Seizures Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE What are seizures? Seizures are uncontrolled spasms or convulsions caused by abnormal patters of electrical activity in the brain. Because the entire brain, or any part of the brain can be affected, there are many types of seizures with many manifestations. Seizures are typically symptoms of a brain problem Seizures can result from almost any type of damage to the brain including injury and infections They arise from many disorders or events that damages the brain and stimulates unusual electrical activity.
Seizures can also…. Result from medication side effects Be caused by developmental factors or injuries acquired during birth Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE
What happens? The body shakes rapidly and uncontrollably Not all seizures cause convulsions
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Two main groups of seizures Focal Seizures – also known as partial seizures Happen in one part of the brain Simple= up to 90 seconds –Do not lose consciousness but have sudden jerking and have abnormal sensations »Do not last long, they cannot be stopped and are NOT dangerous
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Two main groups of seizures continued Generalized seizures- are result of abnormal activity on both sides of the brain –Complex partial – last one to two minutes –Alters a person’s consciousness May stare or engage in random, nonsensical movements (lip smacking, picking, giggling and the person is unaware of surrounding environment)
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Absence seizure Known as petit mal seizure –Usually last for 3 seconds to 10 seconds –person may have blank stare, slight blinding and then resume previous activity
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Generalized tonic-clonic seizure Also known as Grand Mal Seizure –Without warning-person may cry out –Limbs become stiff –Fall –Jerk –Can last 1-2 minutes
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE How long do seizures last? From 30 seconds to 2 minutes and do not cause lasting harm If a seizures last more than 5 minutes= medical emergency Or if the a person has several seizures and does not wake up between them = medical emergency
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Causes for seizures…. Medication side effects (Dilantin) High fevers Head injuries Certain diseases (Epilepsy)- have recurring seizures due to a brain disorder
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Epileptic seizure Occurs because of an electrical short circuit in the brain
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Non-epileptic seizures Is not related to electrical changes but could be the result of decreased blood flow to the brain Could be a reaction to a drug Imbalance in glucose or sodium levels Tumors Drugs or alcohol Fever
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE All seizures can be…. Scary Person will have no memory of seizure Person may urinate or defecate on themselves Caused by stress Bright lights Camera flash Strobe lights Loud noises
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE What to do: Do not touch person Make surroundings safe Time seizures
Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE Seizure prevention: Take medications as prescribed and on time….. Get sleep Decrease stress Avoid heavy drinking or drug use
Vagal Nerve Stimulator A device about the size of hockey puck placed in the chest (similar to pacemaker for the heart) Neurologist programs the VNS to deliver a series of stimulations to the vagus nerve at various strengths and frequencies It works by repeatedly stimulating for short periods and then pauses and starts over Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE
Vagal Nerve Stimulator A magnet is swept over the device either during the “aura of a seizure” or by a witness seeing the seizure occur. It shortens the seizure and allows for faster recovery for the patient. Can be used for partial and generalized onset seizures. Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE
VNS Has not been shown to be more effective treatment than any other AED It lacks side effects other than general care Down side NO way to tell which patients it may be effective with Southern Pharmacy Nursing Services DFS Approval MIS CUE
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