The LEADERSHIP Project: Aims and Outcomes Yolanda Ursa – INMARK Project Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

The LEADERSHIP Project: Aims and Outcomes Yolanda Ursa – INMARK Project Coordinator

Project Scope Support Action DG CONNECT - ICT International Relations Unit 2 years duration: starting date 1 Nov partners from 6 LA countries and 2 EU 2 -MINCYT, Argentina -MCTI/IBIT, Brazil -CONICYT, Chile -CONACYT, Mexico -CINTEL, Colombia -CAF – Development Bank of Latin America -TEC Monterrey, Mexico -VTT, Finland -UPM, Spain -INMARK, Spain 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

What we do LEADERSHIP supports EU-LAC dialogues to enhance cooperation in ICT R&I under Horizon Bi-regional dialogues on S&T: Summits & Senior Official Meetings (SOM) Joint Initiative for Research and Innovation (JIRI) EU-LAC SOM ICT Working Group Bilateral dialogues: S&T Agreements (Argentina, Brazil, Chile and Mexico) EU-Brazil Dialogue in Information Society 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

Objectives 1.To create the LAC-ICT Expert Group as a forum to provide recommendations to the EU-LAC political dialogue in ICT. 2.To set up and run Working Groups on: Digital Agendas Funding Mechanisms ICT Regulations. 3.To identify ICT priorities for R&I cooperation 4.To provide input to the SOM ICT Working Group 5.To reinforce Latin America industrial cooperation in ICT, by enhancing interaction among research, industry and policy-makers. 6.To support the creation of networks of Living Labs through LAC and collaboration with the European Network of Living Labs. 411/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

LAC-ICT Expert Group Kick-off Workshop on 1 April 2014 in San José, Costa Rica –Synchronised with EU-CELAC Senior Officials Meeting (SOM) Forum to support ICT dialogues in the region, provide opinions and recommendations for EU-LAC cooperation in ICT R&I Collaboration with the EU-LAC SOM ICT Working Group Focus on three key thematic areas – Digital Agendas, Funding Mechanisms, and ICT Regulations /3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

LAC-ICT Expert Group Profile of the experts 6 Mexico9 Costa Rica3 Cuba1 Colombia7 Venezuela2 Brazil4 Chile4 Argentina6 Government Higher Education/ Research Industry 31% 25% 44% 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

Digital Agendas Working Group Coordination of Digital Agendas in LAC Identification of priority areas Recommendations for enhanced cooperation Synergies with the Digital Agenda for Europe’s (DAE) 7 Chair: CONACYT Co-chair: INMARK 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC Digital Agendas WG meeting on 29 September 2014 in Guadalajara, Mexico ─Synchronised with WCIT 2014

Input Paper Digital Agendas WG Gives an overview of the Digital Agendas in Latin America (by country) and provides the insights gathered from the Digital Agendas Working Group Describes the key aspects of the Digital Agenda for Europe Showcases potential synergies between LAC and European Digital Agendas Presents mechanisms and measures to strengthen LAC Digital Agendas Finally, it provides overall conclusions and recommendations WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC811/3/2015

ICT Regulations Working Group Enhance the LAC regulatory framework for ICT R&I cooperation Sectorial regulations (e.g. quality of service, user protection, broadband mass usage) Industrial regulations (e.g. broadband technologies, trade conditions, IPR) S&T regulations (e.g. S&T investments and capacities, IPR) 9 Chair: CINTEL Co-chair: UPM 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

Presents the prospective and convergent ICT frame of reference with the description of the most important ICT trends, indicators and indexes It provides an overview of the LAC ICT R&D Institutional Framework and presents some lessons learned Describes the key aspects of the LAC ICT R&D Regulatory Framework from three different perspectives: i) Sectorial Regulations, ii) S&T Regulations, and iii) Industrial Regulations Showcases a general review of the ICT R&I topics in EU and LAC Presents the prioritization of ICT regulatory areas of strategic interest for EU-LAC cooperation Finally, it provides overall conclusions and a set of recommendations WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC10 Input Paper ICT Regulations WG 11/3/2015

Funding Mechanisms WG 11 Explore Magazine by Claudia Adrien Review of available funding mechanisms Latin America: huge fragmentation of R&D funding mechanisms Chair: CAF Co-chair: IBICT 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

