DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, HARYANA Meeting of Screening Committee for Krishi Karman Award on
HARYANA AT A GLANCE 2 The State of Haryana came into existence on 1 st November, Geographical Area (GA)4.42 m ha (1.4% of India) Cultivable Area (CA)3.757 m ha (85.0% of GA) Cultivated Area3.64 m ha (96.9% of CA) _____________________________________________________ Gross Cropped Area6.351 m ha Cropping Intensity185% _____________________________________________________ Irrigated Area m ha (84 %) Canal Irrigation m Ha (42.8%) Groundwater Irrigation m Ha (57.2%) Under-ground Water 54 % brackish _____________________________________________________ Farming Families16.17 lac (2011 Census) Marginal Farmers7.78 lac (48.1%) (own 3.61 lac ha – 9.9%) Small Farmers 3.15 lac (19.5%) (own 4.63 lac ha – 12.8%) Others 5.24 lac (32.4%) (own lac ha – 77.3%) ___________________________________________________
3 Mile Stones Twice recipient of Krishi Karman Award for best performing State under Wheat during the years and Second largest contributor of food grains to the central pool. 1 st in Basmati Rice export. Other Achievements Productivity of both Coarse and Basmati Paddy during Kharif 2012 was 4,003 kg per hect. and 2,587 kg per hect. respectively. This is the highest ever in the State since its creation in Productivity of Kharif food grains during Kharif 2012 at 2819 kg. per hectare was the highest in the State since its inception. Haryana achieved record production of lac MTs of Rice during Kharif It was the highest production ever achieved in the State. Area under Summer Moong is 73,000 ha. and production reached tonnes during Zaid Rabi which is the highest ever in the State.
4 Trends of Food grains Production YearArea (000 hect.) Production (000 tonnes) % increase/ decrease * *Drop in the area under food grains production in is on account of corresponding increase in the area under Guar cultivation.
5 ACHIEVEMENT OF FOODGRAINS PRODUCTION S. NoCrops AreaAv. Yield Prod.AreaAv. Yield Prod. KHARIF 1.Rice Jowar Maize Bajra Kh. Pulses Total RABI 6.Wheat Gram Barley Rabi pulses Summer Moong Total Grand Total Area in 000 hects. Av. Yield in kgs/hect. Production in 000 tonnes.
MAJOR FOCUS AREAS Timely Sowing of Wheat promoted – 80% sowing by 30 th November. Seed Replacement Rate increased to 55% in Rabi from 54% in Rabi and 34% in Rabi lac. qtl. Certified seed of Wheat distributed. Emphasis laid on promotion of newly released (region specific) varieties. – PBW-550, HD-2894, DPW & HD-2967 promoted particularly in North-eastern part. – HD-2851, PBW-590 & WH-1021 promoted under late sown conditions. Seed Treatment 100% Treatment of Certified Seed of Wheat. Other Steps Resource Conserving Technology through promotion of Mechanization and Micro Irrigation System and Soil Health Management is being promoted. Monitoring & Management of Yellow Rust disease. Promotion of relay sowing of Wheat in Cotton. Promotion of IPM, INM & IWM. DSR being promoted Summer Moong being promoted. 6
UTILIZATION OF FUNDS (Rs. in Lakh) * Including interest accrued during ParticularWheatPulsesA3PTotal Allocation Unspent balance Funds released Total funds available Funds utilized Unspent balance* % Utilization NFSM
RKVY YearAllocationActual released by GOI UtilizationSubmission of UCs % Utilization of Funds & Rs. in lac
COORDINATION AND EFFORTS WITH RELATED DEPARTMENTS State Level Coordination Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Minister State Level Committee under the chairmanship of PS Agriculture for fertilizer arrangements. State Level Sanctioning Committee under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary. State Level Executive Committee on Food Security Mission under the chairmanship of Chief Secretary. State Seed Production Committee under the Chairmanship of Principal Secretary Agriculture. Inter Departmental Working Group under the Chairmanship of PS Agriculture. Agriculture Officers Workshop with SAU before Kharif and Rabi season to finalize package of practices. There was no shortage of seed, fertilizer, power, irrigation and credit facilities during The online updating of data on NFSM website will be updated shortly whereas the reports and information of NFSM have been put on the departmental website i.e. 10
