Toni-Shae Freckleton Planning Institute of Jamaica UNITAR Seminar Mainstreaming Migration into Development Planning November 28, United Nations Headquarters, New York 1 “Realizing effectively migration mainstreaming: learning from experience” Towards a National Policy on International Migration and Development for Jamaica
Outline Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan Development of the Policy and Plan of Action Features of Mainstreaming Governance Structure Project Activities Proposed sub-themes Consultation and Engagement Lessons Learned and Challenges
Designed to guide Jamaica towards developed country status by Vision Statement – “Jamaica – the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business”. Goal 6 Population Sector Plan– “to ensure that international migration is adequately measured, monitored and influenced to serve the development needs of Jamaica”. 4 International Migration and Development Policy Process in Jamaica cont’d Vision 2030 Jamaica – National Development Plan,
Launch of Project May 5, IOM 1035 Facility – Development of National Policy and Plan of Action on International Migration and Development 2. Global Migration Group – Mainstreaming Migration in National Development Strategies 3. EU-LAC – Strengthening the dialogue and cooperation between EU and LAC to establish management models on migration and development policies. 5 Development of National Policy and Plan of Action
Features of Mainstreaming Evidence-based data to inform policy Inter-institutional policy coherence and coordination Capacity building Resource Mobilization Implementation Monitoring and Evaluation
Evidence-based data Migration Profiles Improve our own national Migration database Improve Data
Inter-institutional policy coherence and coordination Strong political support National ownership Support structure Multi-stakeholder involvement Vision – shared understanding of objectives Consultations
Inter-institutional policy coherence and coordination Current situation Integration of M&D partially reflected in areas of Vision 2030 Jamaica Sectoral Plans and Medium-Term Socio-economic Framework Partial implementation in policies, plans and programmes Country Programme Strategy – UNDAF
Governance Structure
Migration Policy Project Unit Capacity Project Manager Project Associate Oversight provided by the Planning Institute of Jamaica
National Working Group on International Migration and Development Inter-agency group A) oversee the process for development of a National Policy and Plan of Action on International Migration and Development B) operate as a standing committee for the national policy and facilitation of institutional coherence on migration and development issues in Jamaica Chairmanship Membership Interactive Dialogue
Project Board Responsibility Membership Project Oversight
Other Project Activities Use of the Handbook Working Session to determine sub-themes Establish sub-committees for sub-themes Draft TOR for consultant – Policy and Plan of Action International experts based on sub-themes
Proposed Sub-themes Governance and Policy Coherence Labour Mobility and Development Diaspora and Development Remittance and Development Human rights and social protection Data, Research and Information Systems Return and Reintegration of Migrants Family, Migration and Development
Consultative Processes National Consultations Sector specific consultations Tailor the message for different target groups Co-opt members to the subcommittees based on their area of specialization
Engagement Cabinet Public and private sector CSME – transferability of health and pension benefits Diaspora 17
Sustainability Subsumed in the Population Unit, PIOJ Government’s focal point on M&D
Lessons Learnt and Challenges Administration Adequate staff support Recruitment of Consultants Limited understanding of the migration and development nexus Situation Analysis and Migration Profile Project Timeline