Crisis Intervention Abnormal Behavior & Mental Illness Officer Mark Best May 2006
Learning Objectives (From Memory in a Classroom Environment) Name six elements of a tactical response. ID the ITA’s four criteria for commitment. Name four mimics to mental illness.
Three Types of Abnormal Behavior -1-______________________________ -2- _____________________________ -3- _____________________________
Neurotic Experiences (1 st of 3 abnormal behavior types) Nervousness Distress Anxiety Guilt Depression
Neurotic Behavior Worrying Avoiding Showing a lack of insight Regressing Panicking
Neurotic Illnesses Phobias Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Psychotic Experiences (2 nd of 3 abnormal behavior types) Altered states of consciousness through… perception thought emotion This person loses touch with reality.
Psychotic Phenomena Delusions Hallucinations
Common Psychotic Illnesses Manic-depressive disorder aka bi-polar Paranoia Schizophrenia
Triggers of Psychotic Experiences Mourning PTSD Drugs: esp. LSD, opium, shrooms Detoxing Dementia Sleep Deprivation
Psychopath / Sociopath (3 rd of 3 types of abnormal behavior) A deeply ingrained, inflexible pattern of thoughts and behavior that persists throughout a person’s life. These people know exactly what they are doing.
Signs of a Psychopath/Sociopath No empathy Incapable of feeling remorse Egocentric
Behavior of a Psychopath / Sociopath Displays behavior problems early in life Lies pathologically Has a sexually exaggerated life Takes risks Lives impulsively Lives egocentrically Excessively boasts
Facts regarding Psychopaths / Sociopaths There is an extremely high recidivism rate. The insanity plea is not an option. There is no cure / medication.
Theoretical Origins of a Psychopath/Sociopath Heredity Disease Emotional Deprivation
Mental Illness As an officer/deputy, you will encounter a mentally ill person nearly every day.
3-pronged “Mission” While Contacting a Mentally Disturbed Person _____________________________
A Point of Decency A person is not their “illness.” I.Q. is unrelated to M.I.
Facts About Mental Illness term: acute OR chronic onset: any time
Signs of Mental Illness Rapid, uninterruptible speech Incoherent or disorganized speech Talking or laughing to self Hallucinations
More Signs of Mental Illness Delusions Erratic thinking Rapid mood swings Blank stare or catatonic behavior
Tactical Response Do: _____________________
Tactical Response Don’t: ___________________ ________________________________
Tactical Considerations Critical: observing before engaging Crowds Expect sudden changes Use restraints
Involuntary Treatment Act (I T A) Allows us to detain a person to be evaluated & treated for a mental illness without their consent.
Involuntary Treatment Act Enacted: 1974 Last amended: RCW
The ITA addresses 3 Things Rights for the M.I. Powers for the MHP’s Guidelines for L.E.
ITA Commitment Criteria -1- _________________ OR -2- _________________ OR -3- _________________ OR -4- _________________
Some Mimics __________________
Alzheimer’s Disease A brain disease, not normal aging Nerve cells in the brain are destroyed Most common form of dementia Degenerative – terminal
Symptomatic Behaviors of an A.D. Patient Dresses inappropriately Appears confused & disoriented Is frightened Behaves angrily, violently
Common Reasons We Contact A.D. Patients Missing person False reporting Shoplifting Indecent exposure Erratic driving
Prevalence of A.D. ~10% of those 65+ ~50% of those 85+
Tactical A.D. Response The same as for a mentally ill person
Restraint Considerations The same as with a mentally ill person AND… If using, pay special attention to avoid bone and joint injury.
The Safe Return Program Issues ID bracelets Is a liaison for the missing or found
Q & A
Review Name six elements of a tactical response. ID the ITA’s four criteria for commitment. Name four mimics to mental illness.
…& finally, What do you get when you cross a pit bull with a collie? A dog that rips your leg off, then runs for help. -A Prairie Home Companion
Next Time: Suicide