Project Proposal Design and development of interactive e-content for the subject Digital Image Processing and Machine Vision Principal Investigator Rajeev Srivastava Reader, Department of Computer Engineering, Institute of Technology, Banaras Hindu University (I.T., B.H.U.), Varanasi , U.P. Mobile: Submitted to MHRD, Govt. of India
Contents Objective Methodology Deliverables year wise Time Schedule Details of permanent assets to be procured from the project with estimated cost (Non-Recurring) Details of financial outlay in year wise for recurring and non-recurring funds Management of Deliverables & IPR etc
Objectives Goal: To design and develop an interactive e-content for the subject “Digital Image Processing and Machine Vision”. Objectives that will be achieved: To facilitate a larger segment of interdisciplinary students of B.Tech, M.Tech and PhD from the disciplines of C.S.E., E.C.E, E.E., I.T. and other streams for self learning and remote teaching through national mission in education through information and communication technology (ICT) scheme of MHRD, Govt. of India. To provide useful research material for researchers,teachers, practitioners and development of aptitude among students for research in this field.
Requirement An effective and interactive e-content for the concerned subject is required because: Limited number of standard books are available that demonstrates the concepts of the subject in easy and interactive manner. E-contents of the subject are not easily available that serves the all segments of students. Practical aspects are also not covered by most of the books which is necessary for design of software applications. For design and implementation of projects hardly any book or material is available. For researchers the material is available in scattered nature. The proposed e-content will address all above issues.
Areas of applications of societal importance Medical imaging (Ultrasonography, MRI, X-ray imaging etc.) Remote sensing RADAR imaging Biometrics (Forensic science) Copy right protection Pattern recognition Robotic vision Digital Holography and optical information processing
Methodology Requirements Analysis and development of general framework of e-content for the subject “Digital Image Processing and Machine Vision”. Design and development of e-content. Delivery of e-contents of the subject phase-wise.
Requirements Analysis Requirements analysis from user’s point of view i.e. U.G., P.G. and research students. This shall include: The survey of course content of this subject of various reputed Universities and Institutes of India and abroad. Analysis will be performed for both theoretical and practical aspects. After detailed survey and requirements analysis a standard framework will be developed from global point of view. The whole framework of the e-content of this subject will be subdivided in to following parts- Theory Practical Some mini projects useful for students Current research topics and approaches in this area for researchers, teachers and students of advanced level.
Phase- I: Design and development of e-content for theory part This phase will involve design and development of e- content for theory part for UG and PG students of Engineering and other related streams in the form of chapter wise PDF documents, PPTs with interactive examples. In addition to the concepts, theoretical details and solved examples, each chapter will also include unsolved practice questions and objective questions with hint and solutions.
Phase-II: Design and development of e-content for practical part e-content for practical part for UG and PG students in the form of chapter wise PDF documents like practical manuals, PPTs with interactive examples as well as some developed software programs that can be downloaded from the website where it will be hosted. The practical assignments will be developed in standard image processing software such as MATLAB.
Phase III: Design and development of e-content for some mini projects The basic objective of this phase is to make the students aware of using various concepts of this subject and transforming them in term of practical solutions to real time problems and developing research aptitude. Some topics of mini projects are- Image Restoration Image Enhancement Image Compression Image Segmentation Image Inpainting Digital Image Watermarking -for copyright protection Digital Holography and optical information processing etc. E-contents will be in the form of project reports in PDF format, PPTs (Power point presentations) and software programs in MATLAB which will be helpful for students that will further enhance their knowledge and skill.
Phase IV: Current research topics and approaches The basic objective of this phase will be to make the researchers aware of current research topics and methodologies in this area. The various methodologies for image modeling and processing that will be explored are: Statistical image modeling and processing Wavelet based image modeling and processing Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) based image modeling and processing Areas of applications of these concepts will include Medical Imaging (Restoration, Segmentation and Enhancement), Remote Sensing (Restoration and Enhancement of SAR imagery),Object Recognition, Biometrics, Copy right protection related applications, Law enforcement agencies related applications etc. List of links and journals and other resource materials will also be provided.