Input Paper Funding Mechanisms WG Provides an overall analysis per country of main programs and funding mechanisms aimed at providing support of international cooperation in ICT research and innovation. Identifies all complementary funding mechanisms for cooperation between Europe and Latin America in ICT research and innovation. Identifies the programs, funding amounts and terms by country that are explicitly open to European researchers. Finally, it drafts recommendations to LAC institutions and funding agencies, institutions responsible of political EU-LAC dialogues on STI, and the European Commission 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC12

NoR&I areaAverage 1ICT-enabled open government3,533,45 3,47 3,373,80 3,43 2ICT platform for Learning and Inclusion3,503,33 3,45 3,533,663,49 3Technologies for better human learning and teaching 3,503,23 3,47 3,703,493,61 4Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care 3,483,37 3,43 3,333,573,54 5Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment 3,483,43 3,40 3,333,553,52 6Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors 3,463,24 3,34 3,373,683,55 7Big data3,463,38 3,47 3,53 3,49 8New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency 3,443,25 3,36 3,473,62 9Cybersecurity, Trustworthy ICT3,423,16 3,38 3,273,583,54 10Advanced Cloud Infrastructures and Services 3,403,12 3,53 3,103,51 Top 10 ICT priorities by country 13 “Report on ICT Research and Innovation Priorities in Latin America. Results from LEADERSHIP Survey”, LEADERSHIP project ( funded by the European Commission 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

ICT R&I priorities in LAC Presents the methodological approach to conduct the survey and the respondents profile Gives an overview of the respondents’ R&I performance, based on employment and investment rates dedicated to R&I activities Describes respondents’ participation in international R&I cooperation programmes. Details R&I cooperation with Europe, including respondent’s experience when participating in EU projects. It also identifies the main barriers to participate in EU R&I projects and possible measures to enhance cooperation with Europe. Presents the ranking of ICT priorities in Latin America for future cooperation with Europe and its alignment with Horizon 2020 topics and R&I areas. Finally, it presents overall conclusions 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC14

LAC-Living Labs LEADERSHIP performed a mapping of existing and emerging Living Labs in LAC 21 identified Living Labs LAC-Living Labs Network at /3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

Good practices on knowledge transfer in ICT Study of successful cases for joint technology development and knowledge transfer in ICT Interviews on key aspects related to management, networks, reasons and requirements for success; lessons learnt; and conditions for replications →Good Practices Guide for technology and knowledge transfer 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC16 CaseCountryCaseCountry 1. The European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT- ICT) Europe 8. Cartagena crece innovandoColombia 2. Start-up ChileChile9. CETRI-LitoralArgentina 3. Start-up SaunaFinland10. Porto DigitalBrazil 4. WayraEurope11. Mexican Technology Platform in ICTMexico 5. Estonia ICT Demo CenterEstonia12. NESSIEurope 6. Microsoft Innovation Centers (MICs) Europe 13. Aalto University Design FactoryFinland 7. Fundación SadoskyArgentina14. Design Factory Chile hosted by Duoc UC Chile

Best practices on EU-LAC cooperation in ICT Identification of +30 target projects to perform the benchmark Distribution of semi-structured questionnaire: –Which mechanisms should be implemented in order to select topics for a successful EU-LAC cooperation? –Which are the critical factors for a successful EU-LAC cooperation? –Which barriers did you find for a successful EU-LAC cooperation? –Which barriers appeared for successfully implementing joint initiatives? –Which policies do you suggest to implement in order to overcome the barriers to reciprocity for access to LA programmes? In-depth interviews with targeted project’s participants Gather insights at this International Cooperation Workshop EU-LAC →Benchmarking on best practices for EU-LAC cooperation in ICT 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC17

18 To coordinate efforts To create synergies with current EU-LAC projects under ICT, e- Infrastructures, BILAT, INCO- NET and ERA-Net projects. To identify good practices to enhance EU-LAC cooperation in Horizon 2020, etc. To explore reciprocal access to Latin America programmes Collaboration EU-LAC projects 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

LEADERSHIP upcoming events LAC-ICT Expert Group Mid-term Workshop, June 2015, Brussels (tbc) –Synchronised with Summit EU-CELAC LAC-Living Labs Spring School, 2-4 September 2015, Cartagena de Indias, Colombia –Synchronised with ANDICOM 2015 LAC-ICT Expert Group Final Conference, October 2015 (tbc) 19 Co-Innovation Lab Workshop held on October in Mexico City 11/3/2015WS on ICT International Cooperation EU-LAC

Gracias, Linkedin Group: Co-Innovation-LAC Yolanda Ursa Tel: This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no