Spatial-temporal variability in ecosystem processes and water service in the context of climate and land use /cover changes Mei YU and Qiong Gao Dept Environmental Science University of Puerto Rico – Rio Piedras
Patch Landscape Constrained by Regional dynamics From LTER IV
Patch Landscape Constrained by Regional dynamics Climate change Precipitation, temperature, CO2, atmospheric deposition Long-term trends as well as seasonality and inter-annual variability Land use / cover change Urban sprawl and reforestation
Patch Landscape Constrained by Regional dynamics Climate change Land use / cover change What are beyond our research Interactions between climate and land use / cover changes Feedbacks from local and landscape processes to regional dynamics
Constrained by Regional dynamics Patch Landscape Patch dynamics – climate changes impacts Heterogeneity Connectivity – lateral flows of water of nutrients, seeds, roots
Along the elevation gradient Tabonuco Colorado, and Elfin forests How tropical forests differentiate in their responses to climate changes (trends and variability)? Patch - landscape
Soil translocation experiment
Patch – Landscape Gao et al. JGR, 2007
Patch – Landscape