Using DELPHI for Weak Lensing Measurements: Science Return and Mirror Size Jes Ford, JPL, UNR SURF /21/07 Mentor: Jason Rhodes Co-mentor: David Johnston Jes Ford, JPL, UNR SURF /21/07 Mentor: Jason Rhodes Co-mentor: David Johnston
DELPHI: Background Originally a midex mission planned by Jason Rhodes Orbit: 600 km Sun Synchronous, 97.79° Estimated observatory mass (spacecraft plus instruments): 205 kg Estimated payload power consumption: < 50 W Mission duration and launch constraints: 2 years / Pegasus Sky coverage: 21,000 deg 2 over two years Frequency: Visible Temperature: Telescope – ambient, Detectors – 170 K Pointing requirements: ~ milliarcseconds Data rate to ground: 54 GB/day Orbit: 600 km Sun Synchronous, 97.79° Estimated observatory mass (spacecraft plus instruments): 205 kg Estimated payload power consumption: < 50 W Mission duration and launch constraints: 2 years / Pegasus Sky coverage: 21,000 deg 2 over two years Frequency: Visible Temperature: Telescope – ambient, Detectors – 170 K Pointing requirements: ~ milliarcseconds Data rate to ground: 54 GB/day TRADEOFFS: Orbit Selection L2 vs. Sun-Synchronous Thermally stable orbits Telecommunications requirements increase subsytem mass for L2 mission Pegasus does not have the performance to place a s/c in an L2 halo orbit Scanning Strategy Drifting vs. Step-and-Stare Drifting strategy works best with L2 orbit Combination of integration time and sun-synchronous orbit require step-and-stare scanning
DELPHI: Trade Studies Telescope Design Mirror diameter 0.5 m, 0.75 m Three-mirror anastigmat vs. Cassegrain Plate scale and focal length 15 m, 20 m Detector / Pixel Sizes NIR HgCdTe Hawaii 2RG E2V visible, frame transfer CCDs Buses Ball Aerospace STP-IV Orbital Science Corp. MicroStar MIRROR SIZE IS A COST DRIVER!
DELPHI: Current Status NASA recently announced small midex (SMEX) mission opportunity - not MIDEX DELPHI cannot fit tight budget constraints However, since Mirror size is main factor in the cost of a telescope, it is important to know how small of a mirror is still worthwhile to launch MY PROJECT: what is the minimum mirror size that can recover weak lensing data reliably? NASA recently announced small midex (SMEX) mission opportunity - not MIDEX DELPHI cannot fit tight budget constraints However, since Mirror size is main factor in the cost of a telescope, it is important to know how small of a mirror is still worthwhile to launch MY PROJECT: what is the minimum mirror size that can recover weak lensing data reliably?
Image Simulation Parameters Created using Shapelets Pixels: 4096 x 4096 pix Optical Filter: Wide filter centered on I-band Input Shear:, no shear PSF shape: roughly circular PSF, based on SNAP’s telescope design PSF size: 2 pixels per FWHM Throughput: peak throughput ~70% Created using Shapelets Pixels: 4096 x 4096 pix Optical Filter: Wide filter centered on I-band Input Shear:, no shear PSF shape: roughly circular PSF, based on SNAP’s telescope design PSF size: 2 pixels per FWHM Throughput: peak throughput ~70%
Image Variations Mirror Sizes: range from 20 cm m in diameter, in 20 cm increments 2 sets: - constant exposure time (1500s) - constant photon flux (varying exposure times, 1500s at 1.2 m) Separate Galaxy and Stellar images created Total of 23 star/galaxy image pairs Mirror Sizes: range from 20 cm m in diameter, in 20 cm increments 2 sets: - constant exposure time (1500s) - constant photon flux (varying exposure times, 1500s at 1.2 m) Separate Galaxy and Stellar images created Total of 23 star/galaxy image pairs
Sample Images 2.0 m mirror, 1500s exposure 40 cm mirror, 1500s exposure
Steps of Analysis Objects detected and catalogue created using Source Extractor Object moments recalculated using RRG method Stellar images used to measure the PSF moments PSF is removed from the galaxy images (RRG) Bad galaxies are cut based on: moments, ellipticity, size compared to PSF size, signal-to-noise ratio (RRG) Shear and shear error are measured from the galaxy images (RRG) Plots created to analyze number of useful galaxies (those that make the cuts) as a function of mirror size Plots created to analyze measured shear and error as a function of mirror size Objects detected and catalogue created using Source Extractor Object moments recalculated using RRG method Stellar images used to measure the PSF moments PSF is removed from the galaxy images (RRG) Bad galaxies are cut based on: moments, ellipticity, size compared to PSF size, signal-to-noise ratio (RRG) Shear and shear error are measured from the galaxy images (RRG) Plots created to analyze number of useful galaxies (those that make the cuts) as a function of mirror size Plots created to analyze measured shear and error as a function of mirror size
RESULTS 1: Number of useful galaxies as a function of mirror size Useful galaxies are those that survive the cuts and are used to measure the shear Number of galaxies has been normalized to number per square arcminute of sky Diamonds: constant exposure time simulations Crosses: constant flux simulations
RESULTS 2: Measured Shear as a function of Mirror size
Continuing Research Currently processing set of 143 simulations with non-zero input shear: - = 0, = -5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 5 % - Mirror Sizes: 0.4 m m in 40 cm increments - one set at constant exposure time (1500s) - one set at constant flux Images need to be analyzed by others using methods other than RRG… contact Jason Rhodes. Currently processing set of 143 simulations with non-zero input shear: - = 0, = -5, -3, -1, 0, 1, 3, 5 % - Mirror Sizes: 0.4 m m in 40 cm increments - one set at constant exposure time (1500s) - one set at constant flux Images need to be analyzed by others using methods other than RRG… contact Jason Rhodes.
Acknowledgements Many many thanks to: Dr. Jason Rhodes, my mentor Dr. David Johnston, co-mentor Dr. Richard Massey, writer of Shapelets simulation pipeline Dr. Jason Rhodes, my mentor Dr. David Johnston, co-mentor Dr. Richard Massey, writer of Shapelets simulation pipeline