Searching the Literature planning a search using information resources effectively Psychology (Applied) Heather Robb Academic Liaison Librarian October 2014
Outline planning a search where to look finding answers presentation practical workbook
Gathering information 1 – definitions 2 – search strategy 3 – choose resources 4 – begin searches 5 – refine searches 6 – note the sources of information used
What am I looking for? Planning is the key: look carefully at your topic break it down into concepts or themes e.g. “how can we assess the perception of another person’s gaze”? assessperceptiongaze
How to put concepts together AND perception AND gaze OR looking OR gaze
Boolean operators use the Boolean operators to help you express your search logically e.g. assessperceptiongaze AND
Synonyms and spellings think about other terms which mean the same i.e. synonyms, or related terms remember alternative spellings e.g. US vs British assessperceptiongaze testawarenesslooking AND OR AND
Widening a search Other options with keyword searching: use truncation to pick up plurals or other word endings –e.g. assess* = assessment, assessing use wildcards to pick up spelling variants – e.g. behavio?r = behavior, behaviour use adjaceny for words appearing in the same sentence –e.g. nature NEAR/4 nuture = nature nurture, nature versus nurture, nurture as opposed to nature,...
Widening a search AND OR AND assess*perceptiongaze test*aware*looking experiment*conscious*stare
Limiting a search Can you make your search more specific? For example: –English language –type of publication (review articles?) –type of population (human? animal?) –date of publication (last 5 years?)
Have a go... in pairs plan this search using the simple grid structure break the question down into key terms/concepts think of synonyms, alternative spelling and plurals decide which Boolean operators are required What part do genes play in human intelligence?
human intellig*genes OROROR homo sapiens intellect*geneOR IQgenetic* OR genom* AND
Selecting your resource(s) what kind of information do you want? which “finding aids” cover this type of information? e.g. –Library Catalogue for books or Discover for books, journal articles, theses, images, and more –databases e.g. PsycInfo/ PsycArticles or Web of Science for journal articles –Nexis UK or Factiva for newspaper articles
Psychology Subject Page
Tips Access via the Library website not via DUO Use Title field to focus a keyword search Use limit options to refine your search Use ConneXions to check for full-text online –also check Library catalogue link – for print options and alternative links Google an article title in quotes (“”) if not found via ConneXions to check for free full-text Use Library’s DDS not “pay-per-view” options
Questions? Do you think what you’ve learned in the session today will be useful to you in the future?