Introduction to the UNDP Global Centre for Public Service Excellence Astana, December 2014
Singapore and UNDP Partnership since 1960s, successes with econ policy / urban devt. Rejuvenated partnership since 2011: Joint publication “Virtuous Cycles: The Singapore Public Service and National Development” GCPSE operational since 01/2013 Government of Singapore co-funds programme and seconds staff 10 staff & full time consultants, 2 project consultants target: 15 (incl. 2 UNDP staff focused on Anti-Corruption)
Our Ambition The Global Centre for Public Service Excellence is UNDP’s catalyst for new thinking, strategy and action in the area of public service, promoting innovation, evidence, and collaboration.
Theme s Motivation Leadership Innovation Foresight
Evidence Hub Distilling academic research and innovative practice
Convening Hub Bringing together thinker-practitioners for knowledge sharing events that inspire new thinking, influence strategy and provide insights for taking action.
(1) Public Service Post-2015 PSP-2015 – Restoring the Public Service Ethos (July 2014) ASEAN focussed event, organised with the Singapore Government Public Service Excellence and the Post 2015 Agenda (Nov 2014) Global Workshop, organised with the Effective Institutions Platform to consider the research, evidence and knowledge needs; to explore alternative futures, potential opportunities and risks; to agree on peer learning priorities (Learning Alliances).
(2) Public Service Innovation Lab Social Innovation Camp Asia Southeast Asia: 7 countries / 8 cities (Sep – Nov 2013) Regional Summit in Singapore (Nov 2013) Consultation on the Co-Design of Public Policy and Services (Dec 2013)
(3) foresightXchange Multi-country prototyping of methods & tools Considers utility and potential linkages of foresight in various public service environments (at country level) Explores how foresight can best help public service to improve resilience and adaptability Asks how to best develop capacities to apply foresight methodologies in strategic planning and risk management Tonga foresightXchange (07/2014) 3 rd UN Conference on SIDS (09/2014) Rwanda foresightXchange (10/2014)
Outlook / What’s ahead? Convening foresightXchange & establishing the hub on Public Service Foresight; High-level event on leadership in the public service, connecting the dots between our various strands of research; South-South Learning among peers; Joint events with partners (e.g. Astana Civil Service Hub, Asian Development Bank, Inter-American Development Bank, Commonwealth Local Governance Forum, OECD-DAC)
Outlook / What’s ahead? Evidence Building Increased collaboration with UNDP’s Regional Bureaus through a joint research initiative (incl. Eastern Europe & CIS) use of innovative tools for the continuous analysis of large volumes of qualitative data & underlying meanings (contributed by respondents) research project will engage civil servants and service users / citizens in a scanning network around key themes in public service excellence expected outputs: emergent patterns & data analysis provides insights at country-level and globally
Outlook / What’s ahead? Networks Effective Institutions Platform – GCPSE to take on Co-Secretariat function with the OECD-DAC: Interest among institutions in this region to join the 64 member platform and to become active as a member/convener? foresight practitioner network – with ADB (Asia), ECLAC (LAC), EC (European Union), etc.