Analisa Termal
Teknik Analisa Termal Sejumlah teknik pengukuran dimana sifat-sifat fisik diukur sebagai fungsi dari suhu, dimana sampel dikenakan proses pemanasan atau pendinginan tertentu. Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) Perbedaan suhu antara sampel dengan material standar yang inert, DT = TS - TR, diukur saat keduanya diberi perlakuan panas tertentu. Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Sampel dan standar dijaga pada suhu yang sama, bahkan selama terjadi perubahan-perubahan termal tertentu pada sampel. Variabel yang diukur adalah besarnya energi yang diperlukan untuk menjaga perbedaan suhu sampel dan standar sama dengan nol, dDq/dt. Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) Pengukuran dilakukan pada perubahan massa sampel akibat pemanasan. Power compensated DSC and heat flux DSC provide the same information but are fundamentally different.
Prinsip-prinsip dasar analisa termal Instrumentasi modern yang digunakan pada analisa termal biasanya terdiri dari empat bagian: Sample/sample holder Sensor untuk mendeteksi/mengukur sifat-sifat tertentu sampel dan suhu. Pengaturan yang memungkinkan paremeter-parameter eksperimen dapat dikontrol. Komputer yang memungkinkan pengumpulan dan pemrosesan data. A modern thermal analysis instrument is made up of a furnace for heating (or cooling) the sample at a controlled rate and a selective transducer (a thermocouple to measure heat flow (DSC or DTA)or a balance to monitor weight changes (TG)) to monitor changes in the substance. DTA power compensated DSC heat flux DSC
Pt/Rh or chromel/alumel Differential Thermal Analysis sample holder sample and reference cells (Al) sensors Pt/Rh atau chromel/alumel thermocouples Satu untuk sampel dan satu untuk reference Dihubungkan dengan pengontrol suhu diferensial furnace alumina block berisi sampel dan reference temperature controller Mengontrol program suhu dan atmosfer furnace alumina block heating coil sample pan reference pan inert gas vacuum Chromel-alumel system (150 – 500 °C) is well suited for pharmaceutical materials. Thermocouples are joined so that the differential temperature between the sample and reference, and the actual sample temperature, can be monitored. Choice between DTA and DSC is less clear than in the past: results from early DTA instruments could not be converted to calorimetric values When the thermocouples are in thermal (but not physical) contact with the sample and reference materials, the area under the exotherms or endotherms can be related to the enthalpy change during the phase transition Pt/Rh or chromel/alumel thermocouples
Differential Thermal Analysis keuntungan: Instrumen dapat digunakan pada suhu yang sangat tinggi Instrumen sangat sensitif Volume dan bentuk crucible fleksibel Transisi atau suhu reaksi yang karakteristik dapat ditentukan dengan akurat, kelemahan: Ketidakpastian estimasi panas bagi reaksi, transisi dan fusi sekitar 20-50% DTA
Differential Scanning Calorimetry DSC differs fundamentally from DTA in that the sample and reference are both maintained at the temperature predetermined by the program. during a thermal event in the sample, the system will transfer heat to or from the sample pan to maintain the same temperature in reference and sample pans two basic types of DSC instruments: power compensation and heat-flux endothermic processes will lower the sample temperature relative to that of reference, so the sample must be heated more in order to maintain equal T in both pans power compensation DSC heat flux DSC
Power Compensation DSC sample pan DT = 0 inert gas vacuum individual heaters controller DP reference thermocouple sample holder Al or Pt pans sensors Pt resistance thermocouples separate sensors and heaters for the sample and reference furnace separate blocks for sample and reference cells temperature controller differential thermal power is supplied to the heaters to maintain the temperature of the sample and reference at the program value Power-compensated DSC was introduced in the early 1960s.
