Remaining under process 5AWHs (97 %)
Situational Analysis Situational Analysis Status of Housing of AWCs 4 ParticularsNo. of AWCs Departmental Building3147 (12.46%) Other Govt. Building1845 (7.30%) Community Building8922 (35.45%) Rented Premises7774 (30.78%) Schools3535 (14.00%)
Services and Achievements under ICDS July, 2012 Sr. no. ComponentsCoverage 1 Supplementary Nutrition Mothers Children Total 3.20 lac lac lac 2Non Formal Pre School Education lac 3Immunization BCG DPT Polio Measles TT(Mothers) 1.39 lac (88 %) 1.50 lac (95 %) 1.52 lac (96 %) 1.27 lac (70 %) 4Referral cases & Health check-up NHED Session 2.90 lakhs 5
6 6 Play Equipments SNP Distribution Unicef Weighing Scale Pre-School Educational Activity
Nutritional Status of Children (As per new WHO Growth Standards July, 2012 ) Total Children(Census, 2011) lac Total Children in ICDS Survey lac % Children covered 71 % Total Children weighed lac % Children weighed 94 % Status Normal grade 65.82% Moderately Malnourished % Severely Malnourished 5.16 % 7
Trends in Expenditure Sr. No. YearTotal Budget Total Exp.Achievement % % % (up to 8/2012)
9 Sr. No.YearTotal BudgetTotal Exp.Achieveme nt % % %(up to 8/2012)
Initiatives taken by the State Govt. 10 InitiativesPhysical (AWC Covered) Financial In Crores Remarks Table & Chairs (Set of 4 Tables, 16 Chairs) Procurement is being made in phased manner. During Rs 2.25 Crore for swings and 2 Crore on small chair and table will be spent. Swings (Set of 3 Swings) Storage Bins ( 3.5 Qtl Capacity) All AWCs Covered Weighing Scales AWCs will be covered this year Honorarium New Monitoring formats designed and printed and detailed instructions issued for monitoring and inspections on these formats. Centre Share State Share Additional State Contribution Total Per Month AWWRs.2700Rs.300Rs.2000Rs 5000 HelperRs.1350Rs.150Rs.1000Rs 2500
State Initiatives Funds released worth Rs crore for procurement of cooking gas for AWCs in F.Y and Out of these, 7263 have been procured. A provision of Rs. 2 crore for 5000 AWCs has been made in the current FY. Provision of mobile Rs and monthly recurring Rs. 300/ month/ per supervisor worth Rs lac in the current FY. 11 Contd….
Construction of AWCs State constructed 3147 AWCs from the year to with an expenditure of Rs crores, out of this only Rs crores provided by GOI. Unit cost of construction of AWC Rs lac. 12
CONSTRUCTION During , NABARD had sanctioned Rs 150 Crore loan under RIDF (Rs 50 Crore RIDF XVI for Construction of 754 AWC and Rs 100 Crore under RIDF XVII ) for construction of 1176 AWC. The Period of this loan is for 3 Years ( to ) The details of funds and construction of AWCs is as under 13 S NoNameNo. of AWC Funds Involved In Rs 1NABARD RIDF XVI ( ) 188 Under Constructio n Crore 2NABARD RIDF XVI ( ) Crore 3NABARD RIDF XVII ( ) Crore NABARD FUNDING FOR AWC The release of funds for is under process.
14 Model Anganwari Centre Building
Other Initiatives / Schemes Ladli was introduced to combat the menace of sex ratio by Haryana State under which a second girl child born on or after is given benefit of Rs. 5000/- per year for five years started in the form of Kissan Vikas Patra. From June, 2008 money is being invested in group scheme Ladli of LIC, India. A provision of Rs 50 crore has been made for current FY. Best Mother Award Scheme was started to encourage mothers to proper rearing of their children. 3 best mothers having at least one girl child are awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes of Rs. 1000/-, Rs. 750/- and Rs. 500/- respectively at block level and Rs. 500/-, Rs. 300/- and Rs. 200/- respectively at circle level. A provision of Rs lac has been made for current FY. Improving Infant &Young Child Feeding Scheme was started from under which training to ICDS functionaries, SHGs/SMS members etc., awareness generation on IYCF to print and electronic media is done. A provision of Rs 20 lac has been made for current FY. 15
Other initiatives / Schemes Village level committees has been formed which are declared sub committee of Gram Panchayat under section 22 of gram panchayat act, This committee looks after overall development of women and children and monitors ICDS programme at village level 6033 VLCs has been formed. Provision of Rs.14 lac has been made. Sakshar Mahila Samooh, a group of educated women in every village has been formed to generate awareness on key issues like sex ratio, literacy, health, nutrition etc SMS has been formed. Provision of Rs.15 lac has been made. Nutrition Award are given to 3 best districts who have shown improvement in Nutritional status of Rs. 2 lac, Rs.1 lac and Rs. 50 thousands to 1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd district respectively. 16 Contd….
