Urban People Are
Urban People Are Busy
Urban People Are Busy Less Personal
Urban People Are Busy Less Personal Skeptical
Urban People Are Busy Less Personal Skeptical Cautious
Urban People Are Busy Less Personal Skeptical Cautious Fearful of Unknown
Urban People Are Busy Less Personal Skeptical Cautious Fearful of Unknown Build Relationships Slowly
“Developing Souls From Their First Visit Until Their Maturity”
Out of 100 touches
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit 6 will not be back
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit 6 will not be back 4 will return
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit 6 will not be back 4 will return 1 will be your prospect
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit 6 will not be back 4 will return 1 will be your prospect You won’t know him till he shows you
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit 6 will not be back 4 will return 1 will be your prospect You won’t know him till he shows you You have to treat all 10 the same
Out of 100 touches 10 people visit 6 will not be back 4 will return 1 will be your prospect You won’t know him till he shows you You have to treat all 10 the same But increase effort with return visitors
This “increased effort” is a part of “the process from the first visit until maturity and stability!”
Remember who the prospect is! Skeptical, Uncertain
Remember who the prospect is! Skeptical, Uncertain Wants A “peek” & “quick check”
Remember who the prospect is! Skeptical, Uncertain Wants A “peek” & “quick check” Needs Warmth & Love
Biblical Pictures of Welcomes James 2:2-4
James 2:2-4 2 For if a man wearing a gold ring and fine clothing comes into your assembly, and a poor man in shabby clothing also comes in, 3 and if you pay attention to the one who wears the fine clothing and say, "You sit here in a good place," while you say to the poor man, "You stand over there," or, "Sit down at my feet," 4 have you not then made distinctions among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? ESV
Avoid the Harmful Messages
Avoid the Harmful Messages “Too Empty! What Happened Here?”
Avoid the Harmful Messages “Too Empty! What Happened Here?” “The Stare”
Avoid the Harmful Messages “Too Empty! What Happened Here?” “The Stare” “We Are Not Here to Worship”
Avoid the Harmful Messages “Too Empty! What Happened Here?” “The Stare” “We Are Not Here to Worship” “The Good Parking Is for Members”
Remember who the prospect is! Skeptical, Uncertain Wants A “peek” & “quick check” Needs Warmth & Love Needs A Warm Welcome
Every visitor deserves a loving, warm welcome and to sit in a “good place”
A Visitor Needs To Meet People Who Can Identify With Him So respond and attach to anyone in your peer group, teenagers, singles, widows, families with children, etc.
Responses and Aids to Visitor Flow If a family is looking for help with their children and no children speak to their kids, will they think you are an easy group to fit in with?
Responses and Aids to Visitor Flow Who can talk to a woman visitor better, men or women?
Responses and Aids to Visitor Flow Who are the better communicators, men or women?
Responses and Aids to Visitor Flow Who are most perceptive about people and their feelings, men or women?
Responses and Aids to Visitor Flow Should godly ladies work hard at welcoming all female visitors?
Prospects must be monitored weekly
Prospects must be monitored You must read their interest accurately
Prospects must be monitored You must read their interest accurately Developing a relationship helps them to decide if you are genuine
You move from Warmth to
You move from Warmth to Conversation
You move from Warmth to Conversation to Low impact association
You move from Warmth to Conversation to Low impact association Religious conversation
You move from Warmth to Conversation to Low impact association Religious conversation General Biblical study
You move from Warmth to Conversation to Low impact association Religious conversation General Biblical study Study of needed lessons
Every visitor deserves to be remembered if they return! That requires great information, great collection, protection, and awareness of all return visits in order to be attentive in serving them.
Visitors need to watch you through many services to see if you are moral and genuine.
You must build a slow, careful, non-threatening relationship with every visitor for them to have time to make a “moral certification” of you that you are moral, loving, teach the Bible and are genuine!
Power of Morality Matt 5:16 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. ESV
Power of Morality 1 Peter 3:16 16 yet do it with gentleness and respect, having a good conscience, so that, when you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. ESV
Power of Morality 1 Peter 2:12 12 Keep your conduct among the Gentiles honorable, so that when they speak against you as evildoers, they may see your good deeds and glorify God on the day of visitation. ESV
Moral Certification Careful Unthreatening Pace It Must Keep Progressing It Develops Thru Certain Stages
Brief Conversation
Brief Conversation Relaxed Conversation
Brief Conversation Relaxed Conversation Moral, Mildly Religious Comments
Brief Conversation Relaxed Conversation Moral, Mildly Religious Comments Careful Religious Discussion
Brief Conversation Relaxed Conversation Moral, Mildly Religious Comments Careful Religious Discussion Then It Is Time To Ask “Would you like to read a few verses on that?”
Brief Conversation Relaxed Conversation Moral, Mildly Religious Comments Careful Religious Discussion Then It Is Time To Ask “Would you like to read a few verses on that?” “Would you like to talk about any questions?”
Brief Conversation Relaxed Conversation Moral, Mildly Religious Comments Careful Religious Discussion Then It Is Time To Ask “Would you like to read a few verses on that?” “Would you like to talk about any questions?” “Would you like to drop by the house and talk more about Bible questions?”
Once you get to the study
Once you get to the study They are briefer and move quicker generally
Yet there is so much more to learn that there must be a great year long “Foundations” study in Sunday Bible Class!
It requires a committed good teacher and his wife and a backup teacher!
Some churches only keep 25% of their converts.
Some churches only keep 25% of their converts. Some churches keep 85% of their converts.
One difference in the results is in the congregation’s effort, attention and interest in new converts through that first year!
When you “hasten the day” and bring it close, are you comforted or troubled?
Other Important Issues
Other Important Issues How the required work gets done!
Other Important Issues How the required work gets done! Volunteers/Supported Workers
Biblically There was always a mixture of volunteers and supported workers in the Old Testament and in the New Testament!
Ratio of Full Time Workers 1950’s – 1/ ’s – 1/ ’s – 1/ ’s – 1/200
Best Growth Most Effort Most Attention To Needs 1 Full Time Worker/100 Members
Why? Busier People
Why? Busier People Busier Volunteers
Why? Busier People Busier Volunteers People Who Know Less
Why? Busier People Busier Volunteers People Who Know Less Converts And Prospects Who Need More Time
Why? Busier People Busier Volunteers People Who Know Less Converts And Prospects Who Need More Time People With More Problems
So today we work to blend the production of volunteers and full time workers that look after babes and growing members to bring each one to maturity.
Everyone knowing and helping with the new member and the weak member increases the ratio of new converts that we keep! It is a ratio that we need to be aware of – 25% or 85%?
Other Important Issues How much training and valuable skills can we build into our local congregation!
We see great effort in the “Spiritual Heritage” Bible Class Program. We saw great effort when house to house personal work could still be done – 1950 – 1975!
I think we may soon learn the skills of building teams that work well together to do evangelism.
II Peter 3:10-14 …12 looking for and hastening the coming of the day of God…