Sample Preparation accurately-weigh samples (~3-20 mg) small sample pans (0.1 mL) of inert or treated metals (Al, Pt, Ni, etc.) several pan configurations, e.g., open , pinhole, or hermetically-sealed pans the same material and configuration should be used for the sample and the reference material should completely cover the bottom of the pan to ensure good thermal contact avoid overfilling the pan to minimize thermal lag from the bulk of the material to the sensor Because DSC measures the difference in heat flow between a sample and reference, the baseline stabilizes faster if the difference in heat capacity between the sample and reference is kept small by adding weight (same material as pan) to the reference pan so that it is similar in total weight to the sample pan. Aluminum pans can be used in most experiments, unless the sample reacts with aluminum or the temperature is to exceed 600 °C. Purity determination 1-3 mg; melting 5-10 mg; Tg or weak transitions up to 20 mg; highly endo/exothermic responses less than 5 mg Al Pt alumina Ni Cu quartz * small sample masses and low heating rates increase resolution, but at the expense of sensitivity
Heat Flux DSC sample holder sample and reference are connected by pan inert gas vacuum heating coil reference thermocouples chromel wafer constantan chromel/alumel wires sample holder sample and reference are connected by a low-resistance heat flow path Al or Pt pans placed on constantan disc sensors chromel®-constantan area thermocouples (differential heat flow) chromel®-alumel thermocouples (sample temperature) furnace one block for both sample and reference cells temperature controller the temperature difference between the sample and reference is converted to differential thermal power, dDq/dt, which is supplied to the heaters to maintain the temperature of the sample and reference at the program value Ag heating block dissipates heat to the sample and reference via the constantan disc.
Modulated DSC (MDSC) Modulated DSC Heating Profile introduced in 1993; “heat flux” design sinusoidal (or square-wave or sawtooth) modulation is superimposed on the underlying heating ramp total heat flow signal contains all of the thermal transitions of standard DSC Fourier Transformation analysis is used to separate the total heat flow into its two components: Modulated DSC Heating Profile Typical reversing events are glass transitions and melting; non-reversing events are crystallization, evaporation, decomposition and solid-solid transitions. underlying heating rate: 0-100 °C/minute modulation period: 10-100 seconds modulation temperature amplitude: +/- 0.01 – 10 °C The net effect of imposing the complex heating profile is the same as if two experiments were run simultaneously – one at the linear (average) heating rate and the other at a sinusoidal (instantaneous) rate. heat capacity (reversing heat flow) kinetic (non-reversing heat flow) glass transition crystallization melting decomposition evaporation enthalpic relaxation cure
Analysis of Heat-Flow in Heat Flux DSC temperature difference may be deduced by considering the heat flow paths in the DSC system thermal resistances of a heat-flux system change with temperature the measured temperature difference is not equal to the difference in temperature between the sample and the reference temperature Tfurnace TRP TR TS TSP heating block DTR DTS reference sample DTL thermocouple is not in physical contact with sample Thermal resistances of the heat flux system changes with temperature. DSC instruments are therefore used in the “calibrated” mode, whereby the amplified DSC signal is automatically varied with temperature to maintain a constant calorimetric sensitivity with temperature. Temperature difference may develop between the samples (S and R) and the thermocouples, since these are not in direct physical contact with the samples. DTexp ≠ TS – TR
DSC Calibration baseline evaluation of the thermal resistance of the sample and reference sensors measurements over the temperature range of interest 2-step process the temperature difference of two empty crucibles is measured the thermal response is then acquired for a standard material, usually sapphire, on both the sample and reference platforms organic compounds have been recommended as standards when studying organic material to minimize differences in thermal conductivity, heat capacity, and heat of fusion and may be used predominantly at temperatures below 300 K. Standard procedures can be obtained from the American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM). amplified DSC signal is automatically varied with temperature to maintain a constant calorimetric sensitivity with temperature
DSC Calibration temperature goal is to match the melting onset temperatures indicated by the furnace thermocouple readouts to the known melting points of standards analyzed by DSC should be calibrated as close to the desired temperature range as possible heat flow use of calibration standards of known heat capacity, such as sapphire, slow accurate heating rates (0.5–2.0 °C/min), and similar sample and reference pan weights calibrants high purity accurately known enthalpies thermally stable light stable (hn) nonhygroscopic unreactive (pan, atmosphere) metals In 156.6 °C; 28.45 J/g Sn 231.9 °C Al 660.4 °C inorganics KNO3 128.7 °C KClO4 299.4 °C organics polystyrene 105 °C benzoic acid 122.3 °C; 147.3 J/g anthracene 216 °C; 161.9 J/g
Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA) thermobalance allows for monitoring sample weight as a function of temperature two most common instrument types reflection null weight calibration using calibrated weights temperature calibration based on ferromagnetic transition of Curie point standards (e.g., Ni) larger sample masses, lower temperature gradients, and higher purge rates minimize undesirable buoyancy effects For pharmaceutical samples, temperatures up to 350 °C and sample sizes of 5-20 mg are generally adequate. Reflection-type TGA (like Perkin-Elmer TGA7) depends on balance beam deflection about its fulcrum due to mass changes change in restoring force, which is proportional to the change in the sample mass, is monitored The sample hangs from the balance inside the furnace; the balance is thermally isolated from the furnace. TG curve of calcium oxalate
solid-solid transitions Typical Features of a DSC Trace for a Polymorphic System endothermic events melting sublimation solid-solid transitions desolvation chemical reactions exothermic events crystallization decomposition baseline shifts glass transition sulphapyridine
Thermal Methods in the Study of Polymorphs and Solvates polymorph screening/identification thermal stability melting crystallization solid-state transformations desolvation glass transition sublimation decomposition heat flow heat of fusion heat of transition heat capacity mixture analysis chemical purity physical purity (crystal forms, crystallinity) phase diagrams eutectic formation (interactions with other molecules)
Definition of Transition Temperature extrapolated onset temperature peak melting temperature The melting peak temperature in DSC corresponds to the maximum melting rate. The simplest approximation to the baseline is a straight line connecting the star and finish of the transformation, which is valid for sharp DSC peaks, but becomes more difficult for broader DSC peaks. Using the extrapolated onset of melting as the melting point often accounts for the thermal lag. Impure samples, whose melting curves are concave in shape, are characterized by the peak melting temperatures.
