BS OUTS: SEAM READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Pre-read safety, attack and be decisive! ‘OUT’ Concept BS INS: GO READ. Normal odd-numbered backside rules. Be decisive, NEVER come inside the hash! FS INS: CORNER. MUST release outside. Push to a depth of 12, stare at nearest safety. NOD break to Corner if not being chased, 3-step MISDIRECTION break to Post if a guy is on your him. Angle 1/2way between C & S. If a Seam is outside you, ‘hiccup’ a half step before releasing to let him get ahead of you…you want to break off his hip. QB : 5 angle quick…Key defender read off CB. Pre-snap read flat coverage to know if he presents a threat. If CB retreats at all, hit Out off an anchor step through his shoulder pad. If CB closes up, pop-up with 2- or 3-ball to Corner. Go BS if danger player invades the Out. I O O I C FS OUTS: OUT. Split top of #s, or on hash if on far hash. Use ‘Flat’ or ‘4’ route technique: Attack CB’s outside eye, straighten, and break at 10. If he’s off, speed break. If he’s hip to hip & running, drumroll, lean, and stick him! V ReadRead the CB on your 1 st 1 st three steps… DrillDrill the Out on your 5 th 5 th if CB is retreating at all, alert for danger… S S C ## 12 yd Misdirection break if chased, Nod if not. STARE the safety down! Split top of #s (Hash)Split top of #s (Hash) Must attack outside eye on releaseMust attack outside eye on release Must gain outside leverage on the man over you! V Potential DANGER! (If no middle receiver) IfIf CB is squatting or has good leverage, eye him down & hit the Corner in the void behind, then backside. 10 yds Drumroll if pressedDrumroll if pressed Speed brk if CB offSpeed brk if CB off Add 2 yds if opposite QB’s handAdd 2 yds if opposite QB’s hand IfIf flat cov widens, work Backside FS MID: SEAM/THIN. You are the ‘Point Man’ and must get out clean--outside release is ideal, but take whatever keeps you clean. SPRINT up the seam & wall off the safety. If he over-rotates past you, cross his face on a THIN angle & expect the ball! M 7 Instructional - C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o M A I N D I R E C T O R Y - C l I c k h e r e t o r e t u r n t o M A I N D I R E C T O R Y - ‘POINT MAN’ Take best release, avoid jam! If safety crosses your face, cross his!
H X R Y Z OT +5 OT +5 CORNER ‘Point man’: BEST release SEAM READ ## #s - 2 #s ZOO REX OVER SQUEEZE 67 QB THOUGHT PROCESS Drop: 5 Angle - Quick Progression: Out on rhythm; Corner if CB jumps; Corner if CB jumps; BS if flat cov widens BS if flat cov widens OUT ## *Drum roll if CB hip to hip *Speed break if off Break at 12 w/ Lefty QB 10 SUMM TABLE SUMM TABLE PREV SLIDE PREV SLIDE 7 RT MENU 7 RT MENUSEAM/THIN
CORNER GOREAD SEAM READ 12 ## HESITATE Let Seam get ahead of you QB THOUGHT PROCESS Drop: 5 Angle - Quick Progression: Out on rhythm; Corner if CB jumps; Corner if CB jumps; BS if flat cov widens BS if flat cov widens H OT +4 OT +4 R Y Z Top #s Top #s X BRUIN BUNCH HOT 77 OUT 12 Break at 10 w/ Lefty QB *Drum roll if CB hip to hip *Speed break if off SUMM TABLE SUMM TABLE PREV SLIDE PREV SLIDE 7 RT MENU 7 RT MENUSEAM/THIN