S.P.I.E.S. Social Physical Intellectual Emotional Spiritual
Social Development Learning to interact with others and to express oneself to others in a positive manner
Physical Development Growth of the body both inside and out; the increasing ability to control and coordinate body movements. Physical wellness
Intellectual Development Learning to think, remember, understand, reason, and use language
Emotional Development Learning to recognize and express one’s feeling in a positive manner Establish one’s identity as a unique person
Spiritual Development Gradually learning to base one’s behavior on personal belief of right and wrong.
Social Development 1 – Become alert and try to focus on face or voice 7 - Smiles 11 – Enjoys baths 16 – Responds with total body to faces they recognize 18 – Begins to smile, fixes on mothers face in response to her smile 23 – Wants someone near them when awake, will stay awake longer if someone interacts with them 24 – At the end of this period, the baby can “stare a person down” 28 - Will recognize their mother 29 – Grasp and clasp people, will adjust their body to the body of the person holding them.
Physical Development 2 – Can hold eyes in a fixed position 5 – Puts thumb in mouth 9 – When on tummy lies in a frog-like position 10 – When on tummy will lift head briefly and turn head to clear nose from bed 17 – Begins to hold erect when in sitting position 21 – Hands are predominantly closed with a clutching or scratching motion 22 – Grips an object if hand strikes it accidently
Intellectual Development 3 – Interested in sounds 8 – Begin to watch their hands and feet 12 – Stare indefinitely at their surroundings such as crib mobiles 15 – Can follow objects from one side of their vision to another 20 – Responds to voices 26 – Beginning to wait for expected reward - feeding 27 – Combine sensation such as touching and looking
Emotional Development 4 – Baby will show distress, excitement, and delight 14 – Begins to develop a repertoire of emotional crying and cooing signals that can be understood by parents 19 – Can quiet themselves with sucking
Spiritual Development 6 – Predictable reinforcement relationship is being learned 13 – Trust is beginning to develop as parents meet the needs of their infant