Elastic/Plastic Behavior of Infinitely Long Cylinders Subject to Mechanical and Thermal Loads
Objective Examine the stresses and strains of infinitely-long cylinders subjec to axismmetric mechanical (pressure) and thermal loads, to include: –Thin-walled and thick-walled cylinders –Plane-strain and plane-stress end conditions –Elastic and elastic-plastic behavior –Analytical and finite-element methods
References [1] Young, W.C., 1989, Roark’s Formulas for Stress & Strain, McGraw-Hill, New York, NY. [2] Hill, R., 1950, The Mathematical Theory of Plasticity, Oxford University Press, London, UK. [3] Ugural, A.C, 1999, Stresses in Plates and Shells¸ McGraw-Hill, Boston, MA. [4] Gao, X.L., 2003, “Elasto-plastic analysis of an internally pressurized thick-walled cylinder using a strain gradient plasticity theory,” International Journal of Solids and Structures [5] Jahanian, S., 1996, “Thermoelastoplastic stress analysis of a thick-walled tube of nonlinear strain hardening,” Transactions of the ASME [6] Tarn, J.Q., 2001, “Exact solutions for functionally graded anisotropic cylinders subjected to thermal and mechanical loads,” International Journal of Solids and Structures [7] Zhao, W., Seshadri, R., Dubey, R.N., 2003, “On thick-walled cylinder under internal pressure,” Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology
Schedule Proposal draft (Deliverable) – 9/23 Linear elastic stresses and strains (analytical) –Pressure loading, thin/thick-shells – 10/7 –Pressure loading with thermal effects, thin/thick shells– 10/14 First progress report (Deliverable) – 10/14 Elastic-plastic stresses and strains (analytical) –Pressure loading with thermal effects, thin/thick shells – 10/28 Linear elastic FEA analysis –Pressure loading with thermal effects, thin/thick-shells – 11/4 Second progress report (Deliverable) – 11/4 Elastic-plastic FEA analysis –Pressure loading with thermal effects, thin/thick-shells – 11/18 Final draft (Deliverable)– 11/25 Final report (Deliverable) – 12/9