Website address Or follow links from SU website to Anthropology Dept. website to John Burdick’s website When you are on my website, just click on to “ANT 373 Magic and Religion Sp 2002”
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Altered States of Consciousness (ASC) Changes in consciousness: –visions or hallucinations; –loss of sense of a self at the "center" of one's perception; –loss of sense that this self is identified with one's body. –Associated with extended reticular-thalamic activating system (ERTS) (Holmes Atwater) –super-slow EEG Stimulating ASCs spontaneous: sleep deprivation, trauma; deliberate:sensory deprivation or overload, concentration/meditation, rhythmic driving, chanting, hallucinogens
The following passage appears in a paper, after having been cut and pasted from the web, with no attribution In the Hypnodial Trance you progress from ordinary consciousness through the following steps: feeling physically relaxed, drowsy, your mind becomes relaxed and you may feel apathetic or indifferent, your arms and legs start to feel heavy, you may have a tendency to stare blankly, and have a disinclination to move your limbs. As you border this and the Light Trance your breathing becomes slower and deeper, and your pulse rate slows.
Revision #1 In the Hypnodial Trance you progress from ordinary consciousness through the following steps: feeling physically relaxed, drowsy, your mind becomes relaxed and you may feel apathetic or indifferent, your arms and legs start to feel heavy, you may have a tendency to stare blankly, and have a disinclination to move your limbs. As you border this and the Light Trance your breathing becomes slower and deeper, and your pulse rate slows ( )
Revision #2 As Dean Edwards has written, “In the Hypnodial Trance you progress from ordinary consciousness through the following steps: feeling physically relaxed, drowsy, your mind becomes relaxed and you may feel apathetic or indifferent, your arms and legs start to feel heavy, you may have a tendency to stare blankly, and have a disinclination to move your limbs. As you border this and the Light Trance your breathing becomes slower and deeper, and your pulse rate slows” ( )
Revision #3 In the Hypnodial Trance you progress from ordinary consciousness through the following steps: feeling physically relaxed, drowsy, your mind becomes relaxed and you may feel apathetic or indifferent, your arms and legs start to feel heavy, you may have a tendency to stare blankly, and have a disinclination to move your limbs. As you border this and the Light Trance your breathing becomes slower and deeper, and your pulse rate slows In the Hypnodial Trance the person progresses from ordinary consciousness through these steps: feeling relaxed, drowsy, the mind is more and more relaxed and the person feels apathetic, his limbs feel heavy, he may be inclined to stare, and not ant to move his limbs. As he borders the Light Trance his breathing becomes slower and his pulse rate slows
Revision #4 In the Hypnodial Trance you progress from ordinary consciousness through the following steps: feeling physically relaxed, drowsy, your mind becomes relaxed and you may feel apathetic or indifferent, your arms and legs start to feel heavy, you may have a tendency to stare blankly, and have a disinclination to move your limbs. As you border this and the Light Trance your breathing becomes slower and deeper, and your pulse rate slows In reading about shamanism, I came across the intriguing claim that trance is not just one thing, that in fact there may be different levels of trance. Dean Edwards (at #2) suggests that at the first level of trance, which he calls “Hypnodial”, a person goes from a mainly mental state of relaxation to a physical state of heaviness, which may include a “disinclination to move your limbs”. At this point, according to Edwards, one passes into “light trance”, marked by a slowing down of the body’s vital signs. #2