One of 3 groups of verbs in French -er verbs One of 3 groups of verbs in French
The Conjugations of aimer (to like) Take off –er and add ending: Remember: Je/J’ = I Tu = You (informal) Il/Elle = He/She Nous = We Vous = You (formal/plural) Ils/Elles = They (masc. plural)/ They (female plural) J’ aime Tu aimes Il/Elle/On Nous aimons Vous aimez Ils/Elles aiment
Useful Tips The forms aime, aimes, and aiment sound exactly the same (“em”). To say what you like or don’t like to do, use aimer + the infinitive of another verb: Elle aime lire. (She likes to read.) Vous n’aimez pas travailler? (You don’t like to work?)
Examples - Do you like to dance or read? J’aime bien la salade. I really like salad. Ils aiment parler au téléphone. - They (male/female p.) like to talk on the phone. Tu aimes danser ou lire? - Do you like to dance or read?
Other –er Verbs Adorer = to love Chanter = to sing Danser = to dance Détester = to hate Discuter = to discuss Dessiner = to draw Écouter = to listen Étudier = to study Jouer = to play Manger = to eat Nager = to swim Parler = to talk Surfer = to surf Regarder = to watch Téléphoner = to call Travailler = to work