Genres of Literature and Their Characteristics
SynonymsExamples Clue Words Elements
Row 1, Col 1 This is a word that means ‘type’ or ‘category’. What is ‘genre’?
1,2 Love Love is not a thing to understand. Love is not a thing to feel. Love is not a thing to give and receive. Love is a thing only to become And eternally be. What is poetry?
1,3 Acts, lines, scenes. What is drama?
1,4 These are the sections in a long novel. What are chapters?
2,1 These are also called ‘plays’. What are dramas?
2,2 Egypt, The interior of an Egyptian tomb, discovered only weeks ago. Veronica and Rodney stare at a sarcophagus. Rodney and Veronica are in the mummy's tomb. They stare at the sarcophagus. RODNEY: Well, here's the sarcophawhatchacallit. Shall we find out what all the fuss is about? VERONICA: But the mummy, it came to life, I swear! RODNEY: Now, now, doll-I'll protect you. Let's open it up. VERONICA: I've seen enough corpses to last a lifetime. RODNEY: Then I'll do it. VERONICA: Rodney, why did you bring your mother to this wretched place? RODNEY: (Opening the sarcophagus.) It's empty! What is a drama?
2,3 Chapters, plot, conflicts. What is a novel?
2,4 This is what you call the lines of dialogue in a drama – a “s_ _ _ _ t” What is a script?
3,1 This is like my diary. What is an autobiography?
3,2 “My father and mother should have stayed in New York where they met and married and where I was born. Instead, they returned to Ireland when I was four, my brother, Malachy, three, the twins, Oliver and Eugene, barely one, and my sister, Margaret, dead and gone. What is an autobiography?
3,3 Stanza, line, rhyme. What is poetry?
3,4 This includes a conflict, rising action, a climax, and resolution. It is part of short stories and novels. What is a plot?
4,1 You can call this a chapter book. What is a novel?
4,2 What is a biography?
4,3 Life story, he, she, his, her. What is a biography?
4,4 Biographies and autobiographies are always this, because they are always true stories. What is non-fiction?
5,1 A story about someone’s life. What is a biography?
5,2 What is a short story?
5,3 Life story, I, me, we. What is an autobiography?
5,4 These parts of poems are like sentences and paragraphs. What are lines and stanzas?