EU TR and Certification -Industry Perspective in China Gao Ya China Timber & Wood Products Distribution Association 12 June, 2012 Berlin
1.1 China Timber Consumption In 2011, China totally consumed 500 million m 3 timbers, increasing 15.78% compared with the year of 2010
1.2 China Timber Supply In 2011, China timber supply is 500 million m 3 ( all timber and wood products are converted into logs),increasing 15.78% comparing with 2010.
2.China’s Timber Importation (Quantity)
2.2 China Log Importation ( Quantity ) Log Importation Quantity from 2000 to 2012 Imported logs (10,000 m 3 ) Hardwood Softwood
Change % Russia % New Zealand % USA % Papua New Guinea % Canada % Solomon Islands % Australia % Burma % Congo % France % 2.2 China Log Importation ( countries ) Imported countries
2.3 China Lumber Importation ( Quantity ) China Lumber Imported Quantity from
2.3 China Lumber Importation ( Countries ) China Lumber Importation Countries in 2012
Key Messages Not that China timber import is all bad! the real problem lies in a few countries where governance is too weak! Only reliance on export market pressure is not enough! The power of China’s domestic market is not to be neglected The influence of China on countries where it sources timber need to be better used
Landscape of Chinese Timber and Wood Products Industry Wood Promotion in Green Building Green Consumption Green Procurement FLEGT MOUs CTLVS EU-China BCM EU TR US Lacey PEFC FSCCFCC SFM LVS
CTWPDA is the only national organization in China timber distribuion industry, and has more than 3000 membership: Decorative veneer Structural engineered wood Chinese Red Wood Preservative wood wood veneer Timber Importer and Exporter Wood Wholesale Market Wood-based Panel Wooden Flooring Wooden Doors 4. CTWPDA