Networking Research in Stony Brook University
Faculty and Labs Lab NameAcronym Experimental Computer Systems Lab ECSL Wireless Networking and Simulation Lab WINGS Media Networking LabMNL Faculty: Hussein Badr, Tzi-cker Chiueh, Samir Das, Jie Gao, Himanshu Gupta, Alex Mohr, Jennifer Wong.
Focus Areas Wireless LAN Wireless Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Media Networking Peer-to-peer Networking
Wireless router Mobile host Ad Hoc / Mesh Network
Mobile wireless router/host Ad Hoc / Mesh Network
Focus Areas Wireless LAN Wireless Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Media Networking Peer-to-peer Networking
Sensor Network
Focus Areas Wireless LAN Wireless Ad Hoc and Mesh Networks Wireless Sensor Networks Media Networking Peer-to-peer Networking
Wireless Interference Modeling (Das) Model wireless interference in an actual deployed network. Model network capacity based on measurements. Useful for many goals: –Routing –Channel assignment –Admission control for VoIP
Protocols and Algorithms for Using Multiple Channels and Directional Antenna (Das and Gupta) Use of multiple channels and directional antennas improve wireless network capacity. Many directions: from MAC protocols to topology control algorithms with provable properties.. Integration with routing.
RFID Sensor Networks (Das and Gupta) Augment a sensor network with RFID readers acting as sensors. Efficient channel access with multiple RFID readers. Applications: activity recognition, assisting blind people.
Carlsbad: Indoor Wireless Sensor Network Platform (Chiueh) Exploit commodity IEEE b WLAN access points (Linksys WRT54G, < $30) as building blocks for indoor wireless sensor network (WSN) applications Use SNMP as the basic interaction protocol among wireless sensor network nodes Provide a SQL interface and distributed query processing system to sensor data stored on WSN nodes Support dynamic channel switching to minimize impacts of Carlsbad on enterprise LANs First application: enterprise WLAN traffic and security monitoring, including spoof detection
Voice over IP on IEEE based Wireless Mesh Network (Chiueh) Challenges: –Quality of service guarantee –Per-packet overhead Solution: –A software-only MAC based on TDMA –Disable link-layer ACK, shrink contention window to zero and batching of downstream packet Result: allows a single IEEE b channel to support more than 50 two-way G.729 VoIP connections: < 10 in commercial VoWLAN products
MiNT: Miniaturized High-Fidelity Wireless Test-bed (Chiueh) Use radio signal attenuation to reduce physical space requirement Wireless network node on Roomba robot Vision-based robot motion control Self-charging for 24x7 unmanned operation Allow ns-2 code to run on MiNT without change Support re-configurable initial multi-hop network topology and run-time mobility during simulation Next step: comprehensive wireless network simulations on MiNT testbed
Topology Discovery in Sensor Networks (Gao) Given a network of sensor nodes deployed in an unknown region without location information, discover the boundary nodes. Joint work with Yue Wang, Joe Mitchell, to appear in Mobicom’06.
Routing Around Holes (Gao) Load balancing Do not overload nodes on the boundary. “Traffic road system”. Joint work with Shuki Bruck, Anxiao Jiang, Mobicom’05.