Discovered that they are unique. No 2 alike. A classification system was developed. Loops Whorls Arches
Computer database AFIS Automated Fingerprint Identification System ▪ 1990 IAFIS Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System ▪ Criminal histories; mug shots; scars and tattoo photos; physical characteristics like height, weight, and hair and eye color; and aliases. ▪ Response time: ▪ 10 minutes for electronically submitted criminal prints. ▪ One hour for electronically submitted civil prints.
Loop – comes in one side and out that same side. One delta on the side opposite from where it starts and exits. Most common Delta Enter Exit Turn
Whorl – Circular shape. Two deltas on either side. Delta
Arch – Up thrust, with a decline. Exits opposite side. EnterExit Up Thrust
Plastic – finger contacts a soft surface such as putty. Visible. Finger is covered with a liquid such as blood and then contacts a hard surface. Latent – Invisible. Oils, salts and other debris stick to a surface when it is touched by a finger. Most common.
Lighting – flash light, etc. Chemical reaction Iodine mixes with starches in the fingerprint and turns brown Ninhydrin mixes with the amino acids in the fingerprints and turns purple.
Used for slick surfaces. Superglue and dusting.
Identifying the pattern (loop, whorl, arch) Looking for minutiae Ridge ending Bifurcation Island Core Delta Cicatrix
What do you compare a lifted print to? A known sample How many points does the FBI use in identifying a print? 14 How does a fingerprint match become confirmed? With a microscopic match by a human being.