Vocabulary Unit 2 Week 2
legendary A story that has been handed down for years and has some basis in fact Example: Stories about pirates became legendary because they are often part fact and part fiction.
muttered To speak in a low, unclear tone with your mouth closed Example: Josh was afraid to tell the truth because he did not want to get in trouble. He muttered when he spoke to his teacher. Synonyms: mumbled, talk softly
gaped To stare with your mouth wide open in surprise, shock, or wonder Example: Sandra gaped when she found out that someone crashed into her car in the parking lot.
snickering Laughing in a disrespectful and mean way Example: The villains were snickering and plotting an evil plan to capture Mickey Mouse.
insult A remark or action that hurts someone’s feelings or pride Example: Steve was insulted when his friends left him out of the kickball game.
flinched To react to something unpleasant by drawing back quickly Example: Jerrod flinched when the doctor gave him a shot. Synonyms: cringe, wince