Techmentoring The Partners in Learning Way SHERLITA L. DAGUISONAN & MANUEL O. CABERTE 6 September 2006
It focuses on the following questions: 1.How did we get started as a techmentor? 2.What kind of support do techmentors provide mentees? 3.What aspects of techmentoring do mentees find most helpful? 4.How does techmentoring affect the mentees? This paper describes the experiences of the authors’ in technology mentoring.
It focuses on the following questions: 5.What are the effects of techmentoring on student attitude and performance in class? 6.What are the challenges to successful techmentoring? This paper describes the experiences of the authors’ in technology mentoring.
How did we get started as a techmentor? Attended the PiL National techmentors training Created a division core of techmentors Organized FUSION training for core group of techmentors Identified mentees Conducted school-to-school visitation of mentees
Technology mentoring involves… providing mentees the support needed for integrating technology in the teaching and learning process assisting them in designing curriculum materials and providing them with useful resources facilitating change among teachers from being routine experts to adaptive experts
highlighted mentees’ strengths suggested alternative practices emphasized important teaching points; helped teachers select materials especially during the early stage of ICT integration in their lessons What kind of support do techmentors provide?
developed rapport between mentors and mentees established good relationship with the mentee, based on trust and respect reassured mentees when in doubt about the effectiveness of their teaching (specially with ICT integration) What kind of support do techmentors provide?
confirmed their teaching strengths and areas in which they could improve encouraged mentees to take risks in the classroom and not give up when experiencing difficulty in implementing ICT integration in teaching and learning process What kind of support do techmentors provide?
enhanced mentees’ collaborative skills in working with interdisciplinary Problem-Based Learning (PBL) activities discussed and shared with the mentees’ programs planned learning experiences for the students during the regular learning core meetings What kind of support do techmentors provide?
What aspects of techmentoring do mentees find most helpful? discussion with an experienced techmentor frequent visits from experienced techmentors observations be done as early as possible group discussion with the mentees and the techmentors learning action cell (LAC) sessions
How does techmentoring affect the mentees? technical expertise – became more skillful in implementing ICT integration in their lessons changed roles – from being dispensers of information to facilitators of learning; positive feelings about the effectiveness of their teaching reflective about teaching and learning changed from routine experts to adaptive experts
“The mentoring program has made me more humble and flexible. It has provided me with an avenue to continually seek out my mentees and develop a deeper friendship with them.” (Lorna L. Tumampil, ITLA I-Finalist ) Comments of mentors/mentees about the benefits of techmentoring
“Students’ work exceeded my expectations. Students engagement with task was more sustained and they worked at higher level of thinking and reasoning.” (Ramon Loberiano-ITLA II Finalist) Comments of mentors/mentees about the benefits of techmentoring
“Techmentoring gives us teachers the challenge to use computer as a tool in enhancing the teaching-learning.” (Ma. Gina A. Arjona-BNCHS-Bayugan) Comments of mentors/mentees about the benefits of techmentoring
“At first I was hesitant to use computer. I felt I was too old to learn computer, however, because of techmentoring I realized that age doesn’t matter anyway.” (Helen M. Taboada-BNCHS-Bayugan) Comments of mentors/mentees about the benefits of techmentoring
What are the challenges to successful techmentoring? Lack of resources Teacher resistance Workload and personal commitments Lack of administrative support
What are the effects of techmentoring on student attitude and performance in class? they become more independent and collaborative learners; they have learned more through discovery; they become more active and participatory;
they are very excited whenever a computer activity is scheduled for the class; many of the students’ outputs exceeded the expectations of the teachers. What are the effects of techmentoring on student attitude and performance in class?
TECHMENTORING: The PIL Way fostered a good working relationship between mentor and mentee served as catalyst of change for teachers from being routine experts to adaptive experts encouraged teachers to be more reflective facilitated improvements in the students’ attitudes & performances.
CONCLUSION Generally, the success of the mentoring program depends on the program itself. The authors recommend that mentoring program in the school/division should be institutionalized.