Deliverables, Time Schedule and its possible contribution to major objectives of mission: I st Year: Requirements Analysis Report with detailed framework of e-content 70% e-contents of Phase-I (Theory part) in form of chapter-wise PDF documents like e-book, PPTs (Power point presentations) with interactive examples and handouts. The outcome of I st year e-contents will be completely helpful for UG students for theoretical part of the subject. II nd Year: Remaining 30% e-contents of Phase-I (Theory part) in form of chapter-wise PDF documents, PPTs (Power point presentations) with interactive examples and handouts. 100% e-contents of Phase –II (Practical part) (as described above, section 2) in form of chapter-wise PDF documents, PPTs (Power point presentations) with interactive examples and handouts as well as some executable MATLAB software programs. The outcome of II nd year e-contents will be completely helpful for UG and PG students for both theoretical and practical parts of the subject.
Deliverables, Time Schedule and its possible contribution to major objectives of mission: Contd…… III rd Year: 100% e-content of Phase –III for some mini projects in form of project reports in PDF format and PPTs. The outcome of this phase will fulfill the basic objective of this phase that is to make the students aware of using various concepts of this subject and transforming them in term of practical solutions to real time problems and developing research aptitude. IV th Year: 100% e-content of Phase –IV for current research topics and approaches in this area for researchers and students in form of project reports in PDF format and PPTs. The outcome of this phase will be helpful in promoting research in this area and will fulfill the basic objective of this phase that is the students, teachers and researchers aware of current research topics and methodologies in this area.
Details of permanent assets to be procured from the project with estimated cost (Non-Recurring): A. Software tools: i. MATLAB Software latest edition,Single user (01 No) :Rs 05 Lacs ii. MS-OFFICE (Single User) (01 No) :Rs 0.15 Lac iii. Other software tools :Rs 0.85 Lac ( e.g. Acrobat writer and other document editing tools) (01 No each) B. Hardware and furniture Tablet PC (01No) :Rs 01 Lac PC(Pentium latest configuration with multimedia features) (01 No):Rs 0.60 Lac Digital Video Camera (01 No) :Rs 0.50 Lac Digital Camera (01 No) :Rs Lac Laser Color Printer (01 No) :Rs 0.15 Lac Scanner (01 No) :Rs 0.25 Lac UPS ( 01 KVA) (01 No) :Rs 0.25 Lac Furniture (Chairs, Computer Table, Printer table etc) (01 No each) :Rs 0.50 Lac Total estimated cost to procure permanent assets (Non-recurring) = Rs Lacs ( Rs Nine Lacs Forty Thousands only)
Details of financial outlay in year wise for recurring and non-recurring funds I st year: Recurring: (Lacs) i) Honorarium: Rs. 2.5 ii) Contingency: Rs iii) Consumables: Rs iv) Travel: Rs v) Miscellaneous: Rs Total recurring I st year: Rs lacs (Rs Three Lacs Sixty Five Thousands Only) Non-Recurring (I st year only): Rs Lacs (Rs Nine Lacs Forty Thousands Only) Total: Recurring + Non-Recurring (I st yr): Rs Lacs ( Rs Thirteen Lacs Five Thousands only)
Details of financial outlay in year wise for recurring and non-recurring funds II nd year: Recurring: (Lacs) i) Honorarium: Rs. 2.5 ii) Contingency: Rs iii) Consumables: Rs iv) Travel: Rs v) Miscellaneous: Rs Total recurring II nd year : Rs Lacs (Rs Three Lacs Sixty Five Thousands Only)
Details of financial outlay in year wise for recurring and non-recurring funds III rd Year: Recurring: (Lacs) i) Honorarium: Rs. 2.5 ii) Contingency: Rs iii) Consumables: Rs iv) Travel: Rs v) Miscellaneous: Rs Total recurring II nd year : Rs Lacs (Rs Three Lacs Sixty Five Thousands Only)
Details of financial outlay in year wise for recurring and non-recurring funds IV th Year: Recurring: (Lacs) i) Honorarium: Rs. 2.5 ii) Contingency: Rs iii) Consumables: Rs iv) Travel: Rs v) Miscellaneous: Rs Total recurring II nd year : Rs Lacs (Rs Three Lacs Sixty Five Thousands Only) Grand Total: Recurring + Non-Recurring (4 yrs): Total estimated cost of project= Rs Lacs (Rs Twenty Four Lacs only)
Management of Deliverables & IPR etc As per MHRD, Govt. of India and Banaras Hindu University (BHU) Rules
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