The International Role of a National Institution: Library and Archives Canada Ontario Library Association 1 February 2008 Ingrid Parent Assistant Deputy Minister, Documentary Heritage Collection Sector Sean Berrigan Director General, Strategic Office Ingrid Parent Assistant Deputy Minister, Documentary Heritage Collection Sector Sean Berrigan Director General, Strategic Office
2 Introduction Defining our international role current and future directions building a framework feedback
3 LAC’s current international work International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions LAC representation within IFLA: Cataloguing Section Genealogy & Local History Section Library Services to Multicultural Populations Section National Libraries Section Reference and Information Services Section Professional Committee Governing Board Support for IFLA’s Core Activities
4 A bit about IFLA Highlights of some IFLA activities Representations and Advocacy World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) UNESCO your library: Campaign for the World’s Libraries –OLA is a registered member of the campaign Division of Bibliographic Control Working Groups on –FRANAR and FRSAR –Review of ISBD and FRBR Preservation and Conservation Core Activity network of regional centres publications and conferences
5 A bit more about IFLA IFLA publications: manifestos and declarations Public Library Manifesto School Library Manifesto Alexandria manifesto: Libraries, the information society in action monographs and reports World Guide to Library, Archive and Information Science Education Continuing Professional Development: Pathways to Leadership in the Library and Information World Access to libraries for persons with disabilities: checklist Guidelines for Library Services to Babies and Toddlers
6 LAC’s current international work Joint Steering Committee Resource Description and Access Technical Committee 46: Information and documentation standards
7 LAC’s current international work International Council on Archives International Association of Sound and Audiovisual Archives
8 LAC’s current international work Canadian Commission for UNESCO LAC is a member of the Communication & Information Sectoral Committee
9 LAC’s current international work Visit by the King & Queen of Sweden, October 2006 Jean-Marc Carisse, photog. Playbill from 1796, the oldest surviving document printed in Australia
10 Developing our international role initial consultation in 2004; drafting work on the document continued until 2006 responses to consultation emphasised two key international roles for LAC: development of international standards visibility in the international library community (and specifically with IFLA 2008 Congress in Quebec City) Library and Archives Canada June 2006
11 Directions for Change Final document recognizes a number of opportunities for our international activities some national institution roles benefit the whole country: –preservation research –standards development –international collaborations –development of national strategies “influence nationally and play its role internationally” –contribute in policy areas such as literacy, equitable access to information, intellectual property, culture and heritage policies –provide leadership in digital content and access, metadata standards development, preservation, government information management
12 broad mandate balance strategic directions and future goals with expectations of stakeholders and available resources consider priorities of the Government of Canada Future international work
13 Future international work Framework for international activities leadership representation on boards and committees memberships in international organizations partnerships with other national institutions professional development participation on working groups, particularly those related to standards hosting international events receiving foreign delegations
14 Future international work Areas of focus for the future standards digitization copyright and access resource sharing advocacy
15 Future international work World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Action lines related to: role of governments in promoting ICTs for development cultural diversity and identity, linguistic diversity and local content internet governance
16 Expectations for LAC’s international role Who are our international stakeholders? foreign institutions researchers from around the globe genealogists international professional associations Who expects us to be visible? our foreign peers our Canadian colleagues
17 Why international involvement is relevant to LAC International activity is not a luxury collaboration with peers benefits to national professional community ability to influence global standards – ensure Candian needs are represented contribute expertise and best practices and learn from others build networks for future cooperative projects
18 Some of the challenges… Camel libraries, Kenya National Library Service Interior of a Bibliobus, Barcelona, Spain
19 IFLA Congress 2008 Québec City
20 Canadian participation in IFLA 76 Canadian members of IFLA –10 associations – including OLA –37 institutions –29 individuals 41 Canadians actively involved on various committees Total IFLA membership: 1700 members from 150 countries “the United Nations for librarians”
21 A new Canadian initiative established in 2007 by ASTED and CLA bursary programme for research development and participation in IFLA-related events raise and manage funds to support international library development – contributions from national library community goals: –to promote participation of delegates from developing countries in IFLA congresses –to increase participation in national and international LIS seminars –to support research focusing on international library science issues
22 For further information: Sean Berrigan Director General Library and Archives Canada Strategic Office