Haryana APIP Component-wise Financial Estimates (Rs. In Lac) 17 Sr. No. ComponentsInterventions / ActivitiesFinancial Estimates Actual Exp Human ResourceICDS Staff at State, District, Project and Sectoral Level, Honorarium to AWWs/AWHs/Mini AWWs Administrative Cost Rent / Vehicles / POL / Contingency Supplementary Nutrition (50:50 sharing between Center & State Govt.) i) Children, Pregnant & Lactating Women,(14.7 lac) ii) AGs under SABLA(1.49 lac) Supplementary Nutrition under the KSY (Only State) AGs under KSY (.58 lac)
Contd…. Sr. No. ComponentsInterventions / Activities Financial Estimates Actual Exp Supplementary Nutrition for 263 new AWCs ProcurementPSE Kit (Rs. 1000/ operational AWC) nil Medicine Kits (Rs. 600/ operational AWC) nil Weighing Scales (Baby) Furniture Utensils (Serving, Cooking Utensils & Pressure Cookers) nil Total (Rs. In Lac)
Contd… in lac Sr. No. ComponentsInterventions / ActivitiesFinancial Estimates Actual Exp TrainingRegular & Other Training IECPrinting of Brochures, Calendar, Flexboard, Jingles and Celebration of Days & Weeks (Rs per operational AWCs ) Monitoring & Evaluation Printing of Weight books, MCP Card & registers, computers and Survey on nutritional status (Rs. 500 per operational AWCs)
Contd… in lac Sr. No. ComponentsInterventions / Activities Financial Estimates Actual Exp OtherUniform( Rs. 400/ AWW & AWH for 2 uniforms ) and Flexi funds (Rs. 1000/ AWCs) ( lac for uniform and for flexi funds) Total (1 to 8) (64.64 %) 10New AWCsBudget Requirement for 263 AWCs Grand TotalRs Rs
Issues under ICDS Sr. No. ComponentFinancial Estimates 1.Additional Human Resource support Creation of monitoring cell at state, district and block level. i.Creation of post of Deputy Director, Research Officer, Statistical Assistant, Data operator and Peon at state level. ii.Data operator at District level. iii.Creation of a post of Data operator, SA/ Assistant at block level. Rs lac Creation of ECCE Cell at State and District cell i.Creation of post of Joint Director, Programme Officer, Assistant, Data operator and Steno at state level. ii.Creation of post of CDPO, Assistant and Data operator at District level. Rs lac Creation of RTI/Complaint Cell at Headquarter with post of superintendent, Assistant and clerk Rs lacs TotalRs lac 21
Sr. No. ComponentFinancial Estimates (in crore) 2.Strengthening of Infrastructure i.Construction of 5000 AWCs with enhancement of 10-20% annually on 75:25 cost sharing on realistic construction Rs. 8.5 lac per AWC Centre share – State Share Total ii. Recurring exp. for electricity Rs. 500 /per month/ per AWC for one year Rs iii. Provision of Kitchen Rs. 1.5 lac for 8335 AWCs To be borne by GOIRs
Other Issues Retention of both the post of SA and Assistant at block and district level. Difficulty in Fortification of food items under SNP Rent of AWCs falling in urban areas but tagged with rural projects to be given equivalent rent as urban AWCs. Funds for Chairs in AWCs for mothers to sit as there is no provision of such funds in the scheme. Provision of Vehicles instead of Hiring of Vehicles as Govt. vehicles provides security/ safety of lady Officers and their dignity. 23
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