abcit Characterization of Polyammides
abcit 3 methods p Infrared Spectroscopy p Differential Scanning Calorimetry p Dynamic Mechanic Analysis
abcit Infrared Spectroscopy p We send an infrared beam on the sample p The radiation will be attenuated only at specific wavelenghts p The graph is called Spectrum and is a “fingerprint” of every molecule
abcit PA 6
abcit PA 6,6
abcit Overlay of PA 6 and 6,6
abcit Differential Scanning Calorimetry
abcit DSC of PA 6
abcit StepScan DSC of Nylon p Nylon 6 polymers yield simultaneous moisture evolution peak and plasticized Tg p Standard DSC has difficulty detecting plasticized Tg because of moisture peak p StepScan DSC can separate out the moisture evolution peak (‘slow’ process) from the Tg (‘fast’)
abcit StepScan DSC of Ambient Humidity Nylon 6 Fibers
abcit StepScan DSC of Saturated Nylon 6 Fibers
abcit StepScan DSC of Dry Nylon 6 Fibers
abcit Dynamic Mechanic Analysis
abcit A typical DMA curve...
abcit PA 6 PA 12 Moisture effect on DMA of PA 6 and 12
abcit Frequency effect on Modulus PMMA ( 0.01 ~ 100Hz )