Melting Processes by DSC pure substances linear melting curve melting point defined by onset temperature impure substances concave melting curve melting characterized at peak maxima eutectic impurities may produce a second peak eutectic melt melting with decomposition exothermic endothermic
Glass Transitions second-order transition characterized by change in heat capacity (no heat absorbed or evolved) transition from a disordered solid to a liquid appears as a step (endothermic direction) in the DSC curve a gradual volume or enthalpy change may occur, producing an endothermic peak superimposed on the glass transition structural relaxation can occur due to the restricted but finite mobility of the molecules below the glass transition.
Enthalpy of Fusion The enthalpy of fusion, Hf, is obtained from the area of the endothermic transition. The area of the transition is affected by the selection of the baseline. The baseline is generally obtained by connecting the point at which the transition deviates from the baseline of the scan to where it rejoins the baseline after melting is completed. For some materials that undergo a significant change in heat capacity change on melting, other baseline approximations (such as a sigmoidal baseline) are used.
Burger’s Rules for Polymorphic Transitions enantiotropy monotropy endothermic endothermic Monotropy – transition is reversible; enantiotropy – transition is irreversible. Heat of Transition Rule endo-/exothermic solid-solid transition Heat of Fusion Rule higher melting form; lower DHf exothermic solid-solid transition higher melting form; higher DHf
Enthalpy of Fusion by DSC single (well-defined) melting endotherm area under peak minimal decomposition/sublimation readily measured for high melting polymorph can be measured for low melting polymorph multiple thermal events leading to stable melt solid-solid transitions (A to B) from which the transition enthalpy (DHTR) can be measured* crystallization of stable form (B) from melt of (A) DHfA = DHfB - DHTR Accurate measurement of heats of fusion require pure samples of polymorphs. DHfA = area under all peaks from B to the stable melt * assumes negligible heat capacity difference between polymorphs over temperatures of interest
Purity by DSC Tm = To - . DHo RTo2 c 1 f eutectic impurities lower the melting point of a eutectic system purity determination by DSC based on Van’t Hoff equation applies to dilute solutions, i.e., nearly pure substances (purity ≥98%) 1-3 mg samples in hermetically-sealed pans are recommended polymorphism interferes with purity determination, especially when a transition occurs in the middle of the melting peak melting endotherms as a function of purity. benzoic acid 97% 99% 99.9% Tm = To - . DHo RTo2 c 1 f The broadness of the peak defines the purity of the crystalline compound undergoing melting, with the less pure and less perfect smaller crystals melting first followed by melting of the purer larger crystals. If there is no interaction between two compounds in the solid state, but their liquids are miscible, eutectic behavior will be observed. This is the basis of purity analysis by DSC. The first thing that has to be checked when validating a method for purity determination is whether the substance forms a eutectic system with the impurity. Plato, C.; Glasgow, Jr., A.R. Anal. Chem., 1969, 41(2), 330-336.
