ROLLING STOCK PROGRAMME The RSP is meant to cater the need of Rolling Stock i.e. locos, wagons, coaches, cranes, ART, etc. The provision of RSP is of two kind : On Replacement Account New Acquisition Renewal of Rolling Stock is always given preference over “Additions”. It is prepared before 15 to 18 months before its commencement.
Preparation Of RSP Workshops/ sheds Depots F.A.&C.A.O Fin. Concurrence COM Initiate RSP CME consolidation GM’s Approval Itemised Rolling Stock Allocation Of Funds Bulk Item & Non-Bulk Item Parliament Budget estimate of Demand No.-16 Pink Book Railway Board (Till 30th oct.)
M & P PROGRAMME M&P programme is prepared for ensuing year in the current year. The estimate of M&P bear- provision for charges such as freight, insurance, installation & commissioning, D&G charges, custom duty, etc. The COFMOW specification no., type & capacity of machine is mentioned against the machine proposed. M&Ps are procured through COFMOW only.
Contd………….. M&P item costing above Rs One crore each require Railway Boards prior approval for inclusion in regular M&P programme. M&P costing up to 1 Lakh each- directly from Revenue. New acquisition – are accompanied with Rate of Return. In 02-03 Budget outlay for M&P programme- Rs 175 crore.
Preparation Of M&P Programme Proposals of W/S, Sheds, depots Vetted by Assoc. Finance CME Consolidation GM’s Approval F.A.&C.A.O. Fin. Concurrence Railway Board Procurement Through COFMOW Allocation Of Fund Parliament Part of budget Estimate Demand No.-16 Pink Book
M&P Programme of CR for 02-03 (Fig. In Thousands of Rupees) Sr. No. Particulars No. of Items Allocation Estimated Cost Outlay to the End of 01-02 Outlay proposed for 02-03 Bal. To Complete Work A Prog. Del. A.1 Items Costing =>50 lac 14 236587 69751 10259 15767 Cap. DRF 5031 5248 A.2 Items costing <50 lac DF(2) OLWR 14470 30358 7877 5376 B New Acquisition B.1 Items costing =>50 lac 32 7881 8 1 7 B.2 1000 12000 5000 2000
RSP Programme of CR for 02-03 Sr. No. Particulars No. of Items Allocation Estimated Cost Outlay to the End of 01-02 Outlay proposed for 02-03 Bal. To Complete Work A Prog. Del. A.1 Locos A.1.1 Items Costing =>50 lac 164 Cap. DRF 164657 112756 27753 13700 14053 24142 A.1.2 Items costing <50 lac 6100 4333 A.2 Carriages A.2.1 50 1250000 1 1249998 A.2.2 DF(3) 3207 B. New Acquisition B.1 B.1.1 8 32575 24800 7775 B.1.2 17255
Itemised RSP All the items costing 50 lakh or more are shown separately. It has two parts: 1.Works-In-Progress - Works taken during earlier years are under pipeline and yet to be completed in current or ensuing year. 2. New Acquisition – New items under taken during the current year. All works costing less than 50 lakh appear as one item in Pink Book. Back
Budget Provision For RSP Funds for RSP is allocated form Capital, DRF and DF. Funds allotted for Bulk order items are controlled by Railway Board. Funds for Non-Bulk items are distributed to various railways based on their itemised RSP. Back