Catacombs - Underground Burial Place We placed the bones in the catacombs.
Connoisseur – Expert Mrs. Nowicki is a connoisseur of chocolate.
Accosted – confronted Mrs. Cole accosted Mrs. Nowicki about letting the students do what ever they wanted to do.
Imposture – Deception, Fraud The doctor was an imposter, he was actually a killer.
Impunity – Freed from punishment He felt the impunity of fair prosecution.
Leer – Stare The students leered at the teachers.
Motely – Apparel of many colors jester costume Kudos to the motley fool for keeping that one on their website.
Ignoramus – Ignorant - Unaware Some politicians show ignoramus reasons to justify their problems.
Sconce – candle holder The man grabbed a torch from the sconce which was on the wall.
Hearken – Listen Hearken, while I tell you a story.