TKES/LKES Update Important Deadline Dates: – All Formal Walkthroughs should be completed! – Second Formative Observation should be completed by March 31. – Summative Assessment and Conferences should be completed by April 24. – Copies of ALL TKES/LKES Summative Assessment or PAC/LAC should be received in HR by May 1!
Printing Summative Assessment Log in to the TKES/LKES Platform Click on “MyStaffTKES/LKES” Click on a teacher’s name Click on “Teacher Effectiveness Measure” Click on “Summative Assessment” Click on “View Feedback” Make sure you have comments in all sections Click on “Download to PDF” Print the PDF Use the following table to determine the ranking for the teacher
Determining Teacher/Admin. Rating LevelTAPS Summative Cut ScoresRating I0-6Ineffective II7-16Needs Development III17-26Proficient IV27-30Exemplary LevelLAPS Summative Cut ScoresRating I0-5Ineffective II6-13Needs Development III14-21Proficient IV22-24Exemplary
Finalizing Form for HR In the top left corner of the Summative Assessment showing the Feedback, write or type in the rating for the teacher using the information from the previous slide. – Evaluator: Elaine Wilson (pre-populated) – Assessment Date: 02/15/2015 (pre-populated) – Rating: TYPE/WRITE Rating here – Score: Level III 20 (Pre-populated) Have the teacher sign a copy of this Summative Assessment If a modified calendar was required for a teacher who was not present for the entire year, please write a statement as it relates to the teacher: “Mr. Name had only 2 Walkthroughs, 1 Formative Assessment and a Summative Assessment because he was not present for the entire year.”
Last Steps Copy assessment on front and back. (HR wants just one sheet.) Keep a copy for your records Once all Summative Assessments, PAC, and LAC are printed and labeled, alphabetize all of them together before bringing them to HR Make sure all Summative Assessments for teachers evaluated using TKES are received in HR by May 1
PAC/LAC Procedures for submitting PAC/LAC Evaluations have not changed. These evaluations are also due to HR by May 1.