11 Contd…. FUTURE STRATEGIES S. NoCrops AreaAv. Yield Prod. KHARIF 1.Rice Jowar Maize Bajra Kh. Pulses Total RABI 6.Wheat Gram Barley Rabi pulses Summer Moong Total Sub Total Area in 000 hects. Av. Yield in kgs/hect. Production in 000 tonnes. Targets of food grains ( )
Contd… 100% Treatment of Certified Seed of Wheat. Reclamation of Water Logged & Saline Areas. 2 lakh hectares to be brought under Under Ground Pipe Line (UGPL) in next 5 years (25 crore). 2 lakh hectares to be brought under Micro-Irrigation during next 5 years (50 crore). High-yielding & Yellow Rust-resistant varieties of Wheat to be promoted. More area under hybrid rice planned to be covered. Area under Summer Moong will be increased to 93,000 hectares. Farm Mechanization to be promoted in a big way. Green Manuring to be promoted to improve the soil health. DSR in Rice will be promoted further. 12
13 FUTURE PROSPECTS Wheat The productivity of Wheat has reached its potential level & scope for further improvement is limited. However, department has taken some initiatives to further improve Wheat productivity. Planting of Wheat at 18 cm spacing instead of 20 cm will be promoted vigorously. This system of planting may improve Wheat productivity by 5-10 %. Varietal replacement will be another focus area to improve productivity. Efforts will be made to bring more area under HD-2967, HD-2894, DPW , WH-1105 & HD New varieties like DBW-71, WH-1124, HD-3059 & HD-3043 will be introduced in the production programme for the next year. Relay sowing of wheat in cotton for improving Wheat productivity in Cotton belt. Low productivity blocks/districts are being given special attention.
14 Contd... Rice Direct Seeding have excellent potential & 50% Basmati area is targeted to be brought under this system by the end of 12 th plan. New Basmati variety PUSA-1509 will be promoted. Cultivation of hybrid rice will be promoted to improve rice productivity (20 % area). Targeted 55,000 hectares area to be shifted to Maize during Kharif Summer Moong Good prospects of Summer Moong in Paddy areas as adequate irrigation facilities are available. Plan to bring 1.00 lac hectares area under this crop. Spring Maize Good scope of spring Maize in areas vacated by potato crop. Productivity of quintals per hectare can be achieved. An area of 20,000 hectares targeted during spring
Initiatives to improve Rice Production Direct Seeding of Rice (DSR) Saving of 20 – 25 % irrigation water Saving of labour & energy Advancement in crop sowing 15
Agro-techniques for DSR 16
17 Relay Sowing Wheat in Cotton
PROMOTION OF FARM IMPLEMENTS Laser Land Levelers targeted to be distributed on subsidy in per machine. 5,00 Straw Reapers will be distributed on subsidy. per machine. Happy Seeder - sowing of Wheat crop after harvesting of Paddy crop in standing stubbles. Cost around Rs /- Rotavators help in better decomposition of crop residue & saves fuel and labour.. 50% of the cost or Rs.30,000/- per machine.
BEST PRACTICES Under Ground Pipe Line ISI Marked HDPE/PVC Pipes are laid at one meter depth. 50% or maximum Rs. 60,000 per beneficiary. 20
LASER LAND LEVELER (Introduced in ) Water Saving 15-20%. Leads to uniform irrigation. Reduces consumption of fertilizer and pesticides 18-20%. Saving in Electricity and Diesel. Desired slope can be maintained to drain out the excess water in heavy rainfall areas. Increase in irrigated area/command area. 21
PROMOTION OF DSR Basmati Varieties21 to 31 % Non-Basmati22 % Hybrids20 to 25 % Water Saving in DSR (CIMMYT Report) 22
Thank You website: 23