Department of Language Education and Policy ● Language Policy Division (Strasbourg) ● European Center for Modern Languages (Graz) ● Charter for Regional and Minority Languages (Strasbourg)
Council of Europe work in language policies and standards 3 rd Summit - social cohesion and intercultural dialogue Standing Conference of European Ministers of Education access to quality education for all concrete measures for inclusive education right to education
Language(s) of schooling language as a subject language across the curriculum Standards / minimum ‘entitlement’ / expectations : competences (linguistic and semiotic) end primary/end compulsory school
- The language is more specific, it is embedded into semantic fields and networks of concepts - It uses a more formal register and style - It is more abstract or generalised in word choice - It is more precise and succinct - It is more explicit and detailed - It is more cohesive (explicitly linking ideas, sentences and parts thereof) - It is more rationally structured - It is more coherent or goal-oriented in terms of the overall structuring of a discourse or text; - It thus requires more planning, self-monitoring and other forms of user control - It leads to basic forms of classroom-scientific discourse to which all learners are entitled and which are fundamental prerequisites in order to learn efficiently, in order to survive school and in order to become a social agent and participate inside and outside of school as a democratic citizen.
European Reference Framework for Languages of Education 1. main language(s) of schooling (national, regional/minority languages) Language as a subject (LS) Language for teaching other subjects (LAC) 2. regional/minority + migrant languages (+varieties) when NOT languages of schooling 3. Modern foreign languages (‘foreign’ or bilingual teaching)
European Framework of Reference for Languages of Education Prague Conference
Tools of Reference Guide for Language Education Policies in Europe CEFR (+ Manual + DVDs..) Guide to curriculum planning for plurilingual and intercultural education DVD with samples of oral production in 5 languages calibrated during an international benchmark event European Portfolio for Student Teachers of Language (EPOSTL) ELP generic elements (templates; banks of descriptors) Guidelines on language policies for integration of migrants Curriculum Framework for Romani ……………………….
Tools of Implementation specific European Language Portfolio models local ELP training (ECML kit + ELP website) local CEFR linking; training …. individual Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters Intercultural Communicative Competence in Teacher Education (ICCinTE) …………………….. Language Education Policy Profiles – transversal
New development Overarching conceptual framework concerning all languages in/for education Handbook for languages of schooling
Websites / Sites internet Council of Europe / Conseil de l’Europe Language Policy Division Division des Politiques linguistiques European Language Portfolio Portfolio européen des langues European Day of Languages Journée européenne des langues ECML /