Effect of Heating Rate many transitions (evaporation, crystallization, decomposition, etc.) are kinetic events … they will shift to higher temperature when heated at a higher rate the total heat flow increases linearly with heating rate due to the heat capacity of the sample … increasing the scanning rate increases sensitivity, while decreasing the scanning rate increases resolution to obtain thermal event temperatures close to the true thermodynamic value, slow scanning rates (e.g., 1–5 K/min) should be used DSC traces of a low melting polymorph collected at four different heating rates. (Burger, 1975)
Effect of Phase Impurities lots A and B of lower melting polymorph (identical by XRD) are different by DSC Lot A - pure Lot B - seeds Contrast the heating rate effects with phase contaminants – same effect, different cause. Lot A: pure low melting polymorph – melting observed Lot B: seeds of high melting polymorph induce solid-state transition below the melting temperature of the low melting polymorph
Polymorph Characterization: Variable Melting Point lots A and B of lower melting polymorph (identical by XRD) appear to have a “variable” melting point Lot A Lot B although melting usually happens at a fixed temperature, solid-solid transition temperatures can vary greatly owing to the sluggishness of solid-state processes
Polymorph Characterization: Variable Melting Point the low temperature endotherm was predominantly non-reversing, suggestive of a solid-solid transition small reversing component discernable on close inspection of endothermic conversions occurring at the higher temperatures, i.e., near the melting point Lot A Lot B reversing heat flow non-reversing heat flow Note: The width of the melting transition is significantly narrower than that of the solid-solid transition. As a result of its much larger free energy (in excess of the higher melting polymorph), the system was driven to undergo both melting and direct solid-state conversion from Form I to Form II. Which transition occurs is sample specific, and is likely related to crystal defects, particle size, chemical impurities, etc. the “variable” melting point was related to the large stability difference between the two polymorphs; the system was driven to undergo both melting and solid-state conversion to the higher melting form
Polymorph Stability from Melting and Eutectic Melting Data polymorph stability predicted from pure melting data near the melting temperatures (G1-G2)(Tm1) = DHm2(Tm2-Tm1)/Tm2 (G1-G2)(Tm2) = DHm1(Tm2-Tm1)/Tm1 eutectic melting method developed to establish thermodynamic stability of polymorph pairs over larger temperature range (G1-G2)(Te1) = DHme2(Te2-Te1)/(xe2Te2) (G1-G2)(Te2) = DHme1(Te2-Te1)/(xe1Te1) Yu, L. J. Pharm. Sci., 1995, 84(8), 966-974. Yu, L. J. Am. Chem. Soc, 2000, 122, 585-591.
“Hyphenated” Techniques thermal techniques alone are insufficient to prove the existence of polymorphs and solvates other techniques should be used, e.g., microscopy, diffraction, and spectroscopy development of “hyphenated” techniques for simultaneous analysis TG-DTA TG-DSC TG-FTIR TG-MS evolved gas analysis (EGA) TG-DTA trace of sodium tartrate
Best Practices of Thermal Analysis small sample size good thermal contact between the sample and the temperature-sensing device proper sample encapsulation starting temperature well below expected transition temperature slow scanning speeds proper instrument calibration use purge gas (N2 or He) to remove corrosive off-gases avoid decomposition in the DSC He improves the resolution of the DSC, but the DSC must be recalibrated for temperature and heat flow when using a helium flow due to its higher thermal conductivity.
dQ/dt = Cp . dT/dt + f(t,T) Reversing and Non-Reversing Contributions to Total DSC Heat Flow total heat flow resulting from average heating rate dQ/dt = Cp . dT/dt + f(t,T) reversing signal heat flow resulting from sinusoidal temperature modulation (heat capacity component) non-reversing signal (kinetic component) This component is a function of absolute time and temperature and will shift to higher temperatures as the heating rate is increased. * whereas solid-solid transitions are generally too sluggish to be reversing at the time scale of the measurement, melting has a moderately strong reversing component
Recognizing Artifacts mechanical shock of measuring cell sample topples over in pan sample pan distortion shifting of Al pan cool air entry into cell electrical effects, power spikes, etc. RT changes burst of pan lid intermittant closing of hole in pan lid sensor contamination Sample toppling over in pan causes abrupt change of the heat transfer between the sample and the pan. Shifting of Al pan, caused by different coefficients of expansion (of Al vs DSC sensor), and distortion of sample pan, due to sample vapor pressure, cause abrupt change in heat transfer between the pan and the DSC sensor. Mechanical shock of the measuring cell can cause the pans to jump around on the sensor. If the cell lid is poorly adjusted, cool air entry into the measuring cell leads to temperature fluctuations (noisy signal).