Student Teacher Orientation for Fall 2015 Applicants Dr. Karin Nolan
Introductions Dr. Karin Nolan, Coordinator of Field Experiences CFA All of you: Our Future Student Teachers Name Major Area What is your ideal student teaching placement (e.g., high school choir, Art in a K- 8 school, etc.)?
Contact Information Dr. Karin Nolan Office: Harvill Bldg, Rm. 126 Mailbox: Music Bldg, Rm. 109 Website: field-experiences
Congratulations! Student teaching is the most important step in your arts education career Placing you in a fantastic program with a master teacher will ensure a rewarding student teaching experience.
Two Priorities for Placement Communication with your major professor about your specific needs and placement. Getting all of your materials before the deadlines.
Placement Process Go to our website for information and all forms: us/ us/office-of-field-experiences
Step 1: Fingerprinting I must have a copy of your current, accurate fingerprint clearance card in order for you to student teach. If you haven’t been fingerprinted yet, plan to go to the next fingerprint service at the College of Educ. room 257: Look at their website calendar for dates and times, usually twice a month: Bring $10 (any way is fine) for the person taking your prints (Eagle Fingerprinting) and a $67 (cashiers check or money order only made out to: Arizona Department of Public Safety). You also need to bring your Drivers License (or other state or federal photo ID). Takes approximately 2 months to receive your card in the mail; your card expires after 6 years. You will turn in a photocopy of your card with your application packet.
Step 2: Schedule a meeting with your Advisor & Prof ASAP Complete the paper application Schedule a meeting with your academic advisor to fill out your coursework checklist (WITH GPAs!!!) Then, schedule a meeting with your major professor (Dr. Draves – music, Dr. Hochtritt or Dr. Garber – art) to complete the coursework checklist.
Step 3: Read the Standards and Sign the Contract Read pages in the Student Teacher Guidebook from our website, and then sign the contract from your application packet.Student Teacher Guidebook
Step 4: Perfect your Résumé With your application and coursework checklist, you will also submit a professional résumé on nice paper.
Step 5: Turn In Application Packet Your application, coursework checklist, professional standards contract, fingerprint clearance card copy, and résumé are due by Wed. Feb 18, by 4 PM to my mailbox (MUS109).
Recap Get fingerprinted; photocopy your card Meet with your academic advisor to sign the Coursework Checklist Meet with your major professor to fill out the Coursework Checklist Read standards and sign contract Complete the application Perfect your résumé and print a hard copy COMPLETE APPLICATION IS DUE BY: Feb. 18 th by 4pm to MUS109!
Placement Process Recommendations come from your major professors and then I verify that the teachers/principals want a student teacher. You are sent an with your Potential Student Teaching Assignment, Agreement Form, and Clearance Forms (if placed in TUSD or Sahuarita). This may not end up being your final assignment.
You then have 2 weeks to… Call your assigned potential cooperating teacher within 2 days and arrange a time as soon as possible to meet and observe him/her teach. Observe the cooperating teacher teach, and if all agree to the student teaching placement, you need to have the teacher and principal sign the Agreement Form. Drop-off the Agreement Form and Student Teacher Clearance Forms (if placement is TUSD or Sahuarita) by the due date listed on the Agreement Form.
Other important things… Plan to take the NES tests this semester Must pass AZ/US Constitution Test or Class Start planning for finances for student teaching semester IR is only good for a year – so plan to get certified right after student teaching, even if you plan to move. Three parts to student teaching semester
Dates to Add to Calendar 2/18/15 by 4 PM: Drop Off Completed Student Teacher Application Packets to mailbox. 5/7/15 from 2-4 PM for Professional Development Conference, Part I. 8/19/15 from 3:00-5:30 PM for Professional Development Conference, Part II. 11/6/15 from 1-4 PM for Career Advisement Session.