Fingerprint Analysis (part 1) Pavel Mrázek
What is fingerprint Ridges, valleys Singular points –Core –Delta Orientation field Ridge frequency
Fingerprint classes
Small scale: Minutia 150 types in theory 7 used by human experts 2 types for the machine: –Ending –Bifurcation
Minutia examples
Sensing Traditional (off line): rolled ink impression + paper scan Plus: big area Minuses: –Inconvenient –Distortion –Too much/little ink
Sensing Optical sensors
Sensing Optical sensors Good: large area possible, good image quality, contactless scanning available Bad: size
Sensing Silicon sensors Capacitive Electric field Thermal
Sensing Silicon sensors Good image quality, small form factor Price proportional to size
Sensing Silicon sensors Area Swipe
Fingerprint types
Minutia detection overview
Orientation field Orientation field (or ridge flow) estimation: Crucial step before image enhancement Various methods: –Gradient-based –Gabor filters –FFT
Orientation estimation Gradient direction –local characteristics –same ridge orientation, opposite gradients –more global view needed Classical solution: Structure tensor (second moment matrix, interest operator) –start from a 2x2 matrix (positive semidefinite) –safe to average information
Orientation estimation Structure tensor Local: Larger scale: average componentwise (Gaussian window, linear/nonlinear smoothing) 2 nonnegative eigenvalues –both small: backgroung / low contrast –one big, one small: regular ridge area –both big: multiple orientations (core, delta, scar)
Orientation estimation Structure tensor system of 2 orthogonal eigenvectors shows dominant direction
Orientation estimation
Problematic images Solution –Enforce smoothness –Use prior knowledge
Orientation model
References Maltoni et al.: Handbook of Fingerprint Recognition. Springer Maltoni. A tutorial on fingerprint recognition. In LNCS 3161, Springer Hong, Wan, Jain. Fingerprint image enhancement: algorithm and performance evaluation. IEEE PAMI Zhou, Gu. A model-based method for the computation of fingerprints’ orientation field. IEEE TIP Weickert. Coherence enhancing shock filters. DAGM Contact: mrazekp -at-