Amorphous materials at high pressure Chrystèle Sanloup CSEC, University of Edinburgh, UK Université Pierre et Marie Curie Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, France
High pressure amorphs - Synthesis ▪ Pressure-induced amorphization (PIA) ▪ Amorphous-amorphous transitions (AAT) Mention traditional synthesis of amorphous materials: ultra-fast quenching, chemical vapor deposition, destructive methods such as irradiation (including in natural conditions) or ball-milling. Amorphization upon P-release (but still at high P): apparently known since much earlier (Ringwood, CaSiO3 perovskite decompressed from 10GPa EPSL1975,Tsuji JNCS 1992) Not thermodynamically stable state choose appropriate c-P-T paths N.B.: confusion or identification of amorphous forms and quenched liquids (glasses) cf. example of S upon decompression
Basic unit = nanoscale grains Amorphous materials ▪ Opal (amorphous SiO2) - SEM image Basic unit = nanoscale grains short-order range Gaillou et al., Am. Min. 2008 Electron microscopy: Best characterization of amorphous materials but not available at HP, and can high-pressure amorphs be quenched ?
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P I- Loss of long-range order Diffuse scattering (X-rays and neutrons) Sulfur SnI4 Luo et al. PRB 1993 Fujii et al. JPC:SSP 1985 ! Except for heavy elements, X-ray criteria for PIA =disappearance of peaks (misleading) Structure unrelated to that of the liquid phase at P0
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P I- Diffuse X-ray scattering: a-CO2 a-N Gregoryanz et al., JCP 2007. Santoro et al., Nature 2006.
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P I- Diffuse X-ray scattering: amorphous Sulfur ! Very high background/signal ratio Sanloup et al., PRL 2008
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P I- Diffuse X-ray scattering: ▪ Problems at high P: 1- limited Q-range 2- background substraction Boehler-Almax anvils - Empty cell pattern - Crystalline pattern ▪ Advantages of low T: homogeneous samples
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P II- Density/volumetric measurements Deplacement of a piston in a cylinder Ex: PIA of ice Mishima Nature 1984 Large volume decrease: ~20% PIA large volume reduction importance of density measurements on am.
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P II- Density/volumetric measurements - Radiographic techniques Liu et al, PNAS 2008. Sato & Funamori, Rev. Sci. Instr. 2008. Microtomography: precision claimed= 0.45%, measurements up to 10 GPa Sato&Funamori: precision claimed=0.5 % at the highest P Isample = I0 ∙exp(−mdiardiatdia−msamplersampletsample) 3 unknowns need 3 equations/measurements measurements up to 60 GPa Up to 10 GPa Se: heavy element
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P II- Density measurements - X-ray diffraction technique a, normalization factor such as Kaplow et al., Phys. Rev. 1965. Access to: - r: initial slope - local structure
Characteristics of HP amorphs ▪ Crystal-like properties: local structure Strongly peaked diffraction patterns Sulfur H2O a-ZrW2O8 amorphous ZrW2O8=zirconium tungstate Vega et al. Monte Carlo simulations Tulk et al., X-ray g(r) ZRW2O8: neutron+Xrays+reverse Monte Carlo Keen et al. PRL 2007
Characteristics of HP amorphs ▪ Crystal-like properties: phonon density of states Tse Nature 1999 IINS (inelastic incoherent neutron scattering) Similarity of LDA and Ice Ih Differences with hyperquenched water
Characteristics of HP amorphs ▪ Crystal-like properties: density Daisenberg et al., PRB 2007. Silicon HAD Si and Si-II Sulfur Compressibility similar to that of the crystalline counter-part
Simple molecular systems: CO2, N2 Goncharov et al. PRL 2000 Gregoryanz et al. PRB 2001, JCP 2007 Santoro et al., Nature 2006. a-CO2 a-N N: further recrystallization in cg (upon heating, Eremets 2001) aN discovered by Gonchi, very large hysteresis on decompression (Eremets 2001) V-CO2: quartz-like (tetrahedral configuration) High T: molecular to non-molecular transition high-energy barrier Low T: molecular crystal to amorphous form transition
Simple molecular systems: CO2, N2 ▪ Amorphous-amorphous transition: a-CO2 VI a-CO2 ↑P: PIA, CO2-VI like a-CO2 ↓P: AAT, CO2-V like→ CO2-III like a-CO2 ↓P: re-crystallization into CO2-I Santoro et al., Nature 2006.
Simple molecular systems: S8 631 521 112 611 Recrystallisation: a-S → S-III PIA is the precursor of the phase transition to the high-P polymorph
Simple molecular systems: S8 CN=15.0+/-0.4 CN=16.1+/-0.1 LDA is semiconducting (IR measurements); SIII is? SI is an insulator SIV is metallic Large volume collapse upon PIA AAT in conjunction with S-III → S-IV transition, rather 1st order transition AAT : Low-density amorph (LDA) High-density amorph (HDA)
Simple molecular systems: S8
Simple molecular systems: S8 ▪ AAT upon decompression: 2nd order transition: LDA → liquid-like a-S Re-crystallization at 0.25 GPa-room T into S-I
Cold vs mechanical melting ▪ Crossing of the metastable extension of the melting line Case of H2O Dashed line: extrapolated melting curve (by Mishima) Tse et al: arrow=crossing of the 2 mechanisms The Lindemann criteria suggests that the onset of an instability is caused when the displacements of atoms exceed a certain threshold, usually a fraction of the interatomic distances. PIA Tse et al., Nature 1999. Mishima et al., Nature 1984. Mishima, Nature 1996.
Cold vs mechanical melting ▪ Crossing of the metastable extension of the melting line Case of SiO2 Hemley et al., Nature 1988.
Cold vs mechanical melting Amorphization systematically connected with crystal-crystal transformation just above the amorphisation T. Crystalline structures collapse regardless of their melting behavior Si et Ge ont points de cristallisation et de fusion a T plus elevees que GaSb Or c’est le contraire pour T amorphisation (id Hemley et melting curve of SiO2) => Pas logique avec cold melting Brazhkin et al. JNCS 1997
Cold vs mechanical melting ▪ Arguing for mechanical melting: elastic instabilities evidenced before PIA Violation of Born criteria Strässle et al. PRL 2004 Case of H2O Case of SiO2 Gregoryanz et al. PRL 2000 B3 C11 2 C12C44 2 2C2 14 . 0Strassle: needs to be fitted by a model to extract elastic parameters and get C11-C12 Brazhkin: ! softening is expected to be the most important on the Brillouin zone boundary while ultrasonic measurements registered the behavior of long-wave phonons. Brazhkin: At least 20% softening of the ½(C11-C12) constant B3=(C11-C12)∙C44-2C142 Phonon softening in Ice Ih PIA predicted at 2.5 GPa NB: P of PIA by mechanical melting always overestimated by Born criteria
Role of defects ▪ Defective X-ray patterns upon approaching PIA Case of sulfur S-I 41 GPa – 175 K (just before amorphization) S-I 16 GPa – 175 K
Role of defects ▪ P-induced reduction of Nb2O5 : Serghiou et al., PRL 1992. ▪ P-induced reduction of Nb2O5 : Simultaneous amorphization at 19 GPa-300K Reduction O defects in the lattice Bustingorry and Jagla, PRB 2005. G’=(C11-C12)/2-P ▪ Numerical simulations: defect-free: no transformation until mechanical limit is reached - sample with one vacancy: transformation starts at lower P Fecht Nature 1992: when the defect concentration in a cristal reaches a Critical value, it collapses in a disordered state due to DGv (v:vacancy) Serghiou: By analogy with ambient P reduction, authors propose that amorph formed by O defects in the lattice (through shear deformation, Crystallographic Shear Plane) Defects can destabilize the lattice at pressures much lower than the instability pressure.
Conclusions ▪ a large variety of materials transform into amorphs at high P ▪ PIA occurs if a parent phase is compressed beyond its thermodynamic stability field ▪ Occurs generally at low T: lack of thermal energy not enough atomic mobility for the crystalline-crystalline transition to occur ▪ PIA is accompanied by a large volume reduction Not only tetrahedral frameworks ▪ PIA is the precursor of the phase transition to the high-P polymorph high-P amorphs have crystal-like properties (distinct from glasses) ▪ high-P amorphs may undergo 1st or 2nd order AAT ▪ high-P amorphs are often difficult to recover at ambient conditions
Conclusions ▪ Use of high P to synthesize high quality quenched amorphs Yu et al., APL, 2009 High quality quench amorphs: without any crystal Mechanical properties: pliability, stretching Translucence Chalcogenide alloys: optical (DVD) and electronic (PCM) applications rely on the fast and reversible phase change between the crystalline and amorphous phase induced by heating either via laser irradiation (DVD) or the Joule effect (PCM). Caravati et al. PRL 2009. ▪ Industry of polymers: improved kinetic stability, enhanced mechanical properties
X-ray amorphs or nanocrystallites ? a-S 54 GPa Crystalline S-III Nanocrystalline S-III? X-ray amorphs or nanocrystallites ? Ivashchenko et al. PRB 2007 Nanocrystalline Si particle size: 2.2 nm Scherrer equation: Particle size= Kl w1/2 cos(q) Nanocrystalline S-III X-ray amorphous: If particle size ~ 10 Å i.e. ~ 3 crystallographic cells Bustingorry and Jagla PRB 2005 Platelets of the high-P phase nucleate on the vacancy But growth inhibited very small crystal size
Amorph-amorph transitions First evidenced in aSi and a-Ge? (Shimomura Philos Mag 1974 29 p547?), AAT tend to be 1st order transitions (Si, S, H2O?) LDA and HDA forms have cristalline-like properties (except for complex H2O). HDA (water) can not be assimilated to a supercooled liquid, Neither LDA/HDA transition to a 2-state liquids (i.e. liquid-liquid transition) by way of csqce Tse: Differences between high P amorph and glasses confusion or identification of amorphous forms and quenched liquids (glasses) cf. example of S upon decompression
Amorphous-amorphous transitions Case of H2O 2- T increase: High-density amorphous ice (HDA) →Low-density amorphous ice (LDA) HDA LDA 3- P increase: LDA→HDA 1- Pressure-induced amorphization Mishima et al., Nature 1985
Amorph-amorph transitions ▪ HDA-LDA: 1st order transition ? Klotz et al., PRL 2005 Neutron diffraction data (see D>>) But different picture given by X-rays (see O>>) very complex phase diagram!!! No wonder every team gets a different picture. LDA/HDA: not good proxy for LDL/HDL transition since high-P amorphs have crystalline-like properties ▪ HDA water: - continuous structural changes towards close-packing - may re-crystallize into different phases N.B.: very complex H2O phase diagram!!!
Amorphous sulphur Pb 1: limited Q-range: Boehler-Almax anvils Pb 2: the higher the pressure, the more difficult it is to get the background properly Additional constraint at very high pressures: Negligeable on the expal pattern
Cold vs mechanical melting Add P-T phase diagram (cf Klotz) Add PIA paths Tse Nature 1999 Liquid water Amorphous HDA Strassle PRL 2007
Case of simple molecular systems: Systematic PIA from molecular to non molecular at low T (not at high T) Recovery of the amorph down to low P (N, Eremets, us with S) Case of tetraedrally coordinated systems (classical case) Case of Si, Ge, III-IV compounds and their solid solutions, etc Tsuji et al., Brazhkin et al.: PIA upon DECOMPRESSION from METALLIC state. 1- Semi-conductor zincblende structure 2- Incr.P: metallic b-tin structure Tsuji JNCS 1996 3- decr.P: amorphization, T-dependant
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P Hemley et al., Nature 1988 Meade and Jeanloz, PRB 1987 Cr-emulsion mask (1mm lines) on a SiO2-glass But glass not amorphous silica ! Differences between high P amorph and glasses Amorphization is thermodynamically induced
Pressure-induced amorphization of Si (porous Si) Decompression: HDA→LDA transition (Raman spectroscopy) Deb et al., Nature 414, 528 (2001)
Check that the LDA curve goes on the HAD Daisenberg et al., PRB 2007 Check that the LDA curve goes on the HAD (which then coincides with Si-V) How was LDA formed? Real PIA or Si gel? Transition predicted at 13.7 GPa, Between 14 and 16 GPa experimentally
Cold vs mechanical melting Arguing for mechanical melting: elastic instabilities evidenced before PIA Brief statement on Born criteria Case of H2O Strassle: needs to be fitted by a model to extract elastic parameters and get C11-C12 Brazhkin: ! softening is expected to be the most important on the Brillouin zone boundary while ultrasonic measurements registered the behavior of long-wave phonons. Brazhkin: At least 20% softening of the ½(C11-C12) constant Brazhkin et al. JNCS 1997 Ultrasonic measurements Phonon softening in Ice Ih Strässle et al. PRL 2004 PIA predicted at 2.5 GPa
Characteristics of HP amorphs high P amorphs have cristalline-like properties (cf Tse PRB 2005 et aS). Similar thermal conductivity (H2O, Johari PRB2004) memory of the initial crystallographic orientation or anisotropy of the amorph: single crystal → amorph (incr.P) → single crystal (decr. P) with same orientation (cf AlPO4, Kruger and Jeanloz 1990 or Brillouin scattering on AlPO4 by Polian PRL1993 and a-SiO2 by McNeil PRL1992)
High pressure amorphs Case of simple molecular systems: Systematic PIA from molecular to non molecular at low T (not at high T) Recovery of the amorph down to low P (N, Eremets, us with S) Case of tetraedrally coordinated systems (classical case) Case of Si, Ge, III-IV compounds and their solid solutions, etc Tsuji et al., Brazhkin et al.: PIA upon DECOMPRESSION from METALLIC state. But also case of S (cf Wilson, from trigonal state, in the Z. Crist. Paper?) Tsuji: There are two methods to obtain amorphous materials using high pressure. One is amorphization above the thermodynamic transition pressure Pt, [1,2] and the other is amorphization from the quenched high-pressure phase below Pt
High pressure amorphs - Interests Interests: synthesis of new materials (properties?), In particular through high P polyamorphism Amorphous (industrial interests?) Theoretical interests: discussion of polyamorphic transitions, 1st vs 2nd order amorphs taken as proxies for liquids and the search for 2nd critical points mechanisms of PIA?
Characterizaton of amorphs at high P II- Density/volumetric measurements Strain/gauge technique: limited to <10 GPa but very high precision (0.15%) Tsiok et al., HPR 10, 523 (1992) Brazhkin et al., JETP 89, 244 (2009)
▪ No long-range order diffuse X-ray scattering Amorphous materials ▪ No long-range order diffuse X-ray scattering g(r) r 1 I(2) S(Q), structure factor S(Q) g(r), radial distribution fonction with