The world’s libraries. Connected. VIAF and ISNI Interoperability Janifer Gatenby EMEA Program Manager Metadata OCLC VIAF Council Meeting Singapore
Libraries Text Rights Music Rights Trade Sources Encyclopaedias Researchers & Professional
The world’s libraries. Connected. Provisional: Unassigned 9,563,590 Provisional: Possible 580,738 Assigned 6.87 million Assigned ISNIs July independent sources 2,730, VIAF sources 656,976 Unique name 3,157,075 Single source (JISC names, BOEK, Ringgold) 296,417 Total 6,636,916 Assigned ISNIs to VIAF July independent sources2,496, VIAF sources656,976 Unique name2,643,958 Single source0 Total5,797,075
The world’s libraries. Connected. Assigned
Links from Current Non- VIAF sources to VIAF clusters VIAF source links to ISNI = > 7.3 million
The world’s libraries. Connected. VIAF Scope Persons Organisations Works / uniform titles Expressions Meetings Geographic All public data VIAF Scope Persons Organisations Works / uniform titles Expressions Meetings Geographic All public data ISNI Scope Persons + musicians, researchers Organisations (excluding sparse) (excluding undifferentiated) Includes private data ISNI Scope Persons + musicians, researchers Organisations (excluding sparse) (excluding undifferentiated) Includes private data VIAF and ISNI are Complementary
The world’s libraries. Connected. VIAF Role Ingest authority records from the world’s major national and research libraries Make clusters Expose and diffuse VIAF Role Ingest authority records from the world’s major national and research libraries Make clusters Expose and diffuse ISNI Role Create permanent IDs By batch On demand Diffuse those IDs Libraries, trade, rights management, professional societies, education ISNI Role Create permanent IDs By batch On demand Diffuse those IDs Libraries, trade, rights management, professional societies, education VIAF and ISNI are Complementary
The world’s libraries. Connected. VIAF System Harvester Clustering mechanism Web site (5 interface languages) Download in multiple formats Linked data & SRU 1 million personal visitors p.a. VIAF System Harvester Clustering mechanism Web site (5 interface languages) Download in multiple formats Linked data & SRU 1 million personal visitors p.a. ISNI System Batch load Online request API Web site (English only) Allows end user input Member input and correction 16+ indexes SRU; soon linked data Quality Team monitoring & correcting Diffusion, including corrections ISNI System Batch load Online request API Web site (English only) Allows end user input Member input and correction 16+ indexes SRU; soon linked data Quality Team monitoring & correcting Diffusion, including corrections VIAF and ISNI are Complementary
The world’s libraries. Connected. Samples data regularly c. 2% VIAF clusters have mixed identities Duplicate clusters are higher, nearer 5% Makes corrections at cluster level Merges, splits, error notifications Access to cataloguing client / macros Makes system recommendations Gives approval for single source assignment Responds to End User input ISNI Quality Team
Example record fixed by QT 3 VIAF records merged ISNI sources British Library Sound Archive, MusicBrainz notice instruments, performances Example record fixed by QT 3 VIAF records merged ISNI sources British Library Sound Archive, MusicBrainz notice instruments, performances
The world’s libraries. Connected. Another example of a merge in ISNI
The world’s libraries. Connected. Cause duplicate ISNI assignment Where both clusters have more than 3 VIAF sources Where an ISNI source matches with a single or 2 source VIAF record (Where VIAF sources move between the clusters) ISNI as a VIAF source will help VIAF merge clusters where ISNI QT has manually merged them (2,444) ISNI has flagged 481,766 VIAF records as possible duplicates Duplicate clusters
Titles of other identities Vocabulaire anglais-français, français- anglais, de terminologie économique et juridique Il Piemonte visto da un inglese Italia, Italia The politics of the Vatican The Pope's divisions : the Roman Catholic Church today La notte comincia ancora una volta Titles of other identities Vocabulaire anglais-français, français- anglais, de terminologie économique et juridique Il Piemonte visto da un inglese Italia, Italia The politics of the Vatican The Pope's divisions : the Roman Catholic Church today La notte comincia ancora una volta
The world’s libraries. Connected. Amazon is differentiating
The world’s libraries. Connected. Signalled by ISNI Quality Team Most cases encountered now are due to source data ISNI QT would like to notify VIAF sources directly VIAF is currently notified by a field in the ISNI record; notifications indicate if a cluster error or a source error Undifferentiated Identities
The world’s libraries. Connected. ISNI is assigned to public identities. Pseudonyms = different identities; but related VIAF sources- some treat as name variants, some as related names ISNI suite of programs Converts pseudonym name variants to related names Flags records with dissimilar main names Links and protects Public Identities versus Persons
The world’s libraries. Connected. Policy on pseudonyms Study notification work flows How to remove record protect flags Participate in cluster sampling in VIAF and ISNI Help define new anomaly detectors ISNI has dissimilar main name / publishing before age 9, life span greater than 120 years VIAF ISNI Task Force
NUKAT record for Thomas Meier (1953-) -2 erroneous titles- VIAF cluster ISNI Thomas Meier (1953-) Titles belong to ISNI Thomas Meier ISNI QT to delete the titles from the ISNI record Notification to VIAF and directly to the contributor (977) NUKAT VIAF cluster NUKAT deletes the 2 titles and creates a new authority record for Thomas Meier 1966 This new NUKAT record matches with the VIAF cluster for Thomas Meier on the 2 titles added by ISNI VIAF cluster (with ISNI in the cluster) VIAF cluster Actions by ISNI ISNI QT adds the 2 titles to this ISNI record Notification to VIAF (977) New NUCAT authority record for Thomas Meier 1966 Without the 2 titles for Thomas Meier 1966 Actions by ISNI
The world’s libraries. Connected. Flag undifferentiated records e.g. those generated by programs comparing authority and bibliographic name strings Respond to ISNI notifications correct “home” data Flag undifferentiated records e.g. those generated by programs comparing authority and bibliographic name strings Respond to ISNI notifications correct “home” data VIAF sources As ISNI Members: Control “own identities” in VIAF and ISNI * Check possible matches and suspect records on ISNI Use ISNI for direct maintenance of clusters * Will generate notifications to VIAF and VIAF sources As ISNI Members: Control “own identities” in VIAF and ISNI * Check possible matches and suspect records on ISNI Use ISNI for direct maintenance of clusters * Will generate notifications to VIAF and VIAF sources