Collections spéciales à BAC Special Collections at LAC Présentation à / Presentation to CARL June 2010 par / by Doug Rimmer Sous Ministre Adjoint, Secteur.


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Presentation transcript:

Collections spéciales à BAC Special Collections at LAC Présentation à / Presentation to CARL June 2010 par / by Doug Rimmer Sous Ministre Adjoint, Secteur des acquisitions Assistant Deputy Minister, Acquisitions Sector

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 2 Purpose of the Presentation To present our thinking to date with goal of receiving feedback and advice from colleague institutions. To provoke discussion and feedback To identify alternate approaches, issues, and areas for further thinking Note: This presentation does not represent a final LAC policy position.

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 3 General context of LAC Collection Mandate: The Library and Archives of Canada Act establishes a wide-ranging mandate related to acquiring, preserving and making known Canada’s collective memory. A key element is “to preserve the documentary heritage of Canada for the benefit of present and future generations.” Collection Composition: brings together the collections of the former National Archives of Canada (established in 1872) and the former National Library of Canada (established in 1953). three main sources for the material collected, regardless of format: –transfers from GoC departments and agencies of their documents of anticipated business or historic value; –copies of material published in Canada sent by the Canadian publishers to meet the legislated requirements of Legal Deposit; –Donations, gifts and exchanges received, purchases of items, and material collected from the Internet

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 4 General context of LAC Collection Collection depth and breath 1 : –20 million books, periodicals, newspapers, microfilms, literary texts and government publications –167,000 meters of government and private textual records –3 million architectural drawings, maps and plans –24 million photographs –350,000 hours of film, video and sound recordings –Canada’s portrait collection, which includes 20,000 works of art and thousands of caricatures –547,000 musical items –365,500 items from the documentary art collection, including watercolours, sketches, miniatures and oil paintings –More than a billion megabytes of digital content 1 Source: Library and Archives Canada , Report on Plans and Priorities

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 5 The Concept of “Special Collections” “ In library science, special collections […] is the name applied to a specific repository or department, usually within a library, which stores materials of a "special" nature, including rare books, archives, and collected manuscripts.” The concept of special collections resonates also with the ideas of: specialized reference services and collection development; special outreach initiatives and resource discovery targeting specific clienteles; and holdings that often have strict security measures while remaining accessible. In many libraries throughout the world, “special collections” also refer to thematically grouped materials which encompass archival records and artifacts. Includes material that meets one or more of the following criteria: a. unpublished (archival, manuscripts, etc) b. rare and/or unique c. over-represented relative to the collection as a whole

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 6 Special Collections at LAC Among our collecting streams, there are a number of areas that could constitute “Special Collections”: 1.Literary Archives (archival fonds and collections of national importance) 2.Music (musical Canadiana with print, recorded sound and video components) 3.Children (Children’s literature collection) 4.Rare books (focus on pre-Confederation Canadiana, printed in Canada or about Canada) 5.Jacob M. Lowy collection (Judaica and Hebraica which reflects the history of all Jewish people) 6.Maps (many references to “the National Map Collection”) 7.Stamps, art, portraits.... ? And, according to the definitions: Preservation collection of Canadiana, all archival records?.. The list goes on.

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 7 Special Collections in the Digital Environment The information and information technology evolution has brought about (a) the explosion of information and (b) a paradigm shift in the discovery and use of information in knowledge-based societies around the world: 1.The boundary between published and unpublished records and artefacts has become less relevant from the eyes of information consumers 2.Information is being discovered, mined, refined, aggregated from different sources for consumption to turn into knowledge; the wider/more varied the reach, the better. 3.Although the authority and authenticity of information always remain relevant (if not more relevant), the media and the formats of information have become less important in the digital world 4.Information holdings are increasingly being connected between organizations as well as within organizations (unique/rare/hidden collections must become less so).

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 8 The emergent LAC Concept of “Special Collections” LAC has evolved its conceptualization of “Special Collections” to (a)increasingly treat its own collection in a wholistic fashion without “special” subsets from an acquisition perspective, (b)position the LAC collection as a “special” component of the overall documentary heritage held by all memory institutions in Canada (c)Present the collection in a way that is guided by user need/discovery.  The entire LAC Collection is a “Special Collection”, integrated into to overall national collection, which also includes many other ‘special’ components, and which collectively provides Canadians with the information that they require.

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 9 Future Implementation The entire LAC Collection is a “Special Collection”. The focus of its development will shift over time in response to dynamics of the environment. Its composition will always be fluid. Resource Discovery must support improved access across all of the collection. Application of the guiding principles (Significance, Sufficiency, Sustainability, and Society) and key roles (Foundation building, Collaboration, Program, and Transfer) Horizontal integration under the three LAC pillars / sectors of Acquisition, Resource Discovery and Collection Management : ACQUISITIONRESOURCE DISCOVERY COLLECTION MANAGEMENT LAC Collection (all components) Integration of all collecting areas Thematic approach to collection management (one documentation strategy) Collaboration with other Canadian memory institutions (national context) Accountability and transparency of acquisition practices Advice from external stakeholders Onsite access and reference Bringing the collection to Canadians Harmonized description User contributed content Web presence and virtual space building (incl. social networks) Digitization initiatives Sufficiency Sustainability Stewardship of the collection Space management (analogue and digital)

Collections spéciales à BAC - Special Collections at LAC ddPage 10 Future Implementation Application of the guiding principles (Significance, Sufficiency, Sustainability, and Society) and key roles (Foundation building, Collaboration, Program, and Transfer) Determine significance through thematic “chunking” of the Canadian experience and apply any and all tools to acquire – LAC acquisition strategies. Opportunity for national strategies? Identify themes or sub-themes where sufficiency has been reached (pathfinder project on private archives – report to be released shortly) Sustainability and Society - enable “best fit” for collections in terms of preservation and use – transfers via long-term loans, “use the walls of others” Connect our “special” collection to related collections across the nation Use iterative, “emergent” strategies and tactics to deliver based on collaboration and continuous consultation with key communities and stakeholders